NH Leg: 2 Gun Bill hearings Tues 3/26/2019

Let’s for a moment accept everything the gun control advocates say about waiting periods
1. Suicide rates are skyrocketing in NH (25162 in the US Gun Deaths Dropped in 2018, Excluding Suicides )
2. Studies show waiting periods save lives : Up to 1660 lives could be saved from firearms suicides based on From the Cover: Handgun waiting periods reduce gun deaths
3. 1660/25162 = 6.7%

So the the most important and effective change we could make by mandatory waiting periods would prevent 1 in 15 suicides by firearms - seriously?

It’s a start they say, as always. But if the most effective law can address just 1 in 15, how many more laws to address 1 in 10? By their own data they prove they are barking up the wrong tree and *only* enacting gun laws for the sake of gun control rather than their stated purpose - preventing firearms suicides. Suicidal depression is not treated by gun control.

There’s a 1 in 15 chance this drug with cure your disease, there’s a 1 in 15 chance replacing these parts in your car will fix it, there’s a 1 in 15 chance retiring your house will stop electrical failures. NOBODY accepts 1 in 15 as anything other than cause to reject and move on...
Other side of coin: those people - especially women - who need a means of protecting themselves and need it NOW.

Honestly, someone need publicly to ask, "Why do Democrats hate women?"

We need to launch a campaign to make being a Donk as socially unacceptable as smoking, or farting in church.

Or beating your wife.
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Other side of coin: those people - especially women - who need a means of protecting themselves and need it NOW.

Honestly, someone need publicly to ask, "Why do Democrats hate women?"

We need to launch a campaign to make being a Donk as socially unacceptable as smoking, or farting in church.

Or beating your wife.

This stuff all already exists.

a couple examples:


Now, just add NH flavor to this, and get it out to your audience of thousands or tens of thousands.
Please share this link. Working on getting this something on Instagram.


Good start. Now go follow some of the heavy hitters, and ask them to PLEASE HELP and repost some info for you. Don't forget to add some hashtags, so people can find you. Also follow all the gun shops, clubs, and a bunch of the gun sites and hunting sites popular in NH, so people who follow them will notice you. Then ask those shops and other people to help repost your info and spread the word.
Also follow all the gun shops, clubs, and a bunch of the gun sites and hunting sites popular in NH, so people who follow them will notice you. Then ask those shops and other people to help repost your info and spread the word.

It would be helpful, if they don't already, for NHFC to have designated liaisons with all those places. As in, a living, breathing volunteer-leader who knows the owner of a shop and regularly interacts with him.
I offered to help, but you said you have a guy handling it.

This is where the other side is killing us. A quick post from anywhere, versus trying to reach 3,000,000 people all in one day from the office (extra long day).

Hey, you have 215 followers who haven't had an update since "2 days ago", which is an ETERNITY in Instagram-land. Get SOMETHING to them, letting them know NHFC still has a pulse and is gonna be there tomorrow. That's 215 people reached in about 30 seconds. Don't forget to ask THEM to spread the word.
It would be helpful, if they don't already, for NHFC to have designated liaisons with all those places. As in, a living, breathing volunteer-leader who knows the owner of a shop and regularly interacts with him.

So true. But the next best thing is to "reach out" from wherever, and at least have SOME contact. People are very open to following each other and helping each other. Gotta team up and use the tech to help.
I have to think the red flag bill is dead. It's so bad that even the people that were there supporting it were having trouble answering for it.

Unfortunately since the Democrats can't run an orderly public hearing, probably intentionally, I couldn't stay for the remainder of the interrupted hearing on the school bill, so I am not sure how it went.
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