Wow! Smart carry a 1911? I guess it could be done (and the advertizing always show how easy it is), but that's a big gun to carry "down there." If you do nothing but stand all day, I guess it's doable, but otherwise you might find it a bit more uncomfortable than it's worth.
I've smart carried my S&W 642 revolvers for many years, and that works out fine. But anything bigger goes on a belt. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be focused on one mode of carry - be open to other possibilities.
Have you attended (or do you plan to attend) one of the academies that specialize in concealed carry training (for example, Sig Academy)?
I actually not set on anything at this point. I'm pretty much kicking the tires. Many things have to all fall in place before I move to the next step. I am researching, The only thing is I am focused on the 1911 of which there are many options