NH energy generation tax?

Andy in NH

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
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(Also posted on The Survival Podcast Forum)

Last night I was half-watching the news on WMUR about the State's budget woes and the efforts to close the gap on the shortfall.

My ears perked up when I heard, "energy generation tax", but they didn't say much more than that.

I searched google for "NH energy generation tax", but nothing relevant came up.

I've called my State Senator (Pete Bragdon), but no answer as of yet.

I'm still a noob concerning most things electric and solar powered (I still need to take the Harbor Freight 45 watt solar kit I recently bought out of the box) but I'm taking a few steps toward energy independence.

My concern is that the .gov will penalize (tax) those of us who separate themselves from the systems of support and lead a more self-reliant lifestyle.

Has anyone else seen or heard anything concerning this tax? If it's true, I'm going to get involved in opposing it through my representatives.

Maybe the news meant something different, but I cannot find any information either way about it.
Seems kind of counter to the current tax breaks being offered for energy generation in NH...I'm guessing one of the following is true:
1) Something was misunderstood
2) It was mentioned once and that was the end of it
What would they be taxing, sunlight?

No not sunlight! The fear is that they would place a tax on people who generate their own power via solar, wind, or hydro.

The more people who get off the grid (even partially) is that many more people who won't be paying (or reduced) electricity tax, KWH Distribution , and transmission charges.

I think we all know that the .gov will never stand for a loss in revenue. They like to think they will get their money some way, some how.

The same can be said for electric cars. If (a big IF) these cars reach a level of efficiency where say... 25% of the population uses them to commute, it won't be long before the .gov finds a way to make up for the loss in gasoline tax. Tolls, fees, permits, blah, blah, blah - They'll do anything to keep the masses dependent on the system.

I'm slowly getting into solar myself and don't think it appropriate to be fined for acting self reliant.

Something was misunderstood

Entirely possible - The purpose of the post was to reach out / alert and see if anyone else had more info.

It was mentioned once and that was the end of it

That would be cool with me!
Ahh, maybe they are talking about taxing those who put energy back into the grid? So if you "sell" energy to the power company by having negative draw, they tax the money you make through the sale?

Simply solution, just disconnect and don't sell anything back to the grid. Then build a small distribution facility and give it to your neighbors. Starve the beast.
NH is a different beast, but I seriously doubt they will tax alternative/renewable generation production or small producers (class 1 or maybe even class 2 producers). If this is a money grab, they are going after the big boys.
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