NH Alert: SB116. Still on the Gov's desk. ***Vetoed***

Update: Over 1,000 signed petitions have been printed and dropped off in less then 96 hours worth of time. Clearly, there is clear for the bill (SB116), a bill that had bi partisan support in the House and passed the Senate 14-10.

What is the current status of the SB116? I have been told that the Speaker has signed it off and the last person is the Senate President then to Maggie's desk. If this takes a day or two, that should not be an issue as Maine is on the verge of passing theirs and this just makes it that much harder for Maggie to veto.

What else can be done? I will print the last batch of petitions over the weekend. If you feel so inclined, mail the link to your friends and as them to sign. Mail the members in your club. Print it off and post it at your club. For those on AR15 or 1911 forum or Sigforum or ... (Paste a copy of the link and provide a brief description of what is going on) Print copies off and give them to local gun shops. If so own a gun shop, please contact me. PM me.

PS. I just looked at the online donation part of our webpage page and some NES members have clearly stepped up and joined in the fight! Thank you!

I would like to turn in another 500 petitions by Monday. Can you help us get to that finish line? We only need a couple of hundred more to get there. (I would love to turn in an additional 1,000, but that will take some serious effort from the gun community. My personal network has already been contacted, so we are attempting to contact friends of friends at this point.)

FWIW, I know that there are more than 1,000 who carry all the time and would love to see this racist law repealed. Yet, I don't know who they are. Please help me reach out to them.

Lastly, If you can please consider chipping in to help with this project. We have raised several hundred dollars so far, but the bulk mailing was extremely expensive and we will need to raise the funds to take this fight to the Senators if the Governor decides to stab us in the back. Maggie will be the only governor in the history of NH to veto a repeal of this law.

Whoever is giving Maggie advice is giving bad advice. Her veto of the beer bill just got over turned and this one also has a chance of being over turned, but this fight will take $4-8K to mail the districts of 3 senators. I know that is a lot, but we have reviewed the districts that need to be mailed and we know which Senators are most likely to flip to support override. This money will not be wasted, but a better use is mailing report cards prior to the primary. Legislators have records, and people need to know how the incumbents acted while in office.

Therefore, I would rather double down now and put 1,000 petitions on Maggie's desk and get her to sign the bill or take a vacation and let it become law. There is no reason to spend $8K if we do not need to.

I'm willing to lead the fight, but it much easier with a big Calvary behind you.

Good night and thanks for all that you have done so far.

Link for those that want to cut and paste it into a email: http://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/petitions/sb-116-constitutional-carry-petition-3/


PS. I just took a look at the online donation part of our webpage and some NES members have clearly stepped up and jooined the fight. Thank you!
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Hmm, looks like I have a fudd in my circle of gun owning friends.
I forwarded the petition link to a bunch of people.
One came back with this
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Sorry my friend,[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]I cannot support this one.[/FONT][/FONT]
A mass convert. Avid gun collector.
He didn't elaborate.
We have raised several hundred dollars so far, but the bulk mailing was extremely expensive and we will need to raise the funds to take this fight to the Senators if the Governor decides to stab us in the back. Maggie will be the only governor in the history of NH to veto a repeal of this law.

Whoever is giving Maggie advice is giving bad advice. Her veto of the beer bill just got over turned and this one also has a chance of being over turned, but this fight will take $4-8K to mail the districts of 3 senators. I know that is a lot, but we have reviewed the districts that need to be mailed and we know which Senators are most likely to flip to support override. This money will not be wasted, but a better use is mailing report cards prior to the primary. Legislators have records, and people need to know how the incumbents acted while in office.

... rather double down now and put 1,000 petitions on Maggie's desk and get her to sign the bill or take a vacation and let it become law. There is no reason to spend $8K if we do not need to. ...

Has anyone asked the NRA and GOA to help out with these costs? THIS is where these larger organizations can help out. That, and their enormous reach (mailing lists, phone lists, etc.) to mail and call large volumes of people to gather support.

What you are doing is awesome. Thanks for your hard work.
Has anyone asked the NRA and GOA to help out with these costs? THIS is where these larger organizations can help out. That, and their enormous reach (mailing lists, phone lists, etc.) to mail and call large volumes of people to gather support.

What you are doing is awesome. Thanks for your hard work.

As I remember, it's partly because of the NRA we are in this mess.
As I remember, it's partly because of the NRA we are in this mess.
What about an online Blog or something like TTAG? They reach a lot of people, and especially for people who may vacation here because it is a free state that is tax free. "Going up to white mountains in NH, may check out gun shops" Some of them may want to carry while they are here without having to pay 100$ Just saying.
Then give them the chance to help fix it. No time for ego's. Whatever it takes.

