Newsflash -- Precision Target Sports Bill Moves to Governor's Desk!!

C-pher said:
It's 9:45, where's the news wire? [grin]

They're busy putting the anti-gun spin on the press release. As soon as the spin-doctors finish their handiwork, it will be ready for prime-time. [rolleyes]
The State House - Boston

LenS said:
They're busy putting the anti-gun spin on the press release. As soon as the spin-doctors finish their handiwork, it will be ready for prime-time. [rolleyes]

Gov Romney signs precision firearms legislation

Standing before gun foes and gun allies alike, Gov. Mitt Romney gave his nod to the pro-gun lobby and signed a bill that would exempt highly accurate handguns from established safety and testing criteria designed to reduce firearms accidents.

Among the testing and approval procedures that would no longer apply, is a provision that the trigger pressure needed to discharge any handgun would be difficult enough that a toddler could not squeeze the trigger.

With gun related violence plaguing poorer communities, the legislation comes at a time when the City of Boston is experiencing it's deadliest year since the early 80's when crack cocaine ruled the streets.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino was on hand and offered his comments. "This is madness. We're losing one young life each day to gun violence and the gun lobby with the assistance of the Governor wants to insure that the criminals can accurately hit their victims".

A spokesperson for the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts was unavailable for comment.
Found one

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Department
State House Boston, MA 02133
(617) 725-4000​



July 26, 2006 CONTACT:
Eric Fehrnstrom
Felix Browne
(617) 725-4025​


Governor Mitt Romney today signed legislation approving an exemption for the makers of customized target pistols, who due to a provision within state law have found it increasingly difficult to do business in Massachusetts. The law requires gun makers to test at least five examples of all new products “until destruction” in order to prevent accidental discharges. Since specialty target pistols typically sell in small numbers and at higher costs than regular guns, manufacturers have found it uneconomical to sell them in Massachusetts.

“By making this common-sense change to the law we will enable target pistol manufacturers to do business in our state and allow enthusiasts to practice the sport they love,” said Romney.

“This long overdue correction in state laws now appropriately allows target shooting enthusiasts to develop competitive skills for national and international competitions. I am pleased with the Legislature and Governor’s approval,” said Representative Frank Hynes, the bill’s sponsor.

“These pistols are not so much weapons as they are sporting equipment,” said Marshfield resident Greg Derr, who was on the 1996 Olympic target shooting team. “The Legislature and the Governor are making a smart correction to a law that has put Massachusetts target enthusiasts at a competitive disadvantage.”

“Target shooters are an important part of our membership and I know they will be very pleased with this change,” said James Wallace, Executive Director of the Gun Owner’s Action League.
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mayor mumbles "accuratly hit their victims"?
All the news footage I've seen on inner city shootings brass is strewn everywhere plus where does a gangbanger get the 2k to buy the gun
Menino is such a dunce it amazing that this clown can actually make a coherent sentence oops strike that thought.
on a side not His channal "Sharpshooters' is on again today
highlander said:
mayor mumbles "accuratly hit their victims"?
All the news footage I've seen on inner city shootings brass is strewn everywhere plus where does a gangbanger get the 2k to buy the gun
Menino is such a dunce it amazing that this clown can actually make a coherent sentence oops strike that thought.

I think that we might need to start making more liberal use of <satire></satire> tags in some of the more creative posts. Not everybody gets it. If we're not more careful, we could find Irish children appearing on the menus of local restaurants. [wink]

You know, the idea of consumer safety laws applying to guns actually sounded sensible to me. Until I found that it was a scam being used to make it difficult to sell any kind of handguns in this state.

