Are we there yet?
Just got my two new spare magazines for the SW99 compact I'll use on the 27th (where this whole thread started), so I am all set on the equipment front. Already had a used two mag carrier, ear protection, and of course the ICE glasses I just bought, so I am good to go gear-wise.
About the "barney" mag. First, why do they call it that? Second, do people wear it on their person as a third magazine at an IDPA event? Is its only purpose just to ease loading one in the pipe so you don't have to re-insert on round in the competition mag by hand?
Gotta pick up some more ammo and maybe hit the range for the first time in a while to make sure I remember how to make this thing go "bang" and to check that the new mags don't hiccup on me.
Really looking forward to meeting some of you and participating in the class.