NH Alert: Hohenwater back in town, Constitution Carry in Jepordy

Well, it was a nice day. Now, watch the NRA come in and fudge it up. The funny part? You NRA bitches are paying that guy to screw you over. If you live in NH and are still a paying NRA member, you seem to have an extremely stiff learning curve. LaPierre and his bunch of asshats won't see a dime or a smidgen of support from me. Ever. I'd rather listen to hip hop.

Support the local groups that defend your rights to keep you and your family free. If you're concerned about animal trophies on your wall, support the NRA.
The best thing to do is to forward this list of phone numbers to your friends and ask them to help the cause by calling this list:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 10:30 am ET. A HB582 (Constitutional Carry) and HB685 (Stop federal gun control) are being decided by the committee on Tuesday this week. The following key committee members need to be called:


1. Call these key committee members. Be strong, but professional. Urge them to vote YES, Ought to Pass on HB582, HB685!

Shawn Sweeney (R) (603)265-0319
Robert Fisher (R) (802)727-0441
John Martin (R) (603)774-3098
Robert Fesh (R) (603)434-1550
Dick Marston (R) (603)666-7334

2. Call the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee. Again, be firm and professional. Strongly urge them to vote YES, Ought to Pass on HB582, HB685. If they won’t commit to a YES vote, ask them why.

John Tholl (R) Chair (603)837-2278
David Welch (R) Vice Chair (603)642-4402

3. Call other members of the Committee who may be "on the fence". Again, be strong but respectful. Ask them each for a YES, Ought to Pass vote on HB582, HB685. If they say they’re opposed or undecided ask them why

Arthur Barnes (R) (893)475-4754
David Fields (R) (603)528-6224
Timothy Robertson (D) (603)352-7006

4. Send a group email to all the committee members. You can email all the committee members at one time. Give them your name and what city or town you live in. Let them know you want to see a YES, Ought to Pass vote on HB685 in their committee.

[email protected]
All but one number are republicans. If everything was right with the GOP, we wouldn't even have this conversation. Sad state of affairs when you have to convince republicans to cast a vote for freedom.
The NRA has turned into a Washington lobby group. Support local pro gun groups and get off the national NRA bandwagon....it will only suck you down the national rathole

Remember, Harry Reid was a big NRA supporter....look what that got us!!!
Thanks guys. I'm going to refrain from contacting NRA-ILA myself since (in legal parlance) I don't have standing. But I am very interested in what response you get, if any. I've seen a lot of anti-NRA stuff, both here and on the web, but I've yet to read anything about someone actually getting a response from NRA.
I wonder where Acujeff and all the NRA knob polishers are in this thread, LMAO. The silence is deafening.

Unless hohenwarter is telling these pols "support the bill as written" then the POS is up to no good. My bet is on the latter, though.

I let my NRA membership lapse after Hohenwarter screwed the pooch the last time he was here. The fact that's he's trying to stick his nose where it doesn't belong this time around tells me my decision was a wise one.
The NRA is not interested in too much freedom. They wouldn't be needed if everybody could just CC. Their fees for courses would go out the window too. At this point, I can't even believe Hohenwater did (and will do it again) screw us here in NH without some sort of blessing from his uppers. I think they know exactly what he's doing, and they figure it's alright. It's all a big chess game for them, and we are the expendable pawns. We're good (in their minds) to pay membership fees and draw the checkbook every time they send a begging letter, and that's about it. It was started for all the right reasons, but they are our friend no more.
Each individual state seems to be a pawn in the NRA "long game", much in the same way each state is a pawn in the anti "long game". We're like lice on the hair of the pawns in their view... We might be able to influence the pawn to act in a certain way, but in the end the pawn and us are expendable.
As a new resident of NH, this has been my first involvement. Called yesterday and emailed today. Be polite but hit 'em hard. I want to see NH give Washington a giant middle finger of freedom.
I let my NRA membership lapse after Hohenwarter screwed the pooch the last time he was here. The fact that's he's trying to stick his nose where it doesn't belong this time around tells me my decision was a wise one.

Same here...I was considering renewing my membership this year but screw that, not with this clown on the loose...what NH association gives us NH citizens the best bang for the buck?
Forgive my ignorance, but if NH gets constitutional carry does that mean that as a MA resident I would no longer be required to have an out of state NH
carry license?
Forgive my ignorance, but if NH gets constitutional carry does that mean that as a MA resident I would no longer be required to have an out of state NH
carry license?

Nobody would need a license to carry in NH. Where you reside would be irrelevant. It would be like Vermont, except NH would still retain its license for reciprocity purposes etc.

Nobody would need a license to carry in NH. Where you reside would be irrelevant. It would be like Vermont, except NH would still retain its license for reciprocity purposes etc.


