NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

HB246 'Eldercare Gun Confiscation' will be voted on by the entire house on Wednesday 2/24 or Thursday 2/25 this week. The committee recommended that the 'Eldercare Gun Confiscation' bill be killed. Call your reps and ask them to vote to support the ITL and to kill this bill. In the words of one anti-gun activist, "I think that well has been poisoned." when speaking about retaining the bill to keep working on it. The anti-gun activists plan to bring this back next year and we need this one to die to help fight next years version.

Other bills that are worth asking them to support are: These were both close votes and the gun owners need to contact their reps to make sure these bills pass.

HB 81, relative to the justified use of deadly force upon another person. MAJORITY: OUGHT TO PASS. MINORITY: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.
Rep. John Burt for the Majority of Criminal Justice and Public Safety. HB 81 makes a two word change by adding ‘or another’ to the RSA. The law now says that a person may use deadly force on his own property if the owner reasonably believes that a person is likely to use any unlawful force in the commission of a felony against the owner. Adding ‘Or another’ to the law means the property owner would also be legally allowed to defend their guest that do not live in the home. Current law allows for a person in their home to defend all that live in the home. This bill simply restates the rights stated in the NH Constitution, Part First, article 2-a: ‘’All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.’’ Vote 11-10.

HB 197, relative to the use of deadly force in defense of another. MAJORITY: OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT. MINORITY: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.
Rep. Jennifer Rhodes for the Majority of Criminal Justice and Public Safety. NH laws already permit a person to use deadly force to protect themselves and their family inside their dwelling. This bill expands this right to allowing a person to protect themselves and their family against unlawful force during the commission of a felony while inside their vehicle. The rights of Granite Staters and their loved ones are of utmost importance and shall always be protected, upheld, and reaffirmed, regardless of property line boundaries. Vote 11-9.
Q: Why does Indefinite Postponement matter?
House rules:
(c) When a question is postponed indefinitely, that question shall not be acted on during the same session, unless two-thirds of those members present and voting vote in favor thereof.
From NHFC today:

An amendment to House Bill 440 will be introduced at Judiciary Committee tomorrow in order to protect ALL civil liberties during States of Emergency!

At 1:00 pm on Friday, February 26 - the House Judiciary Committee will hear testimony on House Bill 440. The original text of the bill was limited to protecting religious freedoms, but we have been reliably informed that an amendment will be introduced to protect ALL of our Constitutional Protections as outlined in the NH Bill of Rights. This amendment is necessary and makes the bill much stronger.

The bill, if enacted and amended, would read as follows:

"The power to make, amend, suspend, and rescind necessary orders, rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this subdivision [Governor's Emergency Powers] in the event of a disaster beyond local control, provided that civil liberties shall on no account be suspended, nor shall the United States Constitution or the New Hampshire bill of rights be suspended, set aside, or otherwise infringed."

This amendment is necessary following Binford v. Sununu, in which Merrimack Superior Court ruled that .... "n an emergency situation, fundamental rights such as the right of travel and free speech may be... suspended."

That dangerous ruling has provided extra cover for further emergency orders. While the NHFC takes no position on emergency orders issued by Governor Sununu, this legislation will prevent potential abuses of your second amendment rights under a different emergency or different governor at some point in the future.

We need you to sign in tomorrow IN SUPPORT of House Bill 440 and testify if you are able! The Judiciary Committee needs to hear from you so they will do the right thing!

You can attend this remote hearing without driving to Concord! The Committee will hear this bill at 1:00 pm on February 26 via Zoom. Please note that the public will NOT be allowed to attend in person.

We need you to testify at 1:00 pm on Feb. 26 in support of this bill remotely!

Please make every effort to 'attend' this hearing.

First: Call the committee at 603-271-3184 and leave a polite message with the committee secretary for all of the committee members about your SUPPORT FOR this bill.

Second: Call your own Representative (their info can be found here) and leave a message about your SUPPORT for this bill. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/default.aspx

Third: Send in an email to the committee that this bill needs to be SUPPORTED AS AMENDED Email HouseJudiciaryCommittee@leg.state.nh.us and put the bill number (HB-440 Amendment) in the subject line of the email and ask them to Adopt the Amendment and Support HB440.

