One sentence gun reviews

The difference between a Raven .25ACP and a paperweight is the paperweight can be thrown downrange and hit the target.
Smith & Wesson Model 19: Smith & Wesson, with help from Bill Jordan, got it right.

Just don't shoot too many 125gr .357s in them. [wink]

Ruger always made high capacity center fire semi-auto pistols and the Speed Six and SP101 were designed with concealed carry in mind, the Mini-14 as I recall always had hi-cap magazines available. At one time it was the only real 5.56 competitor to the AR series of rifles.

Now with reviews:

Browning Hi-Power: fits hand like glove, shoots great.

1911A1 - Good gun, in more traditional forms, needