NH Alert: SB116. Still on the Gov's desk. ***Vetoed***

Keep up the pressure and for those of you that have online fax services or even real fax machines, here is another way to contact her office:
(603)271-7640 (fax)

Day 3.5 and counting.

I thought it was delivered on Monday making Saturday the 5th day??
Bottom line, we have made at least 3 days with no veto. Double down on the number of calls, emails and faxes. Call your friends, and have them call their friends. We have a big network if everyone participates.
For those that want to submit a hard copy of a petition in favor of the bill, The petition form is still up on the NHFC website:

Can we make 2,000 by Monday? We are at ~1,700 so far.
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I've tried to call today.

I get a recording that the office is closed but they are open from Monday to Friday.

Maybe they left for the holiday weekend.
There is a slim but growing chance that this will pass without her signature. Double down on the phone calls on Monday and help me get 300+ more petitions. I want to drop a huge stack on her desk Monday AM.
We have passed the point of 3 full days with no veto. Keep up the pressure and "never, never, never give up" [Churchill]


PS. A veto tomorrow is political suicide, besides she is reading the DOI at Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth tomorrow at 1:30pm.

Bottom line, we have made at least 3 days with no veto. Double down on the number of calls, emails and faxes. Call your friends, and have them call their friends. We have a big network if everyone participates.
For those that want to submit a hard copy of a petition in favor of the bill, The petition form is still up on the NHFC website:

Can we make 2,000 by Monday? We are at ~1,700 so far.
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That must be the infamous 'Peter'
There is a slim but growing chance that this will pass without her signature. Double down on the phone calls on Monday and help me get 300+ more petitions. I want to drop a huge stack on her desk Monday AM.
We have passed the point of 3 full days with no veto. Keep up the pressure and "never, never, never give up" [Churchill]


PS. A veto tomorrow is political suicide, besides she is reading the DOI at Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth tomorrow at 1:30pm.


I gotta be honest: That would be the perfect way to shit on our rights.
I gotta be honest: That would be the perfect way to shit on our rights.

She may be politically far left of center, but vetoing a Constitution Carry bill on July 4th after reading the DOI, is beyond stupid. Remember, three full days have passed with no veto. Politicians are funny animals, they avoid stirring up controversy when possible and vetoing this bill will create it.

Double down on the number of phone calls and emails.

Months ago some though we would not get this far, and now we are on the one yard line with a 2 minute warning in the game. Please keep up the pressure
So what day is the last day she can veto this on? Anyone know?

design says we're three days into it, so tomorrow would be the fourth day - does that make Monday the last day she can veto it?

But he also said earlier today was day 3.5, so does that mean the end of day today is the fourth, and tomorrow is the last day she could veto it?
Saturday July 4th is the last day.

Design, we are both writing about the woman who has vetoed scores of bills recently and has threatened to veto the budget, correct?

I hope you're read of her is correct; you are much closer to her than we.
She's been on a veto kick, that's for sure. But mostly things that go against part of her stated mission. She did not run on gun control, and the RSA this bill fixes isn't a "gun control" law anyhow; it's a pro-discrimination law that's finally being made non-discriminatory. I wonder (had she been alive and governor back then) if she'd have vetoed the bill that undid the "religious test" to vote in NH. I mean, after all, I am sure the contemporaries said it was a "common sense" way to ensure moral voting.
Saturday July 4th is the last day.

Judging from this, Sundays and holidays count toward the five days so long as the legislature has not adjourned.


If the legislature has not adjourned, the Governor has five days in which to sign the bill, veto the bill, or allow the measure to pass without signature. When the bill is signed, it becomes law; if it is neither signed nor vetoed, it becomes law without signature.

If the bill is vetoed, it returns to the body where it originated, with a veto message. This veto, to be overturned, must have a two-thirds roll call vote in each body. It then becomes law without the Governor’s signature. Without the two-thirds affirmative vote in both bodies, the veto is upheld.

If the Legislature has adjourned, the Governor has five days (excluding Sundays and holidays) in which to sign the bill. If it is not signed, the bill dies. This is the "pocket veto." Each bill carries in its final paragraphs the specific date that it is to go into effect.

So if the bill landed on her desk Tuesday, and that counted as a full day, it would be the 4th is the last day she can veto it.

If Tuesday didn't count as a full day, would it be Sunday the 5th is the last day?
My wife and I both returned the NHFC's blue postcards. We got a reply yesterday, and Maggie's staff were smart enough to consolidate the addresses and send one letter addressed to both of us.

But then they were stupid enough to send us another one today. LOL
If this Tuesday going into Wednesday is the first day and we exclude Independence Day and Sunday, assuming the latest of the dates, next Tuesday would be the 5th day.
It depends what day it actually hit her desk, if that day counts as a full day, and if holidays and Sundays count while the legislature has not adjourned.

This web page has info, but doesn't answer the above questions.

Once the enrolling reports are read in each house, the bill is signed by the Senate President or the Speaker of the House. (This is an administrative function only and does not carry power of veto by refusal.) The bill is then forwarded to the Secretary of State.

The bill is transmitted to the Governor by the Secretary of State. It may be recalled from the Governor any time before it is acted upon, by a majority vote of the Senate or House, whichever last had possession.

Other bills have taken 2 weeks from enrolling to signature.
How does one find out when the Secretary of State has passed it to the Governor?
Other bills have taken 2 weeks from enrolling to signature.
How does one find out when the Secretary of State has passed it to the Governor?

A member here, design, has inside information that it was put on the gov's desk Monday or Tuesday.

That's what we're going off. Sure, there's the potential he's wrong, but... I'm pretty sure this guy is a state rep. (At least, that's what I've gathered. I'm still new here.)
If this Tuesday going into Wednesday is the first day and we exclude Independence Day and Sunday, assuming the latest of the dates, next Tuesday would be the 5th day.

My understanding is that holidays are not excluded...only Sundays are.
I was just going by worst case scenario out of my own folly. If we hear nothing by Tuesday, then we all meet up at the nearest cigar bar and celebrate.
A member here, design, has inside information that it was put on the gov's desk Monday or Tuesday.

That's what we're going off. Sure, there's the potential he's wrong, but... I'm pretty sure this guy is a state rep. (At least, that's what I've gathered. I'm still new here.)
Yes, design is a state Rep. He's also one of the sponsors of sb116. There are 2 senators and 1 rep that are sponsors, you can do the math from there :)

My understanding is that holidays are not excluded...only Sundays are.

Per the NH Constitution this is correct. Holidays are not excluded, but Sundays are.

I was just going by worst case scenario out of my own folly. If we hear nothing by Tuesday, then we all meet up at the nearest cigar bar and celebrate.

Based on info from design, I'd say if we don't hear otherwise by Sunday things have gone well, but I'm guessing a little.

It would be nice if our government were more transparent in this particular regard.
I received a letter 7/3, dated 6/25, from Benjamin G. Belanger, Asst Dir Citizens Services, indicating that Gov Hassan "feels that the current laws...do not need to be changed..."
Yeah, So even based on one of the other posts about it being allowed to pass with signature, that letter would still be "Her" true feelings and that she walks the middle of the road with out taking much of a hit.

And it sounds like that she didn't mention that she would veto it in that letter.
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