No problem, noshow! I'm more than happy to help others -- it's supposed to be a system of government based on the rule of law, after all, so shouldn't we all be able to know what we can and can't do based on reading the laws? (By the way, I'm not a lawyer, although I do play one on TV
.) I know this particular topic is a prickly one - it took me many hours of research just to find out what little I know.
The real thanks should go to the great people at local 2A/RKBA organizations like NYSRPA, SCOPE (also NY), GOAL (MA), etc. for all the wonderful work they do. For example, I called on NYSRPA a few weeks ago re. a technical question on NYC & NYS law, and they immediately put me in touch with a knowledgeable attorney & NYSRPA member who answered my question quickly and concisely...what a great experience! If you're not already a NYSRPA member, I'd strongly request that you consider joining.
Also, I mentioned the green NYPD "hunting endorsement card" for premises-residence licensees in my previous post. The whole question of NYC premises-residence licenses and travel by licensees within NYS seems to revolve around this card, but the question I still have to nail down is: what if you're traveling to target shoot, rather than to hunt? I suspect the answer lies within §400 of the NY state penal law, but I find that a bit opaque, and I haven't (yet) found a definitive court case to help shed light on the topic. I'll post again if I can find anything; if anyone else knows the answer to this one, please let us all know.
![Wink [wink] [wink]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/002.gif)
The real thanks should go to the great people at local 2A/RKBA organizations like NYSRPA, SCOPE (also NY), GOAL (MA), etc. for all the wonderful work they do. For example, I called on NYSRPA a few weeks ago re. a technical question on NYC & NYS law, and they immediately put me in touch with a knowledgeable attorney & NYSRPA member who answered my question quickly and concisely...what a great experience! If you're not already a NYSRPA member, I'd strongly request that you consider joining.
Also, I mentioned the green NYPD "hunting endorsement card" for premises-residence licensees in my previous post. The whole question of NYC premises-residence licenses and travel by licensees within NYS seems to revolve around this card, but the question I still have to nail down is: what if you're traveling to target shoot, rather than to hunt? I suspect the answer lies within §400 of the NY state penal law, but I find that a bit opaque, and I haven't (yet) found a definitive court case to help shed light on the topic. I'll post again if I can find anything; if anyone else knows the answer to this one, please let us all know.