True but the NH non-resi allows carry in PA. The PA non-resi is like MA (PITA), you need to go in the flesh to get it or renew.
True but the NH non-resi allows carry in PA. The PA non-resi is like MA (PITA), you need to go in the flesh to get it or renew.

There is a lot of debate about that, supposedly this only applies for RESIDENT NH licenses, not the plastic cards us feebs get, but I'm not sure if that issue has been cleared up.

The PA license is not really a pain, considering you can basically walk into the Sheriff's office with a little paperwork, fill out the form, and just get it on the spot. There's no wait, no live fire, no other BS.... the only thing that's a pain is there is no more mail order service for it.

There is a lot of debate about that, supposedly this only applies for RESIDENT NH licenses, not the plastic cards us feebs get, but I'm not sure if that issue has been cleared up.

The PA license is not really a pain, considering you can basically walk into the Sheriff's office with a little paperwork, fill out the form, and just get it on the spot. There's no wait, no live fire, no other BS.... the only thing that's a pain is there is no more mail order service for it.


From handgunlaw.us site on PA reciprocity:

Permits/Licenses This State Honors
8 Alaska Arizona1 Arkansas Colorado Florida1
Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine1 Michigan Mississippi1 Missouri Montana New Hampshire North Carolina North Dakota2 Oklahoma South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah1 Virginia1 West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

1Pennsylvania Honors Non-Resident Permits/Licenses From the States They Honor Except for Arizona, Florida, Maine, Mississippi, Utah and Virginia. They have agreements that specifically states “Legal Resident of AZ, FL, ME, MS, UT and VA. You can see the agreements Here. AZ, FL, ME, MS, UT and VA Permit/Licenses issued to non-residents are no longer valid in PA
North Dakota2 - PA only honors the ND Class 1 Permit.

Looks to me like the NH non-resi is 100% good in PA.
From handgunlaw.us site on PA reciprocity:

Looks to me like the NH non-resi is 100% good in PA.

I know what it says but honestly you need to dig into this issue further, there were serious problems with it awhile back. I think it may have been resolved but I am not 100% sure.

From handgunlaw.us site on PA reciprocity:

Looks to me like the NH non-resi is 100% good in PA.

Handgunlaw.us is just a website, and not necessarily reflective of current PA reciprocity. PA has recently been changing their agreements with various states. You are however correct. Non-resident and resident licenses from NH are both good in PA.


Here is the PA full list.


I know what it says but honestly you need to dig into this issue further, there were serious problems with it awhile back. I think it may have been resolved but I am not 100% sure.

The agreement with Arizona, Florida, and Virgina changed recently. However my understanding is that it only effects PA residents with those states permits if they do not have a PA license. This was because places like Philadelphia were not issuing licenses, so Philly residents would carry in PA on a Florida license. It was a loophole around the Philly (we don't follow the law) loophole.
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As a Lifetime NRA Member I find this disheartening. I became an NRA Life Member before the whole Hellinwater/NH Con-Carry bill Version 1.0. I threatened them that I won't ever consider upgrading my membership and letting my wife's Life Installment plan lapse if they muck it up.
Handgunlaw.us is just a website, and not necessarily reflective of current PA reciprocity. PA has recently been changing their agreements with various states. You are however correct. Non-resident and resident licenses from NH are both good in PA.


Here is the PA full list.


The agreement with Arizona, Florida, and Virgina changed recently. However my understanding is that it only effects PA residents with those states permits if they do not have a PA license. This was because places like Philadelphia were not issuing licenses, so Philly residents would carry in PA on a Florida license. It was a loophole around the Philly (we don't follow the law) loophole.

Handgunlaw is not as good a site as people think. They are adamant that New Hampshire is a "shall issue" state because we happen to have the words "shall issue" in the law. Problem is, they are apparently ignorant of the fact that a law needs to be taken in whole not in part. Even worse, the "in whole" part is the same freakin sentence. And that apparently court cases (that define suitable person) mean nothing to them.

I. (a) The selectmen of a town, the mayor or chief of police of a city or a full-time police officer designated by them respectively, the county sheriff for a resident of an unincorporated place, or the county sheriff if designated by the selectmen of a town that has no police chief, upon application of any resident of such town, city, or unincorporated place, or the director of state police, or some person designated by such director, upon application of a nonresident, shall issue a license to such applicant authorizing the applicant to carry a loaded pistol or revolver in this state for not less than 4 years from the date of issue, if it appears that the applicant has good reason to fear injury to the applicant's person or property or has any proper purpose, and that the applicant is a suitable person to be licensed.

Apparently the words "if" and "and" do not exist according to handgunlaw.us. If you rearrange the wording of the law it could read like this and still mean the same thing: "If a person has a proper purpose and they are a suitable person, the license shall be issued." The NH law has "shall issue" in there but also has a qualifier that is not only undefined in the law, it expressly allows a chief subjective discretion as to issuance, denial, or revocation of a license.

The wikipedia entry has been fixed though.

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