One good reason not to open carry


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
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Fairfax County Police Department

Public Information Office
4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253

News Release: 06/211/0388/RJP/(1)

July 31, 2006

Man robbed in the Centreville area

About 4:10 a.m. Sunday, July 30, officers were called to the area of Newton Patent Drive and Newton Tavern Drive. A 21-year-old Centreville-area man was robbed while walking on Newton Patent Drive. Two suspects approached the victim from behind, and placed a metal object up to the victim’s head. The suspects took the victim’s hand gun which he was openly carrying. The suspect’s then fled the area. The victim was not injured.

The suspects were described as black males wearing dark clothing.

Anyone with information about this incident or these suspects is asked to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477) or the police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131.


Link: 2006/073106robNewtonPatton.htm
That's the exact scenario I asked about in a previous thread regarding open carry.

Unless you're an LEO I don't think open carry is really a good idea.
SiameseRat said:
That's the exact scenario I asked about in a previous thread regarding open carry.

Unless you're an LEO I don't think open carry is really a good idea.

Agree 1000%!

Even when I was working in uniform, I was always aware of who was standing near me and most often used my arm to block access to my gun. I was never comfortable carrying a gun openly (and it was a thumb-break, so it would take a little more than yanking it to get it loose from me).

Having an open carry law is nice, but I'd prefer to keep it concealed thank you.
This is just another example of the "right" to carry openly. Where I live, open carry is guaranteed by law. I have NEVER practiced it, except at my club or while taking a shooting course for, what should be, obvious reasons. The primary one is that you are letting a BG know you are armed. I don't want anyone to know I'm armed because surprise is ones biggest advantage in a deadly force incident. People may "get a rise" out of carrying openly, the "look at me, I've got a gun" mentality. But, for practical purposes open carry is an invitation to die. You think an armed robber, druggie, or gang-banger cares if you're carrying a gun? They see it as a challenge. Instead of robbing you, they'll just walk up from behind a structure and shoot you in the head. Having the "right" to vote doesn't mean I have to wear a t-shirt saying I Vote.
The guy was probably open carrying because you aren't allowed in VA to carry concealed inside a place that serves alcohol - so lots of people open carry whenever they eat out at a restaurant.

(Edit) also open carry is legal in VA without a carry permit but to carry concealed you need a permit.

Only time I open carry is on bicycle rides when it is too uncomfortable and sweaty to carry concealed.
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open carry

its ok at the range but open carry in public is not a good idea. I think its
to risky. Now everyone knows your carrying, even the BG's. the element
of suprise and guessing on the part of the BG is the best thing.

JimB said:
its ok at the range but open carry in public is not a good idea. I think its
to risky. Now everyone knows your carrying, even the BG's. the element
of suprise and guessing on the part of the BG is the best thing.


Exactly! The point of concealed carry is so that nobody but YOU knows you are carrying, instead of everybody knowing like with this guy. At the range, I open carry, but would never do it out in public.
While personally I prefer concealed carry, I believe that a right not exercised is a right lost.

In VA, many people exercise Open Carry. There are times when I would prefer to OC. This past week for example. Look at the guy in Dedham who lost his LTC when his jacket blew open.

However, if you do carry openly, do NOT walk around in condition white! And at the very least, use a holster with some form of retention and know how to defend against a gun grab.
This same incident happened to guy I used to work with years ago. He had just gotten of shift and was standing in line at the service counter at a local supermarket to cash his check. He was carrying with an open shirt over the gun. It was visible. A bad guy armed with a handgun came in to rob the store and saw the off duty officer in line. The officer was "relieved" of his personal firearm and the robbery was successful. The stolen gun was never recovered.
Where I live, open carry is guaranteed by law. One can open carry with only a drivers license. To carry concealed, one must have a Pistol/Revolver license. $10.00 for 4 years and we have a "shall issue" law. I have that license. I respect anyone's right to exercise their choice to carry openly. The fact that I have the right means that I, and my fellow residents have the choice. Choice is the operative word. I, however, choose not to carry openly, because I believe it is an unsafe practice and defeats the purpose of carrying a firearm for self-defense.
IMO I think open carry SHOULD be 100% legal, period.

Why? Because it gives the "man" less opportunities to screw with
someone. (Say your jacket blows open, someone bumps into you
in "that place" etc.)

I can admit that it might be "tactically unsound" and had this guy even used
minimal concealment, he would have been a lot better off. It's also possible
this guy was like "mr oblivious", eg, that guy that got disarmed by the
Manchester, NH PD in the book store.

Unless you're an LEO I don't think open carry is really a good idea.

Why ?? Are LEOs special ??? Most can't hit the side of a barn .

This guy WAS not in the mental state of mind he should have been . If you dont stay alert you won't stay alive !!
If the perps could see the weapon chance are he could see them.

You need to secure you sidearm when carrying open IE: a thumb break .

If you refuse to use the right to open carry then you lose it .

I carry open 3-4 days a week , never had a prob .

You should be watching your back , side's and front no matter what
Yes, LEOs are special. They're much less likely than the average citizen to get in trouble with their licensing authority when they carry openly.

Sounds like a thumb break or even a level III holster wouldn't have saved this guy. They got the drop on him while already armed, and not much can change that. Maybe if he had chosen a better place and time and kept his eyes open things would have worked out better. What is the fourth rule of a gun fight? Bring friends with guns or something like that? ;-)

In addition to what KMaurer said, cops have backup available on the horn and (I think, pure conjecture no basis in statistical or empirical fact) people are less likely to initiate a conflict out of the blue (resisting arrest is a whole other ballgame) with a uniformed officer given the zeal with which the LEO community protects it's own.

I still prefer that it remain legal to protect people who print/flash. It happens...
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