Ok what can I realistically expect to pay for a 1911A1 in the current market

Wow! Smart carry a 1911? I guess it could be done (and the advertizing always show how easy it is), but that's a big gun to carry "down there." If you do nothing but stand all day, I guess it's doable, but otherwise you might find it a bit more uncomfortable than it's worth.

I've smart carried my S&W 642 revolvers for many years, and that works out fine. But anything bigger goes on a belt. All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be focused on one mode of carry - be open to other possibilities.

Have you attended (or do you plan to attend) one of the academies that specialize in concealed carry training (for example, Sig Academy)?


I actually not set on anything at this point. I'm pretty much kicking the tires. Many things have to all fall in place before I move to the next step. I am researching, The only thing is I am focused on the 1911 of which there are many options
I'm 48 years old & looking to get into shooting with a conceal to carry for protection. At this point in my life I have decided that this is the piece of hardware I want as an extension of my body assuming all goes as planned. I am open to makes and models but the Springfield 1911 .45 has my attention. That all said this is my 1st piece & I am thinking this is the route I want to go. It appears to be reliable, versatile & has past the test of time, outside of that it is simply just a dam nice looking piece of hardware.

The next question is what can 1 expect to pay for various makes & models without getting to beat up to badly. I know what I am willing to pay for the right piece it is just a matter of determining what that is within the 1911 frame.

Thank you all for your help
I am Charlie

Hi Charlie,

I see you're in MA. You're out of luck for the Springfield. Try a S&W 1911.

Figure about $800 +/- for a new 1911. Figure another $100-$200 for a GOOD QUALITY holster and belt. DO NOT SKIMP ON THIS. Figure about $1 a round for quality SD .45 ammo and $96/250 Remmington range ammo at Walmart. Add in $300 for a range membership because you're going to need to practice.

That's minimum.
My primary carry. I think it's the perfect blend of size/power/weight


This...Nice firearm!!!!!!! That is definately on the short list of guns I'd like to buy!!!
Hi Charlie,

I see you're in MA. You're out of luck for the Springfield. Try a S&W 1911.

Figure about $800 +/- for a new 1911. Figure another $100-$200 for a GOOD QUALITY holster and belt. DO NOT SKIMP ON THIS. Figure about $1 a round for quality SD .45 ammo and $96/250 Remmington range ammo at Walmart. Add in $300 for a range membership because you're going to need to practice.

That's minimum.
Yea I have since learned that the Springfield & Kimber were off the list of options. I will more than likely go with a S&W. I had a pretty good idea I was looking at a bout $2000 to break into sport of shooting. My wife is with me on this so I'm not fighting her & that's a good thing because it's no fun when she isn't behind me on stuff. That 1911 sc pictured in the last couple of post is pretty sweet. I am going to reserve myself not to get to excited about anything till I get the results back on my application. Thanks for those figures though, that is what I have been looking for.

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