Fourth: Sign-in or Testify in SUPPORT. Click Here --> Select February 26, 2020 --> Select Judiciary --> Select HB440. Insert your information and click SUPPORT.

To join the webinar: https://www.zoom.us/j/91679735236 or by Telephone: 1-929-205-6099
Looks like the NH House delivered on an incremental improvement to self defense laws......on to the Senate

HB197-As Amended-Passed


HB197-As Introduced was a better bill as it explicitly included "riot" related circumstances but this is still a win and helps to provide protection to folks against some of the shenanigans we've seen over the last year.

Anyone not familiar with NH statute on self defense should familiarize themselves with the RSA that the above seeks to improve should the Senate concur with House vote

627:4 Physical Force in Defense of a Person
Life in the NH house was apparently made a little easier when Dems walked out yesterday.....apparently they miscounted and the Speaker still had a quorum after he locked the doors.......then dems pitched a fit to try to get back in after they realized their miscalculation.
Counting to 201 is so very hard....

PS. taking the minority leader's personal favorite bill (HR246), which he prime sponsored several times, and driving into the ground with the indefinite postponement set the tone for the session.... 'I think we will go home now..."
Thank you to all of the gun owners that reached out to their reps.
There are two bills in CJ&PS that need to come of out committee with positive recommendations. Both of the bills need small tweaks to the language, but that should take place in committee.
You can email the entire committee at :

Ask them politely to pass these two bills.


Life in the NH house was apparently made a little easier when Dems walked out yesterday.....apparently they miscounted and the Speaker still had a quorum after he locked the doors.......then dems pitched a fit to try to get back in after they realized their miscalculation.


This is why I love nh. So much better than the commy wealth. Live free or die ! Lol
FWIW, session days are clearly worth live streaming.

If anything, provides for a great comedy... besides, we are paying for it, we might as well get to watch the show.
NH House Bill 467: An act relative to current use tax rate eligibility.

This bill provides that land used to harbor non-native, non-domesticated animals shall not be eligible for current use assessment under RSA 79-A.​

Such as gun clubs and game preserves harboring upland game birds from Asia.
I shared that one with (R) reps. It's obviously an attack on Corbin Park, but It could affect any of our many farmers of non-native species, like red stag deer.
I know this is more of a gun focused thread, but is there any will to strengthen our voting laws?
We need a lot more of this. I want to see 100% paper ballot forensics for federal elections within 30 days of the election so fake ballots can be culled out before the state certifies. Every federal election.
I shared that one with (R) reps. It's obviously an attack on Corbin Park, but It could affect any of our many farmers of non-native species, like red stag deer.
Our (Mass) club's GOAL Rep glommed onto the item and shared it for the newsyness.
But I just found where she got the language,
and there was a hearing on the bill at 10:30AM this morning.

NSSF: New Hampshire Anti-Hunting Legislators’ Sneak Attack
Rumor mill is that HB307 was voted on today and passed committee!

Still looking for details.
I know this is more of a gun focused thread, but is there any will to strengthen our voting laws?
From what I understand they are looking at doing some things but they are not trying to change same day voter registration. I think that has to be one of the bigger priorities. Just in my town we had 289 same day voter registrations.
[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the State. The Legislature shall enact no law that limits the right of a person to own, carry, or use firearms or firearm accessories in any manner that would create a greater burden than that in federal law. Any federal law that infringes upon rights guaranteed in this New Hampshire constitution shall be unenforceable by New Hampshire law enforcement.

I think it could be tightened up but it would essentially render NH a RKBA sanctuary state.
The wording of CACR8 isn't horrible, but still odd --
  • Why tie our 2A to "a greater burden than federal law"?
  • Is a federal law enforceable by New Hampshire law enforcement?
CACR8 and HB307 have been passed with much better language. I am waiting for copies of the amendments.

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of
themselves, their families, their property and the State. Neither the Legislature nor any
political subdivision of the State shall enact any law, regulation, or rule that limits the
right of a person to own, carry, or use firearms or firearm accessories in any manner. Any
federal law that infringes upon rights guaranteed in this New Hampshire constitution
shall be unenforceable by New Hampshire law enforcement.
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There will be a political training class in Concord, NH on 4/17. PM for details for those that are interested in learning how to protect our rights. (Open to MA residents as well)
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