NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

I'd be ok with an enhanced P&R if I was confident it was and would always remain optional. Unfortunately I think it would just be used as a foothold to a permit requirement. There is simply no way to guarantee it won't be used this way.

I'm in the group of people who wouldn't get it, even if offered, but seems like even our current permit could be used similarly, or they could dream up a new permitting system, regardless. Just comes down to who we vote. Sure once the system is in place could be paving the way for more, but in NH what we have seen is the opposite - in the last 5 years we actually went full constitutional carry.

See both arguments, but really if the permit was a useful tool to expedite freedom, and gun owners want it, I'm not going to complain.
And with the above two points, if the state switched back to more Democrat control, they could just as easily do away with the con-carry and bring back a permit system. They could also require stricter standards. Look at MA. Even though it's in the State constitution about right to bear arms, that hasn't stopped the State from mandating all kinds of hoops to jump through.
All this talk about permits, I finally printed out the P&R application to drop off at the PD tomorrow.
Good luck. Hopefully you live in a "normal" town. First time in Claremont took longer than allowed. "The Chief is away on vacation. He signs them." The second time, I waited the full two weeks and went to pick it up. Clerk (digging in pile). "Oh, here's your application. We couldn't start it because we didn't have proof that you lived in town." WTF? You couldn't have asked for the DL when I dropped it off???. Charlestown (NH) - submitted on day one - called the next day to pick it up.
I have not seen the requirements to be a NICS-exempt state, where are the requirements documented?

They aren't.

While FBI conducts NICS, ATF decides who is exempt. States basically ask, then wait.

I've done a little bit of digging over the years and kind of came up with the same as KBCraig--not that he needs the backup here. ATF isn't publicizing it.

It would be interesting to look at the licensing procedures of the Permanent Brady states and see if they all meet some sort of specific similar requirement.

I had an NC CHP the last time I was stationed at Bragg. NC is a Permanant Brady State. The process varies from county to county with the mechanics of it, but all meets the same state requirements. Luckily my county(Harnett) was mostly online with their application process and the sheriff was pro armed citizen. Not at all a universal thing in NC.

Still, beyond the actual application, it included medical and pysch records release(fat chance since my stuff was in the military system), an eight hour classroom course which taught me that bullets came out of one side of the gun and a couple random laws, an easy livefire qual, fingerprinting, and about $100 of fees on top of the course fees.

I have also seen it stated on several forums(not digging for it now), that NC would routinely run NICS on all permit holders to monitor for revocation reasons. I can't back that up with anything official from NC.

They asked the ATF and the ATF granted the exception. A person still has to fill out the 4473 when purchasing from a dealer-the only thing you avoid is the five minute phone call to the Feds.

Not that it really matters much, it would be interesting to see if other exception states states have similar permit requirements. I wouldn't wat to see that come to NH voluntary or not.
A person still has to fill out the 4473 when purchasing from a dealer-the only thing you avoid is the five minute phone call to the Feds.
That's when NICS is up and not overwhelmed (again). Also this is seemingly tolerable in part due to the 3-day "Default proceed" rule, which of course the Biden administration has as a priority to eliminate.

I have also seen it stated on several forums(not digging for it now), that NC would routinely run NICS on all permit holders to monitor for revocation reasons. I can't back that up with anything official from NC.
I've heard the same story, recently about Illinois, but usually they cite Kentucky; ; As the story goes, the monthly recheck of permit holders wasn't a requirement by BATFE to become NICS-Exempt, but something Kentucky came up with on their own.
This is what AZ requires for initial application. The renewal was one page, asking if anything had changed. Easy. And good for 5 years. Don't want a permit? Don't get one and carry without. Only needed for NICS exemption and reciprocity. Other than sales tax (up to 10% with State and County) I can't wait to move back.

Packet must include:
Completed Application, both pages (basic quiestions, as on a 4473 such as if you have a conviction or been determined mentally incompetent)
Two completed fingerprint cards
Certificate or document demonstrating firearms competence
Payment $60.00 (money order or cashier’s check)
**Additional documents are required if you are a US Citizen born outside of
the USA or you are a documented permanent resident residing in Arizona
NHFC just sent out an alert on SB154. The language that the committee adopted needs to be fixed. See alert below: sign up for free on their website.

Dear Gun owner,

"I will take executive action..." Senator Kamala Harris warned a crowd in New Hampshire two years ago. Now the Vice President, Harris and President Biden are planning to do exactly that.

