Non-police and open carry...

Jun 2, 2005
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Not too long ago there was a topic about open carry and how it's not 'technically' illegal to do. However, we all know enough not to do it because the first time we did, we'd get reported to the police or an officer would see us and we'd end up with a revoked license.

This morning I was getting to the Red Line (braintree @ 5:45 am) and I saw the people that were empying the new charlie ticket machines of their money. There was a group of three or four people all in a uniform (delivery person shorts and a button down) that was complete with a handgun in a high hip exposed position. This caught me off guard and I'm not used to seeing that. BTW, they were clearly not issued by the company as one had a Sig and another a large revolver.

These are clearly not law enforcement officers, and but they do work transporting large sums of money. So, here's my question:

Are the police around here that much less likely to hassle somebody that has a 'high risk' job? I would think that they'd still have to carry concealed.
Back when I was at BU, I remember a nice spring day outside the student union on Comm. Ave. I was having a smoke on the side walk when I saw a Wells Fargo, or some such company, pulling up along the side walk. With nothing better to do, and having an interest in seeing what the guys were carrying, I sat back and observed. Two guys came out with their money bags, while one stayed in the truck. For some reason, one of the guys had a keen interest in me because he did not take his eyes off of me. Mind you, I was not a punk-rocker, nor was I a hip-hopper, or even an alternative rocker. No tattoos, no piercings ... just blue jeans and a tee shirt. Well, it didn't bother me that he was staring me down, but the fact that both of them had their guns drawn DID! I just froze. I didn't even take a drag from my cigarette until they were both inside and out of sight.
I think if you look at any guards working in an Armored Car I think you'll see a nice, visible firearm. Open carry - seems to let prospective bad guys know it might get messy if they try and get the $$$.
Uniforms seem to "make it all right". This story appears to be about armed couriers who are picking up money, so they fit the same category as your Brinks/Wells Fargo/etc. guards.
runJonnyrun said:
... a nice, visible firearm. Open carry - seems to let prospective bad guys know it might get messy if they try and get the $$$.


I once saw a guy with a Browning .22 on his hip at a coffee shop one morning. He was in camo. I asked him what he was shooting, and he said he was scouting his deer stand areas and hunting squirrels if he saw any. Nobody in there (at least a half dozen) thought nothing of it beyond that. I don't see the problem.
An old guy came into Mcdonalds to grab lunch, he had a .357 revolver on his hip. He worked for Wells Fargo, I think it's pretty common.
Well, I think the idea is they just basically get a "free pass".

Theres obvious limitations to this, though. At a minimum you have to
have a uniform or some other obvious insignia.

I think the "position" may have some implied need for armament, so LE types
may not give them a second glance.

Security Companies generally get a free ride, too. I once ran into a guy
from Wackenhut whos job was to kick bums out of ATM machine
vestibules. He openly carried an S+W .500 4" on his
hip in some sort of large nylon holster with a strap.

bazfoo said:
Well, it didn't bother me that he was staring me down, but the fact that both of them had their guns drawn DID!

I've never seen that and don't know how and why they would be justified to do that!
I've often seen armed guards draw their gun and hold it by their side, pointed at the ground as they walk the money into an establishment or back to the the truck.
LenS said:
I've often seen armed guards draw their gun and hold it by their side, pointed at the ground as they walk the money into an establishment or back to the the truck.

Wow.. that's interesting protocol... I'll make sure to pay more attention to them next time.
drgrant said:
Well, I think the idea is they just basically get a "free pass".

Theres obvious limitations to this, though. At a minimum you have to
have a uniform or some other obvious insignia.

I think the "position" may have some implied need for armament, so LE types
may not give them a second glance.

Security Companies generally get a free ride, too. I once ran into a guy
from Wackenhut whos job was to kick bums out of ATM machine
vestibules. He openly carried an S+W .500 4" on his
hip in some sort of large nylon holster with a strap.


Dont you have to have some sort of LTC? I've seen the adds for "armed security" that require a MA license.

Jaxon said:
Dont you have to have some sort of LTC? I've seen the adds for "armed security" that require a MA license.


Yeah, I'm sure they do have one. What I meant by "free pass" was that
they won't get the spanish inquisition a person in regular joe clothing
would get if he or she was carrying a gun openly.

drgrant said:
Yeah, I'm sure they do have one. What I meant by "free pass" was that
they won't get the spanish inquisition a person in regular joe clothing
would get if he or she was carrying a gun openly.


Ah. okay. [grin]

Security Companies generally get a free ride, too. I once ran into a guy
from Wackenhut whos job was to kick bums out of ATM machine
vestibules. He openly carried an S+W .500 4" on his
hip in some sort of large nylon holster with a strap.

Was that a big dude with tattoos? I MIGHT know who that was. [smile]
At one point I did. Yes, thst was me. Had to try out the Haugen Leather Holster somehow. Besides, when on MY hip, it looked like I was carrying the company issued 38! [wink]
Big Daddy 45acp said:
Besides, when on MY hip, it looked like I was carrying the company issued 38! [wink]
Yeah, I can see that; you're just such a delicate flower! [rofl]

I still say that you could probably conceal an M1...
I always assumed that the general public (in Mass.) doesn't get excited or call the police when they see guards in uniform open carry. Therefore, they are not 'disturbing the peace'. In Texas, I assume the uniform is not required, but the harsh reality is in Mass. if you open cary and people get upset you may be charged with something like 'disturbing the peace'.

I was at Four Seasons once and these two guys were in their guard uniforms checking out the stuff, with their pistols openly carried. They clearly weren't working at the time, just hanging out.

Now if someone could explain why the armoured cars and vans get to double park in the city without getting tickets, that would be worth replicating.
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Another_David said:
Now if someone could explain why the armoured cars and vans get to double park in the city without getting tickets, that would be worth replicating.

i would assume so that their truck would be in a straight line..and in sight of where they're going..

or because they need to get in an out without having to wait for a parking spot or an opening in traffic so as to get out of said spot..

several times i've thought about open carry in my uncle mikes OWB holster but didn't feel like having unwanted attention..(though in my parking lot,to an from my car i normally don't cover up)
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