NH 2021 Bill thread: Critical Bills need to be voted on 5/25

So on a critical vote with two choices other than various abstaining options, he screwed up? Am I reading this right? Doesn't sound like he is paying attention to the right things.
In these hearings off site, they are using remotes. While I have not seen one, I have heard from a number of members that it is easy to screw up. Bottom line is the House journal shows the corrected vote. We still need 24 more.
In these hearings off site, they are using remotes. While I have not seen one, I have heard from a number of members that it is easy to screw up. Bottom line is the House journal shows the corrected vote. We still need 24 more.

Some committee assignments probably need to be relooked then. Also seems like a nuclear engineer should be able to overcome a remote voting system. At the end of the day his no vote which is still on the online roll call didn't affect the overall outcome, but come on man.

His bio(yes, public info, but I redacted a couple things):
Some committee assignments probably need to be relooked then. Also seems like a nuclear engineer should be able to overcome a remote voting system. At the end of the day his no vote which is still on the online roll call didn't affect the overall outcome, but come on man.

His bio(yes, public info, but I redacted a couple things):
View attachment 475009
While I agree to some level, Mike is a solid rep so I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
If you hit the wrong button by accident, there is no way to correct your vote, other then contact the House Clerk.
If you hit the wrong button by accident, there is no way to correct your vote, other then contact the House Clerk.
Don't know what system they are using but in Framingham we used an electronic system for our 264 member town meeting. Pretty simple device with a number of unused buttons and 3 important ones Y A N, and an LCD screen that showed your choice. They start a timer, you vote, but can change it anytime up until the timer runs out. And results are immediately displayed on the big board. And yet they still messed it up some times when they copied them over to the clerk's record. There were also issues with the system's wifi (used its own, not the towns). So I can see where they could have issues if they weren't already using the system.
Remember, these people, both the reps and staff, aren't chosen for their technical capabilities.
Don't know what system they are using but in Framingham we used an electronic system for our 264 member town meeting. Pretty simple device with a number of unused buttons and 3 important ones Y A N, and an LCD screen that showed your choice. They start a timer, you vote, but can change it anytime up until the timer runs out. And results are immediately displayed on the big board. ...
My town tried field-testing such a system as a freebie at a town meeting.
Some techno-Karens scared the audience with questions that
not even the manufacturer's rep could answer.

So the only binding question the system was used for
was to reject the proposal to use the system.
So on a critical vote with two choices other than various abstaining options, he screwed up? Am I reading this right? Doesn't sound like he is paying attention to the right things.
There is no "abstaining option". Members present for a roll call must vote, per House rules.

It's a bit hard to enforce when meeting at the Sportsplex, but that's still the rule. If someone doesn't vote, the Clerk will call their name and ask for a vote.

Even when meeting in Representatives Hall, during very confusing times it's hard to enforce. Members can be in their seats but turn off their voting stations if they refuse to vote.


While I agree to some level, Mike is a solid rep so I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
A member's vote can be changed in the official journal, but it will not change the outcome of the vote as recorded on the floor. If it passes, it passes, even if the member didn't intend to vote for passage.
So on a critical vote with two choices other than various abstaining options, he screwed up? Am I reading this right? Doesn't sound like he is paying attention to the right things.
I've watched this happen. Two reps are in the midst of a conversation about something other than the issue at hand. (' I already know how I am going to vote, so I do not need to listen to those bloviating for 10 minutes, lets discuss last nights game... oh crap I need to vote, what was the committee recommendation again??"
In NH we agree with or oppose the committees recommendation, we do not vote on the actual passage of the bill.
For example committee says ITL (inexpedient to legislate) the bill.... the correct vote is NO if you want to pass the bill.
If Mike's vote was the deciding vote, there is recourse and that has happened. a motion for reconsideration is made with the clerk and it is in the calendar.
I've watched this happen. Two reps are in the midst of a conversation about something other than the issue at hand. (' I already know how I am going to vote, so I do not need to listen to those bloviating for 10 minutes, lets discuss last nights game... oh crap I need to vote, what was the committee recommendation again??"
In NH we agree with or oppose the committees recommendation, we do not vote on the actual passage of the bill.
For example committee says ITL (inexpedient to legislate) the bill.... the correct vote is NO if you want to pass the bill.
If Mike's vote was the deciding vote, there is recourse and that has happened. a motion for reconsideration is made with the clerk and it is in the calendar.
"Yes! We have no bananas!"
There is no "abstaining option". Members present for a roll call must vote, per House rules.