During the election, Harris and Biden promised to take action on firearms in the first 100 days... Their first 100 days are closing in on us, not even two weeks away. And, they have no gun control legislation to show for it - letting down their base in dramatic fashion.

But, lack of congressional action won't stop them. They, after all, have a "pen and a phone," and a "crisis" to leverage to implement executive action.

'Vice' President Harris', executive actions will likely target private gun sales, requiring "universal" background checks. She'll also aim to ban the most common semi-automatic rifles because they look scary. She wants to take your typical hunting firearm and claim that this is a 'assault weapon' and therefore needs to be confiscated.

"This is not about getting rid of the second amendment, it is about 'reasonable gun safety laws' there is no reason we have 'assault weapons' on the streets.." Harris told New Hampshire during the campaign.

There is something we can do, thankfully.

The New Hampshire Senate is considering Senate Bill 154, a bill that would prohibit any law enforcement officer in New Hampshire from enforcing the Biden/Harris gun grab schemes.

Unfortunately, while other groups and political parties are crowing about the bill, the amendment that Senate Judiciary Committee proposed neuters the bill, so we need your help.

E-mail your Senator TODAY [Insert your own subject line and additional text that you want, and sign and send the email] and tell them to say NO to Amendment 0987s! Ask them to adopt the amendment that addresses executive orders, ATF rules and Congressional actions. We have included an amendment below.

The Senate must make the bill stronger, not weaker. Please send them the proposed language below, and tell them to adopt this better, stronger amendment that protects your second amendment rights from infringement!
Here is the language of the amendment that the Senate NEEDS to adopt instead!

159-E:1 Federal Statutes, Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders Relating to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Pursuant to the general court's authority under Part II, Article 5 of the New Hampshire constitution, no person acting under color of state law shall take any action, expend any funds, or exercise any power of the state of New Hampshire to enforce any Executive Order of the President of the United States issued after January 20, 2021 or any federal rule, regulation, statute or mandate to ban, restrict, or regulate firearms, ammunition, magazines or other ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives. which has the purpose or effect of restricting or regulating the right of the people to keep and bear arms pursuant to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Part I, Art. 2-a of the New Hampshire constitution. This provision expressly extends protection to firearms, ammunition, accessories, and any other item commonly used or capable of being used in conjunction with firearms.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

NHFC just sent out an alert on SB154. The language that the committee adopted needs to be fixed. See alert below: sign up for free on their website.

Dear Gun owner,

"I will take executive action..." Senator Kamala Harris warned a crowd in New Hampshire two years ago. Now the Vice President, Harris and President Biden are planning to do exactly that.

During the election, Harris and Biden promised to take action on firearms in the first 100 days... Their first 100 days are closing in on us, not even two weeks away. And, they have no gun control legislation to show for it - letting down their base in dramatic fashion.

But, lack of congressional action won't stop them. They, after all, have a "pen and a phone," and a "crisis" to leverage to implement executive action.

'Vice' President Harris', executive actions will likely target private gun sales, requiring "universal" background checks. She'll also aim to ban the most common semi-automatic rifles because they look scary. She wants to take your typical hunting firearm and claim that this is a 'assault weapon' and therefore needs to be confiscated.

"This is not about getting rid of the second amendment, it is about 'reasonable gun safety laws' there is no reason we have 'assault weapons' on the streets.." Harris told New Hampshire during the campaign.

There is something we can do, thankfully.

The New Hampshire Senate is considering Senate Bill 154, a bill that would prohibit any law enforcement officer in New Hampshire from enforcing the Biden/Harris gun grab schemes.

Unfortunately, while other groups and political parties are crowing about the bill, the amendment that Senate Judiciary Committee proposed neuters the bill, so we need your help.

E-mail your Senator TODAY [Insert your own subject line and additional text that you want, and sign and send the email] and tell them to say NO to Amendment 0987s! Ask them to adopt the amendment that addresses executive orders, ATF rules and Congressional actions. We have included an amendment below.

The Senate must make the bill stronger, not weaker. Please send them the proposed language below, and tell them to adopt this better, stronger amendment that protects your second amendment rights from infringement!

Here is the language of the amendment that the Senate NEEDS to adopt instead!




