NH - Story of Exposing Firearms in Public

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
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There is a massive difference in MA and NH where it comes to guns and the laws . . . especially the consequences of showing off a gun in public.

Here's a humorous story of what happened in Concord, NH late this afternoon.

Sam Cohen, his fiancée, my Wife and I all went off to a Chinese restaurant for dinner in Concord, NH.

Sam had bought a Ruger SP101 for his fiancée and decided to show it off in the parking lot of the Chinese restaurant. So all four of us took turns at holding it and dry firing the gun in clear view of folks arriving and leaving the parking lot. I bravely raise the gun up and dry fire it using the sights with the tops of the trees as a backdrop.

We get eyed suspiciously by two 20-something guys leaving the restaurant (NH tags on the car). A family pulls up and parks next to me with NY tags. You should have seen the looks on their faces when they saw us handling the gun! [rolleyes] It was precious!

When we enter the restaurant (Sam goes their regularly and knows the staff), they seat us in a semi-private room by ourselves (no door however). I jokingly tell Sam that it must be that the NY'rs told them some nutcases with guns were coming in behind us and wanted us segregated from "normal sheeple"! [rofl]

Realize that the NH AG has issued a WRITTEN OPINION that carrying/showing a gun in public is a RIGHT GUARANTEED BY THE NH CONSTITUTION and over-rides anyone who is offended or scared by seeing a gun in public. This is the exact opposite of how MA gun rights are interpreted, so . . . DO NOT TRY THIS IN MA OR YOUR LTC WILL LIKELY BE TOAST FOR LIFE!

Damn, it's good to spread your wings in free air once and a while! [devil]
Funny real world story!

I would think that one would be less likely to find a good Chinese restaurant in Concord, NH than a few folks looking at a gun in a parking lot.
Good story Len. I just went out the back door and took a deep breath of freedom [smile]

(I thought at first it was going to be another story of out of state sheeple calling 911 because someone was lawfully open carrying, and the responding officer didn't know the law, and then I would have to keep checking this thread for days waiting for the inevitable "police chief apologises" update)
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Good story Len. I just went out the back door and took a deep breath of freedom [smile]

(I thought at first it was going to be another story of out of state sheeple calling 911 because someone was lawfully open carrying, and the responding officer didn't know the law, and then I would have to keep checking this thread for days waiting for the inevitable "police chief apologises" update)

I was in good company!

Sam Cohen WAS a BOD member of GO-NH and the person who responded to their phone messaging system, especially wrt their gun laws. He's the one who got the AG's legal opinion on the NH Constitutional RIGHT to carry openly.

So if the sheep had bleated, the Concord PD would be well aware that nothing we did was illegal. It was a safe environment to do this in. [devil]
Funny real world story!

I would think that one would be less likely to find a good Chinese restaurant in Concord, NH than a few folks looking at a gun in a parking lot.

This was the "Tea Garden" across from the Holiday Inn. Food was good.
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