I can't speak to CT, but you KNOW this about NH how?
You are wrong about NH, of that I am certain.
I guess I don't explicitly know that NH would turn me down, but after reading the NH Non-resident application and reading that:
I'll choose my words more carefully next timeNon-Resident License Application said:A non-resident pistol permit will not be issued unless you supply:
1) A copy (front & back) of your valid concealed carry permit issued by the state, county, or town in which you
reside, or a valid concealed permit issued by any other state.
![Thinking [thinking] [thinking]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/010.gif)
What are the restrictions on your MA LTC??
Are you allowed to carry a loaded gun on your person?
I have a LTC-A with Restrictions: "SPORT AND TARGET NO CONCEAL CARRY"
You could transport THROUGH CT without a permit. But if you had a friend who lived in CT, and you wanted to go shooting, even if he has a permit, you would be breaking the law while you were going to his house.
I would be staying at my parent's place in CT, not passing through. That's why I wanted to get things squared away legally and not get myself or anyone else in trouble.
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