Not going to be having much fun tomorrow

Hope you're feeling OK today so far. Keep up with the drugs and don't let them lapse. Did that by accident when I had rotator cuff surgery and the pain was immense. Don't be dumb like me!!! ;)
Hey man, hope things went well.

If it helps, I had neck surgery last year- found sleeping on my stomach was way more comfortable than my back, also found flexoril did absolutely f***ing nothing, so if you're tightening up after surgery and find you're locked into a position- that's not normal. Nurses and docs know that shit don't work, not sure why they still prescribed it. Anyhow, I ended up with cyclobenzaprine instead and went from looking like I had cerebral palsy to a reasonably functioning adult in a day.
cyclobenzaprine is flexeril
I broke my back last year in a slip & fall and been stuck in the health care morass. [sad] I'm scheduled for a spinal fusion tomorrow. While I have faith in modern medicine I'm apprehensive about going under the knife. I've been lucky and have had a few health issues from an earlier bad accident which gave me a TBI, compound fracture of my skull,14 busted ribs and traumatic amnesia. I've got a good medical team, but they want to drill into my spine and implant rods to hold my back straight. I haven't been in a hospital voluntarily in quite some time so I'm more than a little apprehensive about this, but it'd be better to get this fixed ASAP.
I'm scheduled for a 7 AM "procedure" I've got my son coming over to watch the house while I'm in the OR and hopefully I'll be discharged 24 hours later. I'll check back here once I get out. Prayers, good karma / vibes appreciated! Hopefully the nurses are cute. [laugh]
Good luck!!
I broke my back last year in a slip & fall and been stuck in the health care morass. [sad] I'm scheduled for a spinal fusion tomorrow. While I have faith in modern medicine I'm apprehensive about going under the knife. I've been lucky and have had a few health issues from an earlier bad accident which gave me a TBI, compound fracture of my skull,14 busted ribs and traumatic amnesia. I've got a good medical team, but they want to drill into my spine and implant rods to hold my back straight. I haven't been in a hospital voluntarily in quite some time so I'm more than a little apprehensive about this, but it'd be better to get this fixed ASAP.
I'm scheduled for a 7 AM "procedure" I've got my son coming over to watch the house while I'm in the OR and hopefully I'll be discharged 24 hours later. I'll check back here once I get out. Prayers, good karma / vibes appreciated! Hopefully the nurses are cute. [laugh]
Prayers Sent !!! hope your back to 110% soon! Best Wishes!
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