NY AG Limits 'Ghost Guns' At Buyback After Exploitation By 3D Printing Community


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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On X, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a new gun buyback event on Long Island for Saturday. The post was heavily ratio'd, with the usual X users in the reply section bashing the progressive politician and arguing how ineffective gun buybacks are at reducing crime. Meanwhile, it seems like James' office has learned from previous gun buybacks how not to be exploited by the 3D-printed community.

"On Saturday, December 14, we're hosting a gun buyback event in Bohemia at the True North Community Church from 10AM-1PM," James' post read, adding, "No ID is needed, and no questions will be asked."

However, in small italicized font, James' office wrote:

"Anyone bringing homemade or 3D-printed guns will be paid a total of $25, regardless of how many are turned in."

View: https://twitter.com/NewYorkStateAG/status/1865841267520786917?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1865841267520786917%7Ctwgr%5E024c616acfe767051d824e3e8c0e5428f0c4fe19%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Fny-ag-limits-3d-guns-buyback-after-exploitation-3d-printing-community

The reason:
In 2022, New York's attorney general had to revise the rules surrounding gun buybacks after an unidentified man from West Virginia exploited a loophole at an event in Utica, New York.

The man reportedly earned $21,000 in gift cards after turning in 60 printed auto sears, which likely cost him $50 in plastic filament. That's a heck of a return.

"Are you guys going to get scammed by the ppl bringing in those cheap 3d printed guns? It was like an unlimited money glitch for them," one X user asked James.

Someone found another "unlimited money glitch" ...

View: https://twitter.com/RealElliottHope/status/1865882402167660682?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1865882402167660682%7Ctwgr%5E024c616acfe767051d824e3e8c0e5428f0c4fe19%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Fny-ag-limits-3d-guns-buyback-after-exploitation-3d-printing-community

The 3D printer community has woken up to "unlimited money glitch" over the years:

View: https://twitter.com/JoForLiberty/status/1554561834463776768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1554561834463776768%7Ctwgr%5E024c616acfe767051d824e3e8c0e5428f0c4fe19%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Fny-ag-limits-3d-guns-buyback-after-exploitation-3d-printing-community

View: https://twitter.com/chairmanwon/status/1554796683132866563?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1554796683132866563%7Ctwgr%5E024c616acfe767051d824e3e8c0e5428f0c4fe19%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fpolitical%2Fny-ag-limits-3d-guns-buyback-after-exploitation-3d-printing-community


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I think we can make an exception to EddieCoyle's rule when there are 10's of thousands of dollars up for grabs.

Time to go scope out local pawn shops for trash tier pistols
I think we can make an exception to EddieCoyle's rule when there are 10's of thousands of dollars up for grabs.

Time to go scope out local pawn shops for trash tier pistols

Do pawn shops in MA sell guns?

I have never been in one(in MA) so no idea, last time I went to a pawn shop was in NH and they didn't sell guns.
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I'll just point out that CASTING firearm frames in plastic costs about $0.25 per frame and is NOT the same technology as 3d printing.

A box of 100 or so frames should qualify for the "buy back" since they are not 3d printed.

There's a thread here someplace by @Boris on the topic and procedure. It's quite easy.

Can any 3D Printer NOT meet this requirement?

"The New York legislature is in the early stages of considering a bill that would require people buying certain kinds of 3D printers to pass a background check.

State Assembly Bill A2228 says that “any retailer of a three-dimensional printer sold in this state which is capable of printing a firearm, or any components of a firearm, is required and authorized to request and receive criminal history information.”

Can any 3D Printer NOT meet this requirement?

"The New York legislature is in the early stages of considering a bill that would require people buying certain kinds of 3D printers to pass a background check.

State Assembly Bill A2228 says that “any retailer of a three-dimensional printer sold in this state which is capable of printing a firearm, or any components of a firearm, is required and authorized to request and receive criminal history information.”
Don’t worry!

There will be 80% 3D Printers.

Unless the government restricts all the parts to build a 3D Printer - people could build their own 3D Printer.
Don’t worry!

There will be 80% 3D Printers.

Unless the government restricts all the parts to build a 3D Printer - people could build their own 3D Printer.
Next up, ghost printers!
Thats basically the start of hobby 3d printers, the reprap / repstrap projects of 10 years or so ago
basically the start of hobby 3d printers
you, basically, have never heard of 'voron'? :)

the best 3d printers are those that you print yourself. but, it is quite an effort.
you, basically, have never heard of 'voron'? :)

the best 3d printers are those that you print yourself. but, it is quite an effort.
I have and I'd love to build one someday, but i was just trying to point out you can make 3d printers out of all kinds of janky setups, also been done for a long time. Drawer slide, all thread etc
Don’t worry!

There will be 80% 3D Printers.

Unless the government restricts all the parts to build a 3D Printer - people could build their own 3D Printer.

I can cut you a sweet deal on a complete pre ban Anet A8 and an 80% AM-8 which is the same thing but with an extruded aluminum frame instead of acrylic.

Let's say four large for the pair. Worth double that on the street.
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