Okay here's my hot take on this after arguing with liberals for hours on twitter.
What are the chances that the cops are telling the whole story and not holding on important facts? What are the chances that the DA is doing the same thing? What are the chances that the media is playing with the truth?
Let's be honest with ourselves. We live in a blue state. This guy did too. Even if we dotted every i and crossed every t what are the odds that we'll end up in a jail cell even with a 100% solid perfect justification of use of force? Would, you or I or anyone else on here believe for a single microsecond that we would receive a fair shot at acquitting ourselves? Or would the state use every single legal trick and trap as a means of defeating even the most perfect justification of the use of force? Do you think the liberals in this state wouldn't want any of our heads on a stick?
Let me make this clear. I'm not justifying what was done. I'm not making excuses. It's very likely that this guy could have been a hot head and fired needlessly. But it begs the question. If this guy never broke the law in his life how much of a hothead could he be really? I've been around the block long enough now to see how DGU works. Any defensive gun use no matter perfect the justification and the shooter is an automatic villain no matter what.
My point in all of this is the pig pile. We all do it. I've been guilty of it myself, plenty of times. The point being that we play right into the hands of the left. Jump to conclusions without having all of the facts. The left doesn't care even if the justification is 100% perfect. The fact you, a plebe, used a gun, is what matters to them not the justification.
They are patterning us and it seems like far too many people of the gun don't see this. They want to create just enough doubt that in the moment that a gun is the most useful ever, we don't pull the trigger, we hesitate, and consequently accept our fate. The left realizes that they can't come after the guns so instead they're going to come after self defense. I'm not even saying that this was a self defense incident, it could be paranoia and stupidity. But in the end the left is now realizing that gun grabbing is done and guns are here so go after the reason for them to exist at all. I can see the pivot out there. It's subtle but it's there.