Obama Urges National Gun Reform — Senate Needs to Quell ‘Easy Access to Guns’


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Former President Obama said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” in an exclusive interview that aired on Tuesday that the U.S. Senate needs to “stop the easy access and flood of guns” into inner-city communities like his hometown of Chicago.

Obama said, “Violent crime and violence generally in low-income communities, inner-city communities in America is nothing new. We have sort of a sporadic — every once in a while, we will focus on it, and then our attention drifts away. The constant is young people, mostly young men, who have not gotten a good education, don’t have a good opportunity, are not seeing good role models, are living in neighborhoods that are frayed and fractured. The second common denominator here in the United States is gun violence, easy access to guns. Now Chicago alone can’t solve the gun problem. As you are well aware during my presidency — talk about something I wanted to get done that I couldn’t get done — was get common-sense gun safety measures in place and though Congress.”

What a tool. 8 years in office. Couldn't get the job done. Because it's a non-job to do.

One has to wonder why he opens his mouth now while Joltin Joe is trying to get his boondoggle passed.

"Look, Barak. I've got a boondoggle, too!"

"That's great, Joe. Are my shoes shined yet?"
The only common denominator is “young people, mostly young men, who have not gotten agood education, don’t have a good opportunity, are not seeing good role models, are living in neighborhoods that are frayed and fractured.” As is typical for Obama, he then seeks to identify gun control in areas outside Chicago as somehow fixing the problem. No, that is not the problem and will accomplish nothing but to infringe on the rights of the law abiding. It’s just comical how poor his leadership was. You fix the root cause and poof all the violence issues subside. You go after guns as an instrument and nothing happens at all except infringement. This is solid proof that former leaders like Obama weren’t looking to solve anything. They were just looking to get votes by campaigning on a gunz-R-bad platform (and still trying to get votes for their gun control buddies).
He tries to make it sound like savage thugs, molded by their own toxic, racist culture, are somehow the victims of a privileged society.

Why do they not have an education? Because their culture doesn't value education. Look at their behavior in school.
Why do they not have fathers? Because their culture doesn't value families.
Why don't they have job opportunities? Because they are not willing to work and resent all authority.
Why are their neighborhoods "frayed and fractured"? Because the Democrat party found dependence on government as their new form of slavery, and have dehumanized the populations of their plantations to a degree never imagined by their forebears in the 1800s.

The leaders of the Democrat party should all be hanged for their crimes against black Americans.
the U.S. Senate needs to “stop the easy access and flood of guns” into inner-city communities like his hometown of Chicago
Ok Barry Hussein, how about you solve the violence in Chicago first. IF and when anything is successful, then you can attempt the senate.
What a tool. 8 years in office. Couldn't get the job done. Because it's a non-job to do.

One has to wonder why he opens his mouth now while Joltin Joe is trying to get his boondoggle passed.

"Look, Barak. I've got a boondoggle, too!"

"That's great, Joe. Are my shoes shined yet?"
He was too busy with ObamaCare, which he did get through.
FU Barry! He's running cover for Dementia Joe's tanking Presidency. Probably a reaction to the FBI's recent report that states violent crime is up over 30% and mostly in Dem run Cities and States.
FU Barry! He's running cover for Dementia Joe's tanking Presidency. Probably a reaction to the FBI's recent report that states violent crime is up over 30% and mostly in Dem run Cities and States.
It is obvious that Gropey isn't running his show. What we are seeing now is Obama's third term, just as he publicly wished for.

Two priorities:

1. By any means necessary, stop the Democrat Communists from implementing their agenda. Use all legal tactics first.
2. At state level, get every state possible to establish honest, auditable election procedures with no room for fraud before the midterm in 2022.

Once these are done, there is a chance to get the Democrat Communists out of power. At that point, do what they are doing now: Flood the zone with EOs, legislation, and wholesale firings throughout the Deep State, but our actions are to end all of the commie programs and "wokeism" BS, and blitz with a conservative, America-First agenda. Do so much, so fast, that the enemy is thoroughly demoralized. Legislative and regulatory shock and awe. Don't whine about the drive-by media, just ignore them and get the message out directly. And the American people will unite.

Remember, the commies stole not only the presidency, but the Congress, with election fraud. Leftists are a loud, violent minority that are very good at the art of politics. But they are a minority. If we can replace the RINOs with real Americans, the vast majority will be with us for a long time.

Note that if the commies steal the next major election cycle, the probability of political collapse nears one.
So it's “young people, mostly young men, who have not gotten agood education, don’t have a good opportunity, are not seeing good role models, are living in neighborhoods that are frayed and fractured.”

Give them educations. Check. show me any kid there who "didn't have a chance to get educated." If they skip school or flunk out, who's problem is that??

Give them opportunities? check. There are help wanted signs literally everywhere. If you can't find opportunity, you're not looking for it.

see good role models? Like you, Mr. Obama? Like the Mayor of Chicago, the DA, city council, and all the other POC "leaders of their communities?" Checkity check check

living in neighborhoods that are frayed and fractured? Well who's fraying and fracturing these neighborhoods? It's certainly not us? Maybe, just maybe, it's the PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THOSE NEIGHBORHOODS!

Police your own. Yada Yada. YMMV. I am not a lawyer and did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Go find a dick to shove up your ass you clown.
I’ve met a real conservative clown recently, that out of pure - let me fit in desire none sense, voted for all the nonsense were dealing with now and regrets every moment of by now - talking about real internal turmoil and I bet you, his one of the millions quiet future allies…
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