No more private AR 'copycat'' transfers in MA?

Why go through the risk and expense of confiscation when some patience will accomplish the same goal in time. The gun-ban mafia definitely thinks long-term, we need to do the same.
Kind of like the Iranians with nukes - play the long game, let your opponent take comfort in their temporary maintenance of the status quo while you think 10 and 20 years ahead.
The same as those dealers that sold those same firearms on 7/20!

I called the AG's office back in Sept to make sure I was on solid ground in selling an AR to a properly licensed individual, his response was yes I can. The only stipulation was that I purchased it prior to 7/20. Yes I did save his name, date and time of conversation for what that is worth.
I called the AG's office back in Sept to make sure I was on solid ground in selling an AR to a properly licensed individual, his response was yes I can. The only stipulation was that I purchased it prior to 7/20. Yes I did save his name, date and time of conversation for what that is worth.

Should have got it in writing. AG Healey would just say their aide made a mistake and you are at fault since her Q&A is so clear (although we all know it is not at all).
So how is an average citizen supposed to be aware of all of these changes to the law?

This all strikes me as empty, Wizard-of-Oz-pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain theatrics.

Seriously. If I had not come to Northeastshooters tonight, exactly how the f*ck does this incompetent AG expect me to know how she "feels" about firearms transfers this particular week?

The citizens have a right to expect SOME reasonable protections from arbitrary and capricious enforcement of laws.

She is making a mockery of the concept of legitimate, responsible governance.

Nashoba Vineyards ring a bell? She could shut down all the charter schools by fiat and her enablers in the legislature would clap like trained seals if Deleo and Rosenberg gave the nod.
That's only one vineyard...would she have enough manpower and fortitude to force close every FFL in Massachusetts if every FFL in Mass decided to not comply and keep selling assaulty rifles? Shutting down dozens of small businesses on a whim based on individual interpretation wouldn't be a good look for an AG even in a libtard state like Mass.

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I called the AG's office back in Sept to make sure I was on solid ground in selling an AR to a properly licensed individual, his response was yes I can. The only stipulation was that I purchased it prior to 7/20. Yes I did save his name, date and time of conversation for what that is worth.

What legal grounds did this staffer base his opinion on? I mean if an AR is really an "assault weapon" according to Chapter 140, Section 121 (which is what the AG is vigorously claiming,) then how can you legally transfer one given Chapter 140, Section 131M?

I am genuinely curious as to how they are forming this seeming contradictory opinion.
Should have got it in writing. AG Healey would just say their aide made a mistake and you are at fault since her Q&A is so clear (although we all know it is not at all).
That actually crossed my mind but didn't follow through, my error.
That's only one vineyard...would she have enough manpower and fortitude to force close every FFL in Massachusetts if every FFL in Mass decided to not comply and keep selling assaulty rifles? Shutting down dozens of small businesses on a whim based on individual interpretation wouldn't be a good look for an AG even in a libtard state like Mass.

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If every FFL in Mass had total unity and solidarity and stood together and all kept selling certain guns, then your plan would work. The problem is humans are humans and not everyone is going to be on board 100% for this thing. Someone won't want to play ball or will leave the movement and get picked off. Those who are picked off and shut down will make more second guess their decisions.

Especially in a climate like Mass where these gun store owners know that the grass is greener and the sun lasts longer in Florida.
Regardless of what we can effect in the legislature now we need to find a good 2018 AG candidate and start promoting them immediately. With the AG having been historically and currently the worst violator of human rights in MA there needs to be something done about this. Why can't we get a reasonable AG that doesn't want to take your rights at every chance?
Was this email fake then?
View attachment 180026

She reserved the right to change her mind....and did.

That's only one vineyard...would she have enough manpower and fortitude to force close every FFL in Massachusetts if every FFL in Mass decided to not comply and keep selling assaulty rifles? Shutting down dozens of small businesses on a whim based on individual interpretation wouldn't be a good look for an AG even in a libtard state like Mass.

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Do you want to be the ONE FFL sued with an unlimited taxpayer-backed AG office vs. your depleted checkbook because you haven't been able to sell AR's for the last 90 days or so?
NSSF better be taking notes. This should be part of the briefs, maybe not exhibit A, but up there. There's the "actual law", the FAQ law, and now the radio interview law.... which is it, your honor?!? She's out of control, doesn't know her own interpretation of the law, and people's liberty and livelihoods hang in the balance.

This nonesence needs to be to be stopped and she needs to be disbarred.
She reserved the right to change her mind....and did.

Do you want to be the ONE FFL sued with an unlimited taxpayer-backed AG office vs. your depleted checkbook because you haven't been able to sell AR's for the last 90 days or so?
Prosecuted, not sued (in regards to her AW ban)

Can you please help me to understand if private transfer for pre 9/1994 weapon is still legal.

Thank you

Youre good to go today, but then again Marsha does interviews every day. The queen may change the law again the next time she opens her mouth in front of the cameras.

Can you please help me to understand if private transfer for pre 9/1994 weapon is still legal.

Thank you

The actual law (Chapter 140, Section 131M) says: "No person shall sell, offer for sale, transfer or possess an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device that was not otherwise lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994..."

...But the AG has made it clear that the law is subject to her whimsical and ever-changing interpretations, so the law doesn't really seem to mean a whole lot these days.

Can you please help me to understand if private transfer for pre 9/1994 weapon is still legal.

Thank you
Wrong question. By asking questions like "is XYZ still legal" rather than "is the AG alleging XYZ is illegal", you are buying into her narrative that her determination is definitive.

Can you please help me to understand if private transfer for pre 9/1994 weapon is still legal.

Thank you

Since 7/20, nobody can tell you for sure, and that's the desired effect. IANAL YMMV

Everyone now gets to decide individually what level of risk they are willing to assume. When two, or 3 if it's an FFL-facilitated transaction, individual risk levels align, a sale/transfer can happen. Otherwise one is SOL. The average MA legal gun owner fundamentally law abiding, legally risk-adverse, nature thus works against us.

Good luck to us all

Can you please help me to understand if private transfer for pre 9/1994 weapon is still legal.

Thank you

The AGs executive order has not effected Pre-Ban (1994) weapons at this point. She would have to come up with a whole bunch of new bull$h!t to touch Pre 1994 weapons.

I would transfer one with no worries.
Wrong question. By asking questions like "is XYZ still legal" rather than "is the AG alleging XYZ is illegal", you are buying into her narrative that her determination is definitive.

And in the wrong place. If the AG is indeed the sole authority on interpretation of the MGLs then you have to ask her.
The AGs executive order has not effected Pre-Ban (1994) weapons at this point. She would have to come up with a whole bunch of new bull$h!t to touch Pre 1994 weapons.

I would transfer one with no worries.

yea, she'd never come up with a whole bunch of new bullshit that's crazier than the last batch....never...
What if I wanted to lend one of my AR's to a friend or a family member that has a LTC, is that still legal? Is their any time limit on how long I could lend them the rifle? What if I died while my rifles were lent out, could my family members be prosecuted?
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