Newbie with an opinion type question

Jun 17, 2013
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I recently bought my first handgun ever: a brand new Beretta (made in Italy) 92FS. When I speak with others about it, they often say "It's a good plinking gun". What does that mean and is classifying it as such justifiable? Truthfully, I've yet to fire it and am having a little bit of post-purchase remorse because: (1) it IS a large gun (not east to carry concealed); (2) it IS a heavy gun (the conceal carry consideration as well); and (3) others keep suggesting Glocks are better.

I've even considered trying to exchange it for a Glock 19, however, the dealer from whom I bought it said that once "sold" it's considered used (I did mail in the warranty card on it to add 2 extra yrs. of warranty from Betetta) and the best I might fetch (on trade-in toward the G19 is about $375. I can get a new Gen 3 G19 at a local shop for $499 - I paid close to $750 for the Beretta with a nylon Uncle Mikes (?) holster and a cleaning kit).

I guess what I'm soliciting here are: opinions on the 92FS (is it a good handgun)?; is the Glock 19 a better one? What is this "plinking gun" thing all about?
Welcome to NES .

Don't trade it buy another handgun to CCW Glocks are Not the only Good firearms around. Ruger,S&W,and other all have good handguns for ccw best of luck
I used a Ruger SR9c .
i'm a glock fanboy despite my first gun being a 92FS. i love mt 92FS despite people hating it. haters can suck it.

if you decide you hate your 92FS you can give it to me, i'll give it to my girlfriend as a present as she loves that gun, too.
I think the plinking thing just means. "Any" common full size 9mm service pistol. Sig, glock, beretta etc. everyone has their preference.

92's a good gun but I personally am not a fan of all the extra buttons & levers.
i'm a glock fanboy despite my first gun being a 92FS. i love mt 92FS despite people hating it. haters can suck it.

if you decide you hate your 92FS you can give it to me, i'll give it to my girlfriend as a present as she loves that gun, too.

Am I the only one who read that too quickly and had to try again? I thought it said "... give it to me, I'll give you my girlfriend ..." [slap]
My first handgun was a 92FS and I love it. Its a great gun, easy to use, maintain, and its accurate. One of the reasons I bought it at the time was the low cost and ready availability of 9mm ammo ( [rofl]. Guess that didn't work out the way I expected) Anyway, take it out to the range as soon as possible, you will not be disappointed. Don't worry about 'plinking' I have heard it referred to everything from .22's to low tier AR's. Its a term often used by folks that don't like the particular firearm in question. Enjoy! [smile]
Your Beretta is a fine firearm. It is very accurate, has almost no recoil, and is reliable. What more could you ask for in a handgun? Sure, it is a little big for concealed carry but lots of people carry full sized service pistols.

Enjoy your new firearm. Practice as often as you can to get familiar and comfortable with it.

Welcome to NES
Have you ever heard of one with problems?

Great reliable 1st purchase.

Enjoy it.
Have you ever heard of one with problems?

Great reliable 1st purchase.

Enjoy it.

this, its the AK of the pistol world. A proven work horse, is it heavy? yes, is it big? yes guns come in all shapes and sizes. its one of my favorite to shoot. If you think its to big to CCW find something that is comfortable in YOUR hand not somebody elses. And don't sell it keep it. Welcome to NES and the addiction. You will be buying many more with time.
Ignore the haters, and buy guns that you like, not what others like. I have seen every gun ever made reviewed as both the greatest gun ever and the worst gun ever, depending on the preference of the reviewer.
I have never owned one but looks like there are plenty of guys on here that have and say good things about them. Don't let anyone spoil the fun for you. Go out and shoot it and enjoy.
Big,Heavy,All metal in 9MM = Cadillac smooth. Much better options out there for CCW.

The only thing IMO that SUCKS !!, is the slide mounted safety.

Keep it. Shoot it. Enjoy it.