There are consumer safety standards for other equipment, if you buy an appliance or power tool, it is UL approved. But is UL approval voluntary? I would hate to buy a chainsaw that took my leg off because of defective design, and the same goes for blowing my hand off with a gun. So where is the right place to draw the line?
KMaurer said:
I think that we might need to start making more liberal use of <satire></satire> tags in some of the more creative posts. Not everybody gets it. If we're not more careful, we could find Irish children appearing on the menus of local restaurants. [wink]


You know.. the problem is... it's not something that we wouldn't expect from a MA politician. [rolleyes]
A spokesperson for the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts was unavailable for comment.

Why does it sound like GOAL was NOT invited to the signing ceremony?
LenS said:
Why does it sound like GOAL was NOT invited to the signing ceremony?

Not so, Len. GOAL's Executive Director, Jim Wallace was invited, and was there, as was Greg Derr, the GOAL member and Olympic pistol competitor, as were members of the junior rifle team.

The signing happened at the Governor's office at 9 a.m. yesterday.

If GOAL hadn't pushed as hard as it did, this bill would never have become law.

The good guys finally win one in Massachusetts!

Folks, if you live in Massachusetts and are reading this posting, if you are not a GOAL member, you really should be. Visit GOAL's web site,, or call the office at (508) 393-5333 to join this award-winning gun rights association.
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JimB said:
cross-x you say we won.

OK what did we win. Could you in the simplest terms explain what this
did for us.


You can now buy a Hammerli or Pardini. Whoopdie doo!
Coyote33 said:
You can now buy a Hammerli or Pardini. Whoopdie doo!

Don't be a DINK!

Little steps. This is how it starts, we get a little at a time. You want to change it all at once? RUN FOR OFFICE!
I think anything we can get done in MA is great! Anything.

I realize that it would be speculation as to what guns would qualify now, but has GOAL come up with a list as to what 'should' be approved now with this bill passed?

I thought I read somewhere in these threads that Kimber, Les Baer might be able to get some guns into MA now... however aren't all 1911 style guns also considered to be defensive guns?

I honestly hope the state doesn't try to negate the positive efforts that GOAL and it's members have put forth. That would piss me off.

Sorry if I'm posting redundant questions.
JimB said:
cross-x you say we won.

OK what did we win. Could you in the simplest terms explain what this
did for us.


JimB, you really should make an attempt to read the legislation for yourself before you ask for an explanation. It isn't that difficult. [grin]
Adam_MA said:
Don't be a DINK!

Little steps. This is how it starts, we get a little at a time. You want to change it all at once? RUN FOR OFFICE!


This may not affect us all, if any of us on this board DIRECTLY. Indirectly though, like Adam said, one step at a time. Ya know the old expression "Rome wasn't built in a day?" Well, we're in the PRM, and one step is a big step, regardless of if we ever want to buy a Pardini.
Coyote33 said:
You can now buy a Hammerli or Pardini. Whoopdie doo!

I bet you would be the first one on here complaining if the bill did not get signed. It's better then getting nothing at all. It hopefully will also show that the AG does not have the final say on what guns can and cannot be sold in this state from a FFL to civilian. As you know the AG was against this.
Coyote33 said:
You can now buy a Hammerli or Pardini. Whoopdie doo!

Yeah, I know some competition shooters and shotgunners who had exactly the same attitude when the federal AWB was allowed to sunset. Whoopdie doo! Now you can buy machine guns.

Poco a poco. One step at a time.

Lugnut said:
I thought I read somewhere in these threads that Kimber, Les Baer might be able to get some guns into MA now... however aren't all 1911 style guns also considered to be defensive guns?

First, the only thing stopping Kimber, Les Baer, et al from selling guns in Mass. is those companies' inertia. Simply put, they do not consider Mass. gun owners worth the effort. Note that a certain dealer keeps offering to PAY for the testing and Baer still ignores this state.

Second, your comment that "all 1911 style guns also considered to be defensive guns" will come as a great shock to anyone shooting Bullseye competition. [rolleyes]

Further, as has been discussed on this board numerous times before, SVI certified its two approved models as "target guns" to the AG's office. All are 1911 designs; each has been available here for several years.
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