NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

No, I remember it being discussed about the GFSZ aspect of our P&R. I can not remember exactly where it was though. Part of that included who signs the license and some police chiefs refusing to sign them. They said it wasn't required under law. I also remember it being talked about that if the selectmen sign the license, it didn't fall into the requirements for GFSZ.

So, yes, the sausage was being watched and I know how it got in there. But exactly what it was that got in there is another story.

Maybe design will have a little more insight on this. I do know that GFSZ was part of the equation.
The who issues the license (and how) is a potential issue under GFSZ, yes.

But there's nothing in GFSZ where going from a 4-year to 5-year minimum would make a difference.
HB197 has a Senate hearing on April 6th. Sign in to support the bill:
1:30 in the Judiciary committee. The bill allows you to defend yourself while you are in your car. Carjacking or kidnaping or even attempted murder.

1 Justification; Physical Force in Defense of a Person. Amend RSA 627:4, II(d) to read as follows:

(d) Is likely to use any unlawful force in the commission of a felony against [the actor within such actor's]a person in a vehicle, dwelling or its curtilage.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

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The who issues the license (and how) is a potential issue under GFSZ, yes.

But there's nothing in GFSZ where going from a 4-year to 5-year minimum would make a difference.

I am still looking for where I read & saw discussion about that. I know it was talked about here years ago, but there were also other places/publications that discussed it.
I am still looking for where I read & saw discussion about that. I know it was talked about here years ago, but there were also other places/publications that discussed it.
You mean accurate information can be gleaned from somewhere other than NES, INCONCEIVABLE!
Best site for updates is the state (Gencourt): gencourt.state.nh.us, the legiscan site tends to be updated more slowly, but at least it doesn't crash like gencourt so often seems to.

Here's the most recent news coverage I can find: New Hampshire lawmakers seek to blunt presidential orders on firearms
Even better is Gen Court Mobile, a service provided by the volunteers at New Hampshire Liberty Alliance.

The content there pulls directly from the state's servers, but provides it in a more useable form.

Premium content is available to members.

It's the only organization to which I have a life membership. For liberty lovers in NH, it's hard to find anything better.
192 Yea 152 Nay so does this mean it's the law?

Rep Gregg Hough of Belknap 3 had to leave the session because his house was on fire. Apparently, his Mother in Law was home and perished in the fire. Thoughts and Prayers.

Talk about a solid alibi... JK thoughts and prayers.
Crawford, KarelRepublicanCarroll04Excused
Danielson, DavidRepublicanHillsborough07Excused
Emerick, TracyRepublicanRockingham21Excused
Kilanski, BenRepublicanCheshire13Excused
Leavitt, JohnRepublicanMerrimack24Excused
Lundgren, DavidRepublicanRockingham05Excused
McBride, EverettRepublicanRockingham08Excused
Packard, ShermanRepublicanRockingham05Excused
Thompson, DennisRepublicanCoos01Excused
Harrington, MichaelRepublicanStrafford03Nay
Spilsbury, WalterRepublicanSullivan08Nay

Wolf, DanRepublicanMerrimack05Nay
Klose, JohnRepublicanMerrimack21Not Voting
McKinney, BetsyRepublicanRockingham05Not Voting
Tausch, LindsayRepublicanHillsborough21Not Voting
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I will have to reach out to Rep Harrington and see what this is about. He has been on the right side of every gun issue until now.
I would be interested in the answer. All my reps are liberal dems, so I know they voted nay.

I am concerned with the Excused and Not Voting though. While there are always legit reasons to be excused whether that be work, medical, family emergency, fatal housefire in Mr Hough's case, a constitutional ammendmant vote seems like a big one to miss.
I would be interested in the answer. All my reps are liberal dems, so I know they voted nay.

I am concerned with the Excused and Not Voting though. While there are always legit reasons to be excused whether that be work, medical, family emergency, fatal housefire in Mr Hough's case, a constitutional ammendmant vote seems like a big one to miss.
Good point. I removed him from this list.
Hough left on Wednesday when he got the call about the house fire, but was there on Thursday and Friday (his birthday), with his wife's blessing. I gotta say, that's more dedication than I would have had in that situation.

Some reps have no problem supporting sanctuary and not compelling state and local police to enforce federal laws. I'm in that group. Some have no problem flipping positions. And some recognize the hypocrisy of being for one form of sanctuary but against another, so they take a walk.

As always, Judy Aron had the best write-ups. She got a few details wrong, but the gist is correct.

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:
It's off topic, but the links to the articles led to the video showing Rep. Deb Stevens (D-Nashua) abusing her dog by leaving it in a vehicle. I challenge anyone to sit in a vehicle all day in the sun, even with the windows down, and see how hot it really gets.
It's off topic, but the links to the articles led to the video showing Rep. Deb Stevens (D-Nashua) abusing her dog by leaving it in a vehicle. I challenge anyone to sit in a vehicle all day in the sun, even with the windows down, and see how hot it really gets.
I've had to leave my dog in my truck a few times when it was really hot.
I leave her a bowl of water and leave the truck running with the AC on full blast.
Who's gonna steal my truck with her in there.
I've had to leave my dog in my truck a few times when it was really hot.
I leave her a bowl of water and leave the truck running with the AC on full blast.
Who's gonna steal my truck with her in there.
To be fair,
that "truck" of yours
has a mighty open "seating plan", so to speak.

Any dog that can't get enough air
sitting in the front seat of that
must be an Asthma-Hound Chihuahua.
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Rep. Harrington has already corrected this with the clerks office. Mistake on his part.

So on a critical vote with two choices other than various abstaining options, he screwed up? Am I reading this right? Doesn't sound like he is paying attention to the right things.

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