NH Alert: SB116. Still on the Gov's desk. ***Vetoed***


So, yes.
Can we get a roll call vote when it goes before the full house?

What are the odds Maggie vetoes?

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I am 100% certain there will be a roll call vote. Even if our side didn't ask for one, the dem leadership will.

Don't worry about the veto right now. Focus on helping get this past the house. Then we can direct energy towards the governor.
So I should hold off sending money for a non-resident permit?

Depends on how soon you are going to need it :)

Typically once out of committee the bill gets to the floor within the next couple weeks. Assuming it passes the full house... Since there has been an amendment in the House (which makes it slightly different than the bill that was passed in the Senate) there will have to be "some" back and forth to resolve that (I'm not really sure what this looks like, and in this case I don't expect much controversy).

After that, assuming good resolution it would go to the Governor's desk. She has 5 days to veto or sign. If she takes no action the bill quietly becomes law without signature.

More detailed explanation at https://www.nh.gov/nhinfo/bills.html
There's also the matter of reciprocity, which is why IIRC the new law, if passed, will still include the ability to get a license.

True but some states only honor reciprocity if the license holder is a resident. So if you are just getting it to carry in NH, I would say hold off for another month.
NH Alert: SB116 Con Carry. Passed Committee! Full House Vote Soon!

Awesome! Ed Comeau was really nice when the lady and I went up last time. Good to see guys like him supporting the Constitution. Keep up the good work, NH !
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Amendment fixes the problem that the AG had with the bill. Claim was that it could have been interpreted to be that federally people prohibited would get a NH P&R Permit.

I can't find the text of the amendment anywhere, but Soloman posted an image...

Nice! Now to start hounding my reps and senator again...I know one of my reps will vote yea and one will vote nay...I'm assuming my senator will also vote nay (he's a democrat) but they will still get my emails and phone call...
Why would they leave Section Ia and Ib, when Section III (the new part) says a license doesn't matter? i.e., it still leaves the process of getting a license intact, but then says a license doesn't matter.

Does not compute.
Why would they leave Section Ia and Ib, when Section III (the new part) says a license doesn't matter? i.e., it still leaves the process of getting a license intact, but then says a license doesn't matter.

Does not compute.

On the federal level, it does matter. It's a good thing they left it in, it relates to school zones. According to the GFSZA:
if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;
As well as reciprocity with other states who still require a license (we still have the option to get one, we just aren't required to).

Timbo - This has already passed the full Senate.

UPDATE: But, because of the amendment, it looks like it might have to go back to the senate...
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As well as reciprocity with other states who still require a license (we still have the option to get one, we just aren't required to).

Timbo - This has already passed the full Senate.

UPDATE: But, because of the amendment, it looks like it might have to go back to the senate...

OK, I wasn't aware of that...thanks for letting me know...
Why would they leave Section Ia and Ib, when Section III (the new part) says a license doesn't matter? i.e., it still leaves the process of getting a license intact, but then says a license doesn't matter.

Does not compute.

You don't have to get a license to carry in NH.

You can get a NH license for reciprocity with other states, if you so choose.
Reps. Keith Murphey & Laurie Sanborn replied with emails indicating their support of SB116.

[EDIT] Add Ken Peterson to the list of positive responses. I only got a "Thank you for your email" from Terry Wolf and will look for his vote, and follow up with all of my Reps on their vote.

[EDIT2] And add Bart Fromuth to the Good list.
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I find it ironic that there is not one word that I could find about this on the WMUR or Concord Monitor websites. If this vote had gone the other way, I'm sure it would have been on the front page...call me cynical, I guess. Maybe it's "out of sight, out of mind"...
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I find it ironic that there is not one word that I could find about this on the WMUR or Concord Monitor websites. If this vote had gone the other way, I'm sure it would have been on the front page...call me cynical, I guess. Maybe it's "out of sight, out of mind"...
I'm hoping that is what Hassan will do also when the bill hits her desk... Quietly let it become law.

Of course they might make more of a stink if and when it passes the house.
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