Alternately, how about a "Go Fund Me" type of thing?

Quoted from AR15.com

Letter from PG-NH (Pro-Gun New Hampshire) on NRA interference:

By the Honorable Bob Clegg, President of Pro-Gun New Hampshire and former NH Senate Majority Leader

"…New Hampshire is too stupid to know what it needs…” John Hohenwarter’s statement to Bob Clegg

John Hohenwarter is the NRA-ILA representative to New Hampshire. In the time Mr. Hohenwarter has been here he has managed to do what the best anti-Second Amendment groups have not. On behalf of the NRA, he has stopped the passage of the Constitutional Carry bill, the Ward Bird bill, and the bill to allow a person to stand their ground when attacked, a true right of self defense.

In the name of the National Rifle Association, Mr. Hohenwarter decided to bring a new four-page bill to the NH legislature. Doing so using the same process available to every citizen in the state would have been fine, but he didn’t think he should use the normal legislative process; no, Mr. Hohenwarter wanted to be treated specially. In fact, acting like a DC politician, he actually thought he could create law in the dark of night, where no one would see what was being done.

The four-page bill in question would require NICS checks where they are now not demanded, would create additional criminal penalties, and would prohibit a young person from carrying a firearm. Can you see why the dark of night was his preferred method?

The four-page bill was shown to the House committee overseeing firearms laws, and they immediately rejected it. Not only did it make a mess out of Constitutional Carry, but the creation of new criminal penalties needed a public hearing. Mr. Hohenwarter was instructed to find a sponsor and bring the matter before the legislature as a bill, which in NH means full public hearings with notice and the content of the bill readily available to all who might want to read it.

The Constitutional Carry bill, HB330, passed a House of 400 with only 109 "no” votes, a phenomenal feat for any legislature.

But Mr. Hohenwarter wasn’t satisfied with that. Even though HB330 had just passed the NH House of Representatives by a veto-proof majority, he found a Senator willing to sponsor his four-page bill as an amendment to completely replace it, assuming the NRA would never be seen to be at odds with the Second Amendment groups in the state. What a mistake. Fully expecting Hohenwarter to scuttle Constitutional Carry in the Senate with his four-page replacement, representatives of several pro-gun state groups testified in the Senate committee hearing against the Hohenwarter amendment and its attempts to restrict gun owner rights. The Senator who had been persuaded to sponsor the four-page amendment pulled it, explaining that he didn’t realize that no one but Hohenwarter wanted it.

Move forward to the days before the final votes on three very important gun rights bills. Word came from the Senate they would hold them until next year. Seems Mr. Hohenwarter, using his position as a representative of NRA, made indications – threats – of poor NRA ratings for any senator who dared to pass a gun rights bill other than his version that no one wanted. The Senate decided to hold all gun rights bills until everyone "was on the same page” – but that is impossible!!! Pro-Gun New Hampshire is not interested in taking away rights, nor is it interested in creating new criminal penalties. The law is clear enough.

Hohenwarter has demonstrated this pattern of behavior before. As Pennsylvania’s NRA State Rep he caused the same kind of problems. But don’t take our word for it, read about it here at the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association Forum:http://forum.pafoa.org/pennsylvania-10/116528-nra-liason-pa-hohenwarter-q-session.html

When I spoke with Hohenwarter, he explained to me that the House committee never rejected his bill, but instead claimed the House Majority Leader agreed to pull it so it would not go public, and had an agreement with the Senate to slide it into HB330, and the public would never know. When told that’s not how we do things, Hohenwarter stated that New Hampshire is too stupid to know what it needs, and that NRA had a room full of lawyers we needed to start listening to. He made derogatory remarks about two well known experts on gun rights, attorneys Evan Nappen and Penny Dean. Neither of them understands gun laws, he said, and they need to let the NRA lawyers handle it.

Here’s where we need help. We need to HEAVE HO HOHENWARTER. We need your help in sending him off to where the Brady Bill is still considered good legislation. I don’t know where that is, but that is certainly where he needs to be.

New Hampshire needs to have NRA on its side. As NRA life members, we need to stand up for our rights. We need every NRA member to contact the NRA and ask them to send Hohenwarter out – we don’t care where, just out. We need Constitutional Carry, we need the right to stand our ground, and we need the bill that says trespassers can avoid seeing a gun by not trespassing and a property owner shouldn’t need a commutation of a sentence for standing ready to defend what is his.

Please, we need you. If you are a member of NRA, contact NRA-ILA at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) and tell them you want to HEAVE HO Hohenwarter.

