Now if we can just get Chesty Puller on the 20 dollar bill.

You can't change all the money to have jar heads only. Now if you share and let the Army in too,then we'll see what we can do... [twisted]
My only disapointment is that they'll be using the standard posed photo by Joe Rosenthal rather than one of Lou Lowrey's actual combat photos of the original flag raising taken a few hours earlier. I'll still get some for the grandkids.


BTW, (Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton) != (President)
MrsWildweasel said:
No you have to share with the rest of us... :D We want our service represented too,even though I know I'm out numbered here.

I think they should do one for each branch of the service myself. Just issue the Maine Corps coin first. In keeping with the first to fight tradition.
KMaurer said:
My only disapointment is that they'll be using the standard posed photo by Joe Rosenthal rather than one of Lou Lowrey's actual combat photos of the original flag raising taken a few hours earlier. I'll still get some for the grandkids.


BTW, (Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton) != (President)

Well, when all you ever get to see is a couple of Washingtons, it's easy to forget.
MrsWildweasel said:
No you have to share with the rest of us... :D We want our service represented too,even though I know I'm out numbered here.

Only by numbers. I'm also Army, still in the Army Guard.

"Storming" Norman Schwartzkopf would do. Actually, several bills have Army Officers on them, though they were also Presidents. Washington, Grant and Jackson for a start.
Oh, we are definately outnumbered here on this site....but that is okay I have a soft spot for jarheads because of my father-in-law.
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