It's a bit hard to enforce when meeting at the Sportsplex, but that's still the rule. If someone doesn't vote, the Clerk will call their name and ask for a vote.

Even when meeting in Representatives Hall, during very confusing times it's hard to enforce. Members can be in their seats but turn off their voting stations if they refuse to vote.


It may still be in the works, but with the recent requirement to allow remote attendance is the whole voting situation moot or does it complicate matters?

I've watched this happen. Two reps are in the midst of a conversation about something other than the issue at hand. (' I already know how I am going to vote, so I do not need to listen to those bloviating for 10 minutes, lets discuss last nights game... oh crap I need to vote, what was the committee recommendation again??"
In NH we agree with or oppose the committees recommendation, we do not vote on the actual passage of the bill.
For example committee says ITL (inexpedient to legislate) the bill.... the correct vote is NO if you want to pass the bill.
If Mike's vote was the deciding vote, there is recourse and that has happened. a motion for reconsideration is made with the clerk and it is in the calendar.

No offense, but you seem to be going way out of your way to cover for him. I'm not attacking him, I'm simply calling out a blatant f***up on a critical vote. Technical difficulties or not. It's not like we're talking about something non important like HB260(which I would love to get over the hump one of these years).

He's probably a good rep. I'm not talking voting party lines good rep, but generally coming down on the proper side of issues. The gentleman above in his district seems to think so. So do you which means a lot. I'm sure he's better than my donkey gals in Grafton 8. Still a big mistake/screwup/fat finger issue, etc.

Perhaps we can pay Dominion to make a new system for the state.
It may still be in the works, but with the recent requirement to allow remote attendance is the whole voting situation moot or does it complicate matters?
There is no remote attendance for House session days. Reps are either there in person, or absent.

Committee meetings allow remote participation. All votes in committee are roll call, and the member must appear on camera while casting their votes (no phone votes).

That's barely manageable with 21 committee members. It's never going to happen with 400 members for the full House.
There is no remote attendance for House session days. Reps are either there in person, or absent.

Committee meetings allow remote participation. All votes in committee are roll call, and the member must appear on camera while casting their votes (no phone votes).

That's barely manageable with 21 committee members. It's never going to happen with 400 members for the full House.

Crap. That's what I get for hastily browsing articles. I was obviously referring to the Dem's successful appeal of the in person requirement, but then I see it was simply kicked back down to Concord to sort everything out.

Court rules for Democrats in debate over legislative session

BTW and not being cheesy: I appreciate your comments in these threads.
Crap. That's what I get for hastily browsing articles. I was obviously referring to the Dem's successful appeal of the in person requirement, but then I see it was simply kicked back down to Concord to sort everything out.

Court rules for Democrats in debate over legislative session

BTW and not being cheesy: I appreciate your comments in these threads.
I read the link, I know the Dems are calling it a victory but I don't see it as that much of a victory. The Court sent it back to Concord to hold hearings to see if Covid qualifies under the ADA. I would say that it does not because it is not a "disability" it's an illness. And as soon as any court equates an illness to a disability we will have huge, long reaching, implications. The ADA was supposed to help those with true disabilities, calling Covid, or any passing illness a disability is insulting and degrading to those that truly need help. ADA groups SHOULD be speaking out against this.
The ADA was supposed to help those with true disabilities, calling Covid, or any passing illness a disability is insulting and degrading to those that truly need help. ADA groups SHOULD be speaking out against this.
  • Honor their charter and mission statement
    • -or-
  • Inflate their "customer base"
Rule that will be applied:


Scientists could invent suspensor belts and anti-grav units
that totally eliminated the need for wheelchairs,
and ADA shysters would still be in court at 8AM the next day,
filing lawsuits against businesses that had the wrong color paint
on their wheelchair ramps.
Seeing as it might be a good idea to post bills in a place where people can find them...
Edit 3/2
See bottom of page 2 for the latest text to CACR8 regarding making NH a 2a friendly state. I think you will like it.