The future depends on you. If John Hohenwarter stays we will be forever regretful of the lost opportunity to have a Constitutional Carry law, a right not to run from those who would take from you or do you or your family harm, and with the likes of John Hohenwarter we won’t clarify the law that forced an armed man on his own property to do time in jail for confronting a trespasser. Don’t let Hohenwarter make you the next victim. Send him packing.

Please, we need you! If you are a member of NRA, contact NRA-ILA at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) and tell them you want to HEAVE HO HOHENWARTER.

Ask for BOTH Chris Cox and Chuck Cunningham, who are Hohenwarter’s bosses.

You can email them BOTH at:

Chris Cox: [email protected]

Chuck Cunningham: [email protected]

Help us heave ho Hohenwarter out of New Hampshire!

This why we don't want the NRA to "help" us.
Currently 1,000 petitions have been signed and printed and turned in and I have 400 more to print tomorrow. Can you help get another 100 by 4pm? A ream of petitions is impressive.

Here is the link again for those that have not been following the thread. http://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/petitions/sb-116-constitutional-carry-petition/

Lastly, it is my understanding that the clock on the 5 days will begin next week. The moment I hear, I will let this group know. In the mean time please forward the petition and plan on calling next week.

NHFC will be sending out another alert tomorrow, please read it as there are some starling facts that we have since discovered.

All, This is the latest NHFC alert on this bill: [I will update the links later today]

We are down to the wire on SB 116, Constitutional Carry, if you want all the details about the racist roots of New Hampshire gun laws please read this entire alert. If, however, you only have time to read this paragraph please understand that telephone calls are now needed to Governor Hassan urging her to sign SB 116 into law. Call the Governor at (603) 271-2121.

We want to share an important history lesson with you.

Earlier this month we told you about the racist roots of New Hampshire's concealed carry law which can be found at R.S.A. 159:6. This law was originally enacted in 1923 and was based on racism. Those racist terms are still in the law today. What is unfortunate is that we have learned that the racist history is far worse than we originally thought.

In 1974 the New Hampshire Constitution was updated to ensure that racism did not continue in New Hampshire. Why is this important? Back in the 1800's when the horrible Dred Scott decision was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, New Hampshire had some very racist laws. Most of those laws have been repealed, but not all of them.

In fact, in the 1800's the laws in New Hampshire were so bad, the Supreme Court actually mentioned them in the Dred Scott case:

“By the laws of New Hampshire, collected and finally passed in 1815, no one was permitted to be enrolled in the militia of the State, but free white citizens; and the same provision is found in a subsequent collection of the laws, made in 1855. Nothing could more strongly mark the entire repudiation of the African race. The alien is excluded, because, being born in a foreign country, he cannot be a member of the community until he is naturalized. But why are the African race, born in the State, not permitted to share in one of the highest duties of the citizen? The answer is obvious; he is not, by the institutions and laws of the State, numbered among its people. He forms no part of the sovereignty of the State, and is not therefore called on to uphold and defend it.”

What equipment does one need to defend their state? What one item does a person need to have to be capable of being part of a miltia? For both of these questions, the answer is the same: one needs to have the right to own and possess a firearm. Back then, the laws were tailored to deny non-whites the ability to possess a gun.

Now, almost 100 years later, this law is being used to prevent people who are lawfully allowed to own firearms from carrying them concealed... people who have done nothing wrong... and Gov. Hassan wants this practice to continue.

If you think the history above is repulsive and disgusting, the rat hole goes even deeper:

Further along in the Dred Scott case, you find out that this racist case was about denying African-Americans the right to own firearms:

“... More especially, it cannot be believed that the large slave[-]holding States regarded them as included in the word citizens, or would have consented to a Constitution which might compel them to receive them in that character from another State. For if they were so received, and entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens, it would exempt them from the operation of the special laws and from the police [60 U.S. 393, 417] regulations which they considered to be necessary for their own safety.

It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, singly or in companies, without pass or passport, and without obstruction, to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased at every hour of the day or night without molestation, unless they committed some violation of law for which a white man would be punished; and it would give them the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went. And all of this would be done in the face of the subject race of the same color, both free and slaves, and inevitably producing discontent and insubordination among them, and endangering the peace and safety of the State.

You see, 100 years ago, it was acceptable behavior in New Hampshire to be a racist. Today, we, as a society, no longer allow this to happen. So why should we allow laws to remain on the books that were drafted for that specific reason? How can Governor Hassan to continue enforcing a law that was designed for such awful purposes?

Gun control zealots have always treated minorities as less than citizens. This happened in Nazi Germany with the Jews and it has happened in other countries as well. Seven major Twentieth Century genocides were all preceded by gun control.

