Obama: "Gun-control advocates have to listen more" FUDDISM

Mar 31, 2006
Southcoast of PRM
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Full article here.

So, has the Anointed One had a moment of common sense? Has he realized that the gun grabbers aren't having a conversation but just dictating their demands? Being a 'constitutional scholar' is he telling people he believes in the true intent of the 2nd Amendment?

Nope. It's all about hunting, skeet shooting, and family traditions.

In an interview with The New Republic, Obama says he has "a profound respect" for the tradition of hunting that dates back for generations.

Has Obama himself ever fired a gun?

"Yes," the president says, "in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time."

No mention of self defense or defending liberty, which doesn't surprise me. So why would he even make such a statement? Simple. Divide gun owners into two groups, the Fudds and the 'gun nuts.' The Fudds, with their shotgun and deer rifle are okay. They're traditionalists, so they can be tolerated. All they want to do is get rid of those 'military style' rifles and standard capacity magazines.

It's nothing more than divide and conquer. Don't fall for it. Your shotgun and bolt action rifle may be spared for now, but when my evil rifles and mags are gone they'll eventually come after your 'traditional' guns.

We can all hang together or we can hang separately.
Notice how many times he refers to hunting rather than defense!
Just like when a majority of the nation opposed his healthcare plan and he rammed it through anyway. He's a hypocritical douche bag.
An age old trick of extremism: make some apparently reasonable sounding (but, in context, utterly irrelevant) statements that you don't believe and that won't affect what you're doing, and your defenders will then spend two weeks on talk shows bragging about how reasonable you are.
There is only one reason for the 2nd Amendment. ONE! ONE! And that is so that the "common man" may protect himself against a tyrannical government. THAT is the ONLY REASON the 2nd Amendment exists. Any capitulation of the "common man" to the government that wishes to take his ONLY source of freedom away is foolhardy. We have seen it time and time again. Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Castro, Guevara, Obama . No thank you.
It seems that the more he pushes, the more they push back. I'm seeing people who don't even own guns posting up responses to stuff!

Just yesterday I was looking at the Fox post about the anti rally in Washington and I didn't see one positive response. Usually you get the one guy saying, "it's just a couple of background checks." That guy must've been on vacation because it got ugly and ugly fast.

I think we'll see the internet people get the information first and then it should start to spread. Logic is logic and truth is truth and that doesn't look good for gun grabbers, moms agianst gun violence or NRA haters. They've all been down this road before.
Even Comrade Obama's argument works against him, because the most deeply rooted family tradition of any true American is armed Revolution against a government that oppresses its citizenry. That is every American's birthright, and denying that knowingly is exactly the oppression that warrants the Armed Revolt to which the citizens are entitled. It is mind-numbingly frustrating that the sheeple are blind to this fact.
It worked in 94.

Which is the frightening part. There are gun owners around who somehow think that much of the legislation that is being proposed won't affect them. They need to wake up and smell the coffee. When the next shooting of sympathetic victims happens (and it will happen) they'd better be prepared to defend their 'traditional' guns.

If they think their necks won't eventually get put on the chopping block they're kidding themselves.
Which is the frightening part. There are gun owners around who somehow think that much of the legislation that is being proposed won't affect them. They need to wake up and smell the coffee. When the next shooting of sympathetic victims happens (and it will happen) they'd better be prepared to defend their 'traditional' guns.

If they think their necks won't eventually get put on the chopping block they're kidding themselves.

Let's hope they learned. I think many have.
Let's hope they learned. I think many have.

I posted up this about a month or so ago and asked people what it was like back then. We have to realize there was no facebook or streaming news back then. You couldn't watch the streaming of the legislation. Everyone who said they remembered it remembered reading it in the papers.

The reality is things ARE definitively different now than they were then. That's making all the difference.
Has Obama himself ever fired a gun?

"Yes," the president says, "in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time."[/QOUTE]

Had he said trap, I might have believed him. But, I can't see any Democrat on a skeet range. Well, I can, but I'd be betting dollars to donuts that they don't hit one clay.
This quote appears in the FoxNews version of the same story:
Obama also said he can get 50 percent of public support for many of his upcoming initiatives, but “I can't get enough votes out of the House of Representatives to actually get something passed. … I think there is still shock on the part of some in the party that I won re-election.”

I can't speak to the 'shock' Obama references, but I am shocked that he doesn't seem to realize he was elected 'President' not "el Presidente" or "King" and here's my shocked face to prove it [shocked]

-Read more: Obama suggests Republicans unwilling to compromise in gun control debate | Fox News
There is only one reason for the 2nd Amendment. ONE! ONE! And that is so that the "common man" may protect himself against a tyrannical government. THAT is the ONLY REASON the 2nd Amendment exists. Any capitulation of the "common man" to the government that wishes to take his ONLY source of freedom away is foolhardy. We have seen it time and time again. Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Castro, Guevara, Obama . No thank you.
See guys I did say "FreeWillie for President", but no one listened. [thinking]
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