Edit: 2/20
House to meet on 2/24 and 2/25 to decide the outcome of 3 bills of importance, see post 32


HB246 'Eldercare Gun Confiscation' also has a continued hearing tomorrow. Please take 2 minutes to sign in against and if you can stream during your afternoon, sign up to speak and just ask that the bill be ITLd


1:00 p.m. HB 246, establishing a protective order for vulnerable adults.
Executive session on pending legislation may be held throughout the day, time permitting, from the time the committee is initially convened.
Committee members will receive secure Zoom invitations via email.
Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. To join the webinar: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 1-929-205-6099
3. Webinar ID: 927 6904 4991
The following email will be monitored throughout the meeting by someone who can assist with

Several gun bills having hearings next week.
This is the link to sign in, in favor of these bills: http://gencourt.state.nh.us/.../remotetestimony/default.aspx

Monday 2/8
Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. To join the webinar: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 1-929-205-6099
3. Webinar ID: 956 8668 1680
The following email will be monitored

10:30 a.m. HB 253-L, requiring law enforcement officers to use body-worn cameras and establishing a grant program to assist local law enforcement agencies to purchase body-worn cameras.
2:30 p.m. HB 507, prohibiting no-knock warrants.

Wednesday 2/10
Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. To join the webinar: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 1-929-205-6099
3. Webinar ID: 968 1561 3466
The following email will be monitored

9:00 a.m. CACR 8, relating to firearms. Providing that the legislature make no law restricting the right to own, carry, or use firearms or firearm accessories.
10:00 a.m. HB 195, adding display of a firearm as an exception to reckless conduct.
11:00 a.m. HB 307, relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
11:45 a.m. HB 334, relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile.
2:30 p.m. HB 579, requiring notice to the public before immigration checkpoints are conducted.
HB 264 looks to be dead for now...
Status: (Introduced) 2021-02-24 - Indefinitely Postpone (Rep. Burt): Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 195-158 02/24/2021 House Journal 3 P. 69 [HB246 Detail]
From NHFC: Sign up for their alerts if you have not!!!

There is a lot to celebrate from this past week. On Wednesday April 21st, County Attorney Patricia Conway asked to have her name removed for consideration for a Superior court judgeship. Your activism made this possible as the real decision was made the day before when there were at least 3 Executive counselors who had decided to vote against her nomination if the nomination was brought up on Wednesday. Two of the 3 made their views public on Monday via the press. Thank you for your activism!

We are still looking into the new court nominations. If you know anything about either please contact us:
  • Elizabeth M. Leonard, Concord
  • Daniel E. Will, Loudon
Both of these individuals have been nominated to the NH Superior Court system. Together we are a more powerful voice then we are as individuals.

This week in Concord there are two bills that you need to know about:

SB 154 (Prohibiting the state from enforcing a Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms).

A better name for this bill is ‘The "want-to-be" NH 2a Sanctuary State act’. This bill will have a public hearing Wednesday April 28 beginning at 11:30 AM you must register for this hearing in advance if you wish to testify or register your support for the bill. The bill as passed by the Senate was next to useless as it only dealt with Executive Orders and we are hearing that the House is willing to amend it to make it better, but the amendments that have leaked out, have no consequences for breaking this new statute.

Any real 2a sanctuary state act needs to prohibit all of the following:

  • Executive orders
  • ATF rules
  • Congressional actions

...and needs to have penalties for public employees that attempt to enforce those unlawful rules, regulations and statutes. Insist that the House committee adopt a amendment to this bill with real teeth to protect our rights.

Some forthcoming Federal legislation has already been introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate in Washington DC include: Note, two of these bills have already passed one branch.