159-E:1 Federal Statutes, Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders Relating to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Pursuant to the general court's authority under Part II, Article 5 of the New Hampshire constitution, no person acting under color of state law shall take any action, expend any funds, or exercise any power of the state of New Hampshire to enforce any Executive Order of the President of the United States issued after January 20, 2021 or any federal rule, regulation, statute or mandate to ban, restrict, or regulate firearms, ammunition, magazines or other ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives. which has the purpose or effect of restricting or regulating the right of the people to keep and bear arms pursuant to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Part I, Art. 2-a of the New Hampshire constitution. This provision expressly extends protection to firearms, ammunition, accessories, and any other item commonly used or capable of being used in conjunction with firearms.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Ok, I sent my democratic senator an email. Anything else I can do?
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Your browser is puking on a mailto: URL? Maybe you "banned" the default mail app on your machine? And you don't know how to mouse over and copy the address? Really? I'm not sure that's NHFC's fault.

Ok, actually, I am sure that's not NHFC's fault.
Email addresses extracted:

Draft email to Senate:

Dear Senators,
I am very much aware of what Biden, Harris and Congress are attempting to do to take away my rights as a citizen. I am writing to ask you to adopt the necessary language in SB154 to stop this and to pass this bill. The NH Firearms Coalition has recommended that we adopt the following changes to the bill to prevent either the executive branch or the legislative branch from taking away our rights:

Please adopt and pass:

"159-E:1 Federal Statutes, Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders Relating to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Pursuant to the general court’s authority under Part II, Article 5 of the New Hampshire constitution, no person acting under color of state law shall take any action, expend any funds, or exercise any power of the state of New Hampshire to enforce any Executive Order of the President of the United States or any federal rule, regulation, statute or mandate to ban, restrict, or regulate firearms, ammunition, magazines or other ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage."
Your browser is puking on a mailto: URL? Maybe you "banned" the default mail app on your machine? And you don't know how to mouse over and copy the address? Really? I'm not sure that's NHFC's fault.

Ok, actually, I am sure that's not NHFC's fault.
Actually, I figured it out. The web site is very poorly written. However, I could read the code. But, what is mouse over? Is that a windows thing? I haven’t used a pointing device in maybe 20 years. I am assuming you mean a computer by machine. Correct me if I am wrong. My bad really, i posted prematurely. But I wanted to help with this legislation.
Email addresses extracted:

Draft email to Senate:

Dear Senators,
I am very much aware of what Biden, Harris and Congress are attempting to do to take away my rights as a citizen. I am writing to ask you to adopt the necessary language in SB154 to stop this and to pass this bill. The NH Firearms Coalition has recommended that we adopt the following changes to the bill to prevent either the executive branch or the legislative branch from taking away our rights:

Please adopt and pass:

"159-E:1 Federal Statutes, Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders Relating to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Pursuant to the general court’s authority under Part II, Article 5 of the New Hampshire constitution, no person acting under color of state law shall take any action, expend any funds, or exercise any power of the state of New Hampshire to enforce any Executive Order of the President of the United States or any federal rule, regulation, statute or mandate to ban, restrict, or regulate firearms, ammunition, magazines or other ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage."
Thank you. Did so.
Actually, I figured it out. The web site is very poorly written. However, I could read the code. But, what is mouse over? Is that a windows thing? I haven’t used a pointing device in maybe 20 years. I am assuming you mean a computer by machine. Correct me if I am wrong. My bad really, i posted prematurely. But I wanted to help with this legislation.
Ok, well the above from NHFC... that's just a post here on this website that includes a link that contains the URL type mailto: and a list of addresses. Click on that and it will cause your browser to launch your default (or its default) email client. Might be one you hate if you haven't set it. :)

The "mouse over" is the bit where your pointer would (assuming you're using something with that arrow) reveal what you're about to click on/activate. You're doing something like that since you say you "click on links" though you say you have no pointing device. Whatever puts the cursor/pointer on that link so you can click on it should let you reveal what you're about to click on, either by hovering over it or doing something else (right click, etc.). I've not used a Windows PC in well over a decade, so I can assure you, it's not a Windows thing. :)
Ok, well the above from NHFC... that's just a post here on this website that includes a link that contains the URL type mailto: and a list of addresses. Click on that and it will cause your browser to launch your default (or its default) email client. Might be one you hate if you haven't set it. :)