And go get some preban's for it [wink]
Do not even consider taking a $300-400 bath on the Beretta without even trying it out. Like others have said, you'll probably have 2-3 more guns by the end of the year, and not every gun needs to be a concealed carry gun.

A big heavy gun that is comfortable to shoot will be a lot more fun at the range and will make you a better shooter because you will enjoy practicing with it. It can also be a great home defense gun.

I did see a guy at the counter at FS one day who was carrying one of these and pulled it out to show somebody. Of course, the guy was probably 450 pounds and was wearing an acre of fabric, but he concealed it just fine.

Good luck with the Beretta.
There is no such thing as the "perfect" gun for all purposes - that's why there's so many different types.'ve got a reason to go to the range - go there, and see what others have, and what you like. It's gotta fit you physically, mentally and $-wise.

Have fun.
So, which dealer sells you a gun for ~$700 then offers you $375 in credit without it ever being fired?

I would suggest you try it out, unless you are dead set that it's not the gun for you...could always join the forum and sell it here for more than that. Used guns seem to sell for the same price as new.
Nothing wrong with that pistol at all.
My son's favorite. He can pound the bullseye out of targets all day long with it.
Give it a try.
You can conceal carry a full sized with the right rig.
I carry a full sized 1911 in a jackass horizontal shoulder rig, with a light jacket.
Even if you keep it for a range gun, you won't be sorry.
The 92 is an excellent pistol. I have one myself and I like it a lot. I'd keep it if I were you. (I would get a better holster for it though.)

In general you'll get raped on trade-in values at any shop. If you really want to get rid of it you'd be better off selling it privately. A nice Italian-made 92 should fetch at least $600 on the open market without trying too hard.
I guess what I'm soliciting here are: opinions on the 92FS (is it a good handgun)?; is the Glock 19 a better one? What is this "plinking gun" thing all about?

Some members of the US Army have probably used it to plink people in the chest or head. It's a fine gun. Load it up, shoot the shit out of it for a year or two and if you still don't like it, sell it here in the classifieds for $600.
A few things:

1. Plinking - I *usually* see handguns sorted into 4 bins, which can overlap to a certain extent and be subdivided ad nauseum.
A. Carry guns
B. Home defense gun
C. Competition gun
D. Plinkers, aka everything else

Now, as you've figured out, the 92FS isn't most people's idea of a good carry gun. You certainly can carry it, but it is on the large & heavy side for most carry situations.

You certainly can compete with it, but I'm not aware of any form of competition where the 92FS is a pistol of choice. For any given competition, there are choices that most people find work better.

Home defense - yup, it'll do that just fine. But there's no rail for a light, and it doesn't readily accept alternative sights. So again, there are options that, as a general rule, more readily lend themselves to this category.

(Disclaimer: I am not knocking the gun. It is a good gun. And of course, the most important criteria in selecting a gun for any of these tasks is that it works for YOU, not for a bunch of strangers on the internet.)

Since it doesn't shine in any of those categories, people will call it a plinker. That is, you go to the range with it and have fun. I have lots of guns that are for that. It's not a problem!

Re: the trade-in value. Don't be afraid to try to sell a gun privately or take it to another shop to see what they'll give you. A gun is worth precisely what someone else is willing to pay you. If you don't like the price someone gives you, you are allowed to try to find someone who has a better answer for you. [wink]
I carry my 92 and love shooting it. Don't listen to other people, if you like it then shoot it. My other two guns are a Gen2 G17 and a Sig229, and I shoot my Beretta better than both of them. Just a matter of preference.
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You did fine. Keep the 92FS, take it to the range, and have fun.

A good holster and belt combination will help with the size and weight for CC. It's surprising what can be comfortably carried concealed with a proper set up.
Seconded. [smile]

And then you need a third to keep the second company when you have the 92 in use....and then you'll need a safe...and then you'll need to fill the safe...

Yeah and buy a bigger safe then you think.
I got a 14 gun locking cabinet , it will fit 14 guns in there if you cram them all in there . Then the next thing you know you have 18 guns.
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