The following is NOT mine. I just have the great pleasure of showing some pics.
The Zrak-Passive Night Sight (PN5x80(J) is manufactured in Yugoslavia circa 1980's. This particular scope was recently imported to the U.S. from Iraq, and is now fitted to a Zastava SKS M59/66 which had an existing factory scope rail. This scope model was also used on every type of Yugo infantry weapons from rifles, machineguns and RPG's, and the effective range on personnel targets is 700 meters, and vehicles out to 2000 meters.
The Night Vision device was marketed and distributed by SDPR (Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement) of 1101 Beograd, 9 Nemanjina St. Yugoslavia. Maybe you could write them, and they will send you one! Or, you could just call 621-522, Telex:11360. Don't be alarmed when they put you on hold while they max out your credit card (j/k).
The promotional brochure is in English, no less. Hopefully the pics of the scan are clear enough to read the specs and descriptions.
So, as most of us have seen the pics of the Yugo M59/66 with the blank scope rail. It's not often we get to see one with a BEAST of a scope mounted to it.
So, some more pics. And enjoy.
The Zrak-Passive Night Sight (PN5x80(J) is manufactured in Yugoslavia circa 1980's. This particular scope was recently imported to the U.S. from Iraq, and is now fitted to a Zastava SKS M59/66 which had an existing factory scope rail. This scope model was also used on every type of Yugo infantry weapons from rifles, machineguns and RPG's, and the effective range on personnel targets is 700 meters, and vehicles out to 2000 meters.
The Night Vision device was marketed and distributed by SDPR (Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement) of 1101 Beograd, 9 Nemanjina St. Yugoslavia. Maybe you could write them, and they will send you one! Or, you could just call 621-522, Telex:11360. Don't be alarmed when they put you on hold while they max out your credit card (j/k).
The promotional brochure is in English, no less. Hopefully the pics of the scan are clear enough to read the specs and descriptions.

So, as most of us have seen the pics of the Yugo M59/66 with the blank scope rail. It's not often we get to see one with a BEAST of a scope mounted to it.
So, some more pics. And enjoy.