The "mouse over" is the bit where your pointer would (assuming you're using something with that arrow) reveal what you're about to click on/activate. You're doing something like that since you say you "click on links" though you say you have no pointing device. Whatever puts the cursor/pointer on that link so you can click on it should let you reveal what you're about to click on, either by hovering over it or doing something else (right click, etc.). I've not used a Windows PC in well over a decade, so I can assure you, it's not a Windows thing. :)
Thanks! I really appreciate the help. This is the only forum I use, so sometimes get a bit flustered by how it works. A link shows as underlined and I tap on that, only choice. I got a bit freaked out because it tried to install an app. That never happens. I over reacted. Bottom line, I found my state senator, unfortunately a democrat, and sent them an email. All I can do really.
Other states have solved this, for example by changing the phrasing to read "The license expires exactly 5 years after the date of issuance".
No thank you. Our current law allows for a longer term license by specifying not less than 5 years and expires on the holders birthday. For example apply the da you after your birthday and the license will be valid for almost 6 years. All for $10. The New Hampshire system has worked well for decade. I’m told that some issuers interpret the not less than to mean as long as possible and issue 10 or 20 years licenses. Even if New Hampshire were to make the anti gun change you seek it is still questionable if the BATF would recognize it as nics exempt. So we end up with a big huge step back
No thank you. Our current law allows for a longer term license by specifying not less than 5 years and expires on the holders birthday. For example apply the da you after your birthday and the license will be valid for almost 6 years. All for $10. The New Hampshire system has worked well for decade. I’m told that some issuers interpret the not less than to mean as long as possible and issue 10 or 20 years licenses. Even if New Hampshire were to make the anti gun change you seek it is still questionable if the BATF would recognize it as nics exempt. So we end up with a big huge step back
Not sure where you are getting these ideas?

The 5 year term in RSA 159:6 only dates back to 2017, never saw any explanation from Senator Jeb Bradley as to why the change from 4 to 5 years.
Not sure where you are getting these ideas?

The 5 year term in RSA 159:6 only dates back to 2017, never saw any explanation from Senator Jeb Bradley as to why the change from 4 to 5 years.
Yes and no. The not less than 5 years dates to 2017, prior to that it was not less than 4 years. Same thing as I described, the not less than language allows a license to be issued for a longer period but not less than. I reacall in 2017 mention was made of 5 because a NH drivers licese is a 5 year license. In any event, with no prints, no photos and statute says issued by selectmen I doubt BATF would grant the exemption from NICS anyway
Yes, this is the reason why it was raised to 5 years
I do not think that's right (Re: GFSZ).

I think it was in part a reaction to a) dissatisfaction of people getting shorter licenses than they should under the prior 4-year law (really confusion or intentional non-compliance by some issuing authorities over an issuance soon after a birthday, so that aspect is more of a sop than a fix to noncompliance), and b) the idea that for a license to be a NICS substitute, one of the requirements is it must be valid for 5 years. That idea is perhaps untrue, but there was an effort under one variant in that set of bills to peg the license at exactly 5 years, and that 100% was in pursuit of the NICS exemption. That version was rejected by most of the progun groups, for reasons akin to what @granitestater talked about above.

Sometimes you have to watch the sausage get made to understand how certain things wound up in there. In this case, I am pretty sure it was more the political blending of conflicting goals than a single strategic decision.
I do not think that's right (Re: GFSZ).

I think it was in part a reaction to a) dissatisfaction of people getting shorter licenses than they should under the prior 4-year law (really confusion or intentional non-compliance by some issuing authorities over an issuance soon after a birthday, so that aspect is more of a sop than a fix to noncompliance), and b) the idea that for a license to be a NICS substitute, one of the requirements is it must be valid for 5 years. That idea is perhaps untrue, but there was an effort under one variant in that set of bills to peg the license at exactly 5 years, and that 100% was in pursuit of the NICS exemption. That version was rejected by most of the progun groups, for reasons akin to what @granitestater talked about above.

Sometimes you have to watch the sausage get made to understand how certain things wound up in there. In this case, I am pretty sure it was more the political blending of conflicting goals than a single strategic decision.

No, I remember it being discussed about the GFSZ aspect of our P&R. I can not remember exactly where it was though. Part of that included who signs the license and some police chiefs refusing to sign them. They said it wasn't required under law. I also remember it being talked about that if the selectmen sign the license, it didn't fall into the requirements for GFSZ.

So, yes, the sausage was being watched and I know how it got in there. But exactly what it was that got in there is another story.

Maybe design will have a little more insight on this. I do know that GFSZ was part of the equation.

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