Gun control activists tend to be interested in stripping away the firearms of the minority so they can trample their rights. We see this around the world today in other countries, yet Gov. Hassan is not willing to correct these racist laws in New Hampshire.

How do we know this is true of the law in question? The 1923 law that we are trying to repeal actually treated the “unnaturalized foreign born person” as a felon. Imagine that, treating a legal immigrant as a felon although they have done nothing wrong. The law specifically states, the unnaturalized citizen could not “own or have in his possession or under his control a pistol or revolver..”, yet Gov. Hassan wants to leave this law on our books. By threatening to veto SB 116, Gov. Hassan is acting like a racist and this needs to be reported to your friends and neighbors.

We can stop this and correct this abhorrent law that has been on our books for over 90 years but we need your help to enact the repeal of this offensive law.

We need you to start calling daily until SB 116, Constitutional Carry is enacted into law. Ask your friends and family to call as well!

Gov. Hassan's primary phone number is (603) 271-2121. There are also some "back door" numbers that can also be used to deliver our message. Her Legal Counsel is Attorney Mary Ann Dempsey who can be reached at (603)271-3650 and the general line to the Statehouse is (603) 271-1110.

When you call, be polite but be firm and ask that Gov. Hassan sign SB 116 into and remove this vile, abhorrent and racist law off of our books.

Remember, the 1923 law specifically denied rights to anyone who was not “suitable”. Please click here to see the scanned image of this law. Read section 3 which shows that in 1923 “suitable” was shorthand for allowing racism. They equated foreign born people with felons. Read it for yourself.

Where are we today? SB 116 will be on Governor Hassan's desk by Monday or Tuesday, June 29 or 30th. Therefore, we need to start calling daily until SB 116 is enacted into law. New Hampshire needs to move beyond state sponsored discrimination. Gov. Hassan needs to sign the repeal of the 1923 racist gun control laws.

Remember, Gov. Hassan is the only person who stands in the way of repealing a 1923 racist based firearms law that was crafted to explicitly deny rights to non-whites. She needs to be held accountable and here is how you can help.

Gov. Hassan's primary telephone number is (603) 271-2121. There are also some "back door" numbers that can also be used to deliver our message (in case the phones are "turned off"). Her Legal Counsel is Attorney Mary Ann Dempsey who can be reached at (603)271-3650 and the general telephone line to the Statehouse is (603) 271-1110, just ask to be connected to the Governors office.

In Liberty,

Your New Hampshire Firearms Coalition Leadership Team

P.S. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible -- please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

Was this email forwarded to you? Click here to go to our home page and sign up for legislative alerts.

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Come on, guys. The race card, really?

did you read the prior emails. The law was specifically designed to keep non-whites from having a firearm. With the NH Supreme Court ruling that the Chief LEO has complete discretion, those same rules apply today.
did you read the prior emails. The law was specifically designed to keep non-whites from having a firearm. With the NH Supreme Court ruling that the Chief LEO has complete discretion, those same rules apply today.

In the notes of the NH law, and generally at that time, "non-whites" included Italians and French Canadians.
did you read the prior emails. The law was specifically designed to keep non-whites from having a firearm. With the NH Supreme Court ruling that the Chief LEO has complete discretion, those same rules apply today.
This approach makes our side look desperate, that's all.
This approach makes our side look desperate, that's all.

I disagree.

Most shitty gun laws have origins steeply rooted in racism or similar forms of discrimination. Not mentioning this FACT is foolish- it lets the antis keep trying to maintain that keeping the old laws is about some garbage regarding a balance of "rights vs legitimate public safety concerns" when it is abundantly clear to anyone examining the issue deeply that the laws were designed under a nostrum of things like "legitimate public safety concerns = lots of brown people, italians and french canadians" eg, something which would be viewed as completely offensive by today's standards. Most of the carry laws in the northeast (in the states that require permits) were all set up in such a way as to intentionally allow for mechanisms to screen out the "unwashed". At a minimum it should put the opposition on notice that they have a lot of explaining to do... eg, they should probably explain how laws with a primary intent of being discriminatory morphed into being "valuable to public safety" etc.

I honestly don't think it matters what the bill is about. Maggie needs to renew her national gun control chit and "take a stand" on this easy issue before the 2016 elections. Your rights, as well as the content of this bill do not matter. This is a card to be played during speeches and debates. She'll wax about how she made a difficult decision to make NH a safer place for the children, Sandy Hook, Charleston, mumble, mumble, mumble. She would veto this bill no matter what it was about. Sorry folks.
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