new to me Glock 23


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Well I picked up a refurbed Glock 23 last night from Four Seasons along with some ammo and shot it today. The pistol came with 2 13 round magazines so I picked up a 20 count box of Federal Hydra Shok ammo for carry and a 50 count box of box American Eagle cheapie ammo to blast with.
The pistol is very accurate, more so than my 19 I had. Only problem is after I fired one magazine, I loaded and fired another clip full but while talking to a shooting friend I must have mistakenly put the mag filled with the Hydra Shok ammo in and fired that off too. While its good to see what performs best in a gun, blasting away with expensive ammo gets, well.... expensive.
Worst thing about it is that when firing from the second magazine, I had 2 bullets jam and point upward instead of going directly into the chamber. My own dumb fault for not concentrating because I thought I was shooting the cheapie American Eagle ammo all along and it wasn't until after we walked back to the bench did I realize I had shot off the Hydra Shok stuff. Now I don't know what caused the jam up. Was it the cheap ammo, the secondary magazine, or the Hydra Shok ammo? [rolleyes] I think tomorrow while i'm out i'll stop by Walley World and pick up some ammo and head back to the range, but pay close attention this time to what ammo is in what mag, etc.
I have the G22 and G27. The G22 was a refurb (also from four seasons), and I can feed it ANYTHING. No jams. The G27 was newish, and finicky at first, but a few hundred rounds later, and I can pretty well feed it anything. The truncated .40 bullet seemed (to me) to be the issue.

Hollow points can be especially tricky as I understand it, and get hung on the ramp. The HydraShok's have a fairly rounded nose to help feeding, so I wouldn't think you'd have an issue. Try some Hornady TAPs, they have even more of a round nose profile.

If it's only happening on one mag (regardless of the ammo), check the follower #. I guess there were issues with one of the followers - can't recall which (might have been #5), but look on a Glock forum.
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