Not going to be having much fun tomorrow

After my back surgery they told me recovery would be the most painful experience of my life. This to a guy who spent a year in a full leg cast after a traumatic spiral fracture of the tibia and fibula, has had multiple knee surgeries, broken fingers, ulna, clavicle, etc. Fortunately, they were wrong for the most part. Initially I was on 20-30 mg of oxycodone daily, but I hated that and soon weaned off. There was plenty of discomfort and occasional sharp pains, but I focused on PT and pretty soon was feeling much better. After five months, I was back on the golf course for the first time in years. There was only one brief episode about two weeks post surgery when I stood up to go to bed I suddenly felt 10 level pain, started shaking and sweating, and dropped back on the couch. My wife wanted to call an ambulance; I said no and just breathed deeply for a few minutes and it passed. Not trying to scare you there, more trying to say that there was great pain for only about five minutes of my recovery. Hang tough, do the work, and you won't regret it.
Update; things going well so far. Incremental improvement each day, have appointment next week w surgeon presumably to remove staples.

A big THANK YOU! to all who posted or shared similar experiences! Your words really helped get me through the first couple days. Can hardly wait till I get cut loose and get to sleep in my own bed again. [cheers] [banana]
Home at last! Wouldn't wish the last few weeks of hell on anyone. Spinal fusion sucks! But I can feel an improvement already. I was in an old folks home in Milford, NH. Few of the aids spoke English, the food absolutely sucked big time! My wife brought me some snacks and burgers so I wouldn't have to eat the swill they called "food". PT and OT was a joke. But at least they got me up and walking. Recovery Is gonna be a lot longer than I was led to believe but the long-term outlook is favorable. Its just gonna take more time than I thought. Thanks for the support!
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