  • H.R. 8 (Universal Gun Registration Act).
  • H.R. 121 (ATF Expansion Act)
  • H.R. 125: (Mandatory 7 day waiting period Act)
  • H.R. 127 (Elimination of normal magazines Act)
  • H.R. 167 (Gun Show Prohibition Act)
  • H.R. 880 (Regulate all Firearms Act)
  • H.R. 881 (Tie Guns to to Public Health Act)
  • H.R. 1008 (Government control of Triggers Act)
  • H.R. 1207 (Eliminate Online Ammo Sales Act)
  • H.R. 1446 (Mandatory 10 day waiting period Act)
  • SB 292 (Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill)
  • SB 736 (Assault Weapons Ban)
  • SB 591 (The Yet another Background Check Bill)

ALL of these bills are dangerous and unconstitutional. NHFC believes that New Hampshire should stand firm in rejecting these unconstitutional attempts at disarmament, and legislate protections for gun owners here in SB 154.

Sign in here: Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court This bill is before the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. Whether or not you testify, sign in and show your support for this bill by close of business Tuesday.

Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. To join the webinar cut and paste the following link: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. Or Telephone: 1-929-205-6099
3. Webinar ID: 971 4377 9905
The following email will be monitored throughout the meeting by someone who can assist with and alert the committee to any technical issues: hcs@leg.state.nh.us or call (603-271-3600).

The bill in a nutshell: This bill prohibits any person acting under color of state law or as an agent of the state from taking any action, expending any funds, or exercising any power of the state of New Hampshire to enforce any Executive Order of the President of the United States which has the purpose or effect of restricting or regulating the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

NHFC Supports the passage of SB154 with amendments to make it broader and to give it teeth.

There is one other hearing that day that is of interest: SB 141 Relative to the procedure for conducting firearm background checks. (The "We just want our new gun to go home with us today'' bill) will have a public hearing Wednesday April 28 beginning at 9:00 AM you must register for this hearing in advance if you wish to testify or register your opposition for the bill as it is written.

The current Brady check system is unconstitutional and there is no clear solution that is a true win for gun owners. The only true solution is to repeal the unconstitutional law.

To join the Zoom meeting on Wednesday use this link Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Thank you to Rep Burt for this image. (saved from Burt's ZuckBook page)

FWIW, the amendment looks like a clean amendment.

Adopted 11-10 presumably on party lines today. Ironically, Rep. Altshiller was busy advocating all day for the #GunLobby in NH winning.
BTW, we accept her challenge of #GunsEverywhere [photo 2]

Guys, [and gals] the hysteria team has tossed down the gauntlet, let's make sure we accept and deliver on this challenge. #BuyAgun

SB154 amedment picture2.jpg
Altschiller on SB154 and guns everywhere.jpg
Many hearings on Monday May 10th:
Sen. Carson (C), Sen. Gannon (VC), Sen. French, Sen. Whitley, Sen. Kahn
1:00 p.m. HB 196, adding trespass as an exception to the charge of criminal threatening.
1:15 p.m. HB 195, adding display of a firearm as an exception to reckless conduct.
1:30 p.m. HB 307, relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
1:45 p.m. HB 334, relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or

2:00 p.m. Hearing on proposed Amendment #1144s, , to HB 108-FN-LOCAL, relative to
minutes and decisions in nonpublic sessions under the right-to-know law.
2:15 p.m. Hearing on proposed Amendment #1251s, relative to minutes and decisions in
nonpublic sessions and making an exemption for items falling within the attorney client
privilege or the attorney work product doctrine under the right-to-know law.,
to HB 108-FN-LOCAL, relative to minutes and decisions in nonpublic sessions
under the right-to-know law.

Committee members will receive secure Zoom invitations via email.
Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. Link to Zoom Webinar: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. To listen via telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your
current location):
1-301-715-8592, or 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099, or 1-253-215-8782, or
1-346-248-7799, or 1-669-900-6833
3. Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13126266799,,98971061867# or +16465588656,,
4. Webinar ID: 989 7106 1867
5. To view/listen to this hearing on YouTube, use this link:
6. To sign in to speak, register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, use
this link: General Court of NH - Senate
Bills with hearings on 5/10

1:00 p.m. HB 196, adding trespass as an exception to the charge of criminal threatening.
1:15 p.m. HB 195, adding display of a firearm as an exception to reckless conduct.

