OK, this is not OK. New forum freaks me out.

Please bring back the puke emoji.

And the dancing banana...
I just tried NES on Firefox (desktop) and mouse-over shows the beginning of any OP thread for me. So to date it works with MS Edge, MS IE and Firefox. Haven't checked Brave or Chrome yet.

Using latest Firefox (57) and Chrome (62.0.3202.94) and it doesn't work at all... Cleared cache and cookies for NES from Firefox and made no change.
Just discovered the up arrow in quoted text next to the quoted poster's name that brings you back to the quoted post...cool!

Now, if I only had a thumbs-up smiley!
It looks better on my Android than my desktop, using Chrome on phone. Only need to shrink NES logo a lot for phones.
I like the new format,the old one I felt as though I was perpetually stuck in 2004.
After 2 min or less my brain is screaming for something easier on the eyes to look at. Like a pic of Hillary scissoring Rosie O'Donnell. Well we had a good run I guess. I may pop in once in a while but this is pretty much the end for me. Take care y'all.

I wish there were a way to just display the message content itself, and make all the doodads hidden. It's like the home page of
Yahoo or something now.

There's an option in Preferences to not display people signatures, which helps some.
After 2 min or less my brain is screaming for something easier on the eyes to look at. Like a pic of Hillary scissoring Rosie O'Donnell. Well we had a good run I guess. I may pop in once in a while but this is pretty much the end for me. Take care y'all.


That’s a little fatalistic isn’t it? It’s only been 3 days and improvements are coming in every several hours.

I just noticed the colors surrounding the posts and seperating them from the stickies appear to be a tan and grey color now, I’m digging it, and already much easier on the old eyes.
Sorry, the smart-ass in me came out. You should be able to tap on the very top of your screen and have it scroll all the way up to the top. I know any Apple device works that way, at least... not sure on the Android side, but I'm guessing it's the same.
I tried that on my iPad and it didn’t work, but I just discovered if you double tap on the top and bottom corner it will advance to the next post. Thanks. Will we get the ability to upload a picture from our computers?
Is there a way to restore the itrader ratings or is that data gone?

Outside of that, I like the upgrade. The edit text boxes are MUCH more user friendly and far less temperamental!
I'd like to lodge a formal complaint. It appears that animated avatar images only work if you click on them when viewing a list of posts.

I've been watching Whacko's animated avatar for years and I'm deeply disappointed by this new turn of events.

Please reanimate Whacko's avatar as shown below. We have the technology!


Now that the colors are more bearable (thanks!), I can worry about lesser things. Just a few I noticed although not sure which are possible to fix:

The thread list used to show an indicator that I had posted in it before; I miss that.

When I reply to a thread, it puts me at the end of the thread rather than where I left off reading in it. That's nice to see your own post immediately, but I'd prefer not at the expense of having to figure out and scroll back to where I was when I initiated the reply.

After fully reading a thread and pressing the Back button to return to the thread list, it doesn't automatically update the thread I was reading to indicate it was read. Of course, refreshing the page or navigating back up one level in the forum hierarchy and back in again makes it update, but that's annoying.

If I navigate from the thread list into a thread that has more than one page remaining to be read, and I read those pages, I can't quickly return back to where I was in the thread list. Pressing Back just puts me in the previous page. Is there a correct way to navigate back? As much as I hated it, Tapatalk let me go back easily. e.g. suppose I'm on page 3 of the thread list and I read 5 pages of one of the threads. I want there to be a single UI gesture that will take me back to page 3 of the thread list. Not page 1 of the thread list. Not page 4 of the thread I was reading. If I could figure this out, it would significantly enhance the reading experience.
One more thing... in the thread list, the contrast between a read thread and a thread with remaining stuff to read is very small. Yes, there is the small blue ball on the left. But, I recall the old forum made the text of the thread title look quite a bit different if it had been read (lighter, less bold). Here, I only see a slight difference in the text. I miss that.
I'd like to lodge a formal complaint. It appears that animated avatar images only work if you click on them when viewing a list of posts.

I've been watching Whacko's animated avatar for years and I'm deeply disappointed by this new turn of events.

Please reanimate Whacko's avatar as shown below. We have the technology!



I had the same problem with mine.

He'll have to re-upload it (and be under .5 mb), for it to 'jiggle' again.
Now that the colors are more bearable (thanks!), I can worry about lesser things. Just a few I noticed although not sure which are possible to fix:

The thread list used to show an indicator that I had posted in it before; I miss that.


I discovered that your avatar will show up near the title of the thread if you've posted in it.
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