1:30 p.m. HB 307, relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition.

1:45 p.m. HB 334, relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile.

Sen. Carson (C), Sen. Gannon (VC), Sen. French, Sen. Whitley, Sen. Kahn
1:00 p.m. HB 196, adding trespass as an exception to the charge of criminal threatening.
1:15 p.m. HB 195, adding display of a firearm as an exception to reckless conduct.
1:30 p.m. HB 307, relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition.
1:45 p.m. HB 334, relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or
2:00 p.m. Hearing on proposed Amendment #1144s, , to HB 108-FN-LOCAL, relative to
minutes and decisions in nonpublic sessions under the right-to-know law.
2:15 p.m. Hearing on proposed Amendment #1251s, relative to minutes and decisions in
nonpublic sessions and making an exemption for items falling within the attorneyclient
privilege or the attorney work product doctrine under the right-to-know law.,
to HB 108-FN-LOCAL, relative to minutes and decisions in nonpublic sessions
under the right-to-know law.
Committee members will receive secure Zoom invitations via email.
Members of the public may attend using the following links:
1. Link to Zoom Webinar: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
2. To listen via telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your
current location):
1-301-715-8592, or 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099, or 1-253-215-8782, or
1-346-248-7799, or 1-669-900-6833
3. Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13126266799,,98971061867# or +16465588656,,
4. Webinar ID: 989 7106 1867
5. To view/listen to this hearing on YouTube, use this link:
6. To sign in to speak, register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, use
this link: General Court of NH - Senate
Feel free to share or plagiarize...

Sample email to the Senate:
Sharon.Carson@leg.state.nh.us; William.Gannon@leg.state.nh.us; Harold.French@leg.state.nh.us; Becky.Whitley@leg.state.nh.us; Jay.Kahn@leg.state.nh.us; jennifer.horgan@leg.state.nh.us

Dear Senate Judiciary Members,

There are 6 critical second amendment bills that are in the possession of the your committee and need to be voted out prior to the Senate Calendar Deadline.

Please vote OTP on ALL the following bills:

HB307 "The 2021 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State Act" [relative to the state preemption of the regulation of firearms and ammunition.]

HB195 "Ending prosecution for display of a firearm under reckless conduct" [adding display of a firearm as an exception to reckless conduct.]

HB196 "Property protection is not a crime" [adding trespass as an exception to the charge of criminal conduct.]

HB197 "Expanded Stand your Ground for vehicles" [relative to the use of deadly force in defense of another.]

HB334 "Constitutional Carry for ATV and Snowmobiles" [relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile.]

HB440 "The 2021 Protect Our Constitutional Rights Act" [prohibiting the suspension of civil liberties during a state of emergency.]

It is essential that while we have a legislature that favors our 2nd amendment rights that we undo the damage from years of abuse.
Annoying that the bills in committee aren't listed on the senate calendars. I had picked up the habit of checking the house and senate calendars on the weekend and was like-hmm, boring week.
Thanks for the info and the email blast last night. I'll use some of the info in the email and push a note to the committee members/their aide today.
Annoying that the bills in committee aren't listed on the senate calendars. I had picked up the habit of checking the house and senate calendars on the weekend and was like-hmm, boring week.
Thanks for the info and the email blast last night. I'll use some of the info in the email and push a note to the committee members/their aide today.

This... I checked as well and there was nothing. Thanks for the heads up.
HB196 is keep (Rereferred to Committee) in committee by a 5-0 vote. Bill is dead unless they reconsider today.
Senate Judiciary is killing the good bills.:mad::mad::mad:

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Getting two friends to email in as well is even more helpful.

Did you just assume that I have friends?[sad]🙃

Looks like HB334 made it through, HB195 as well with an amendment. No update yet on HB197(I guess it stayed in committee since the 13 May vote) and disappointment on the other three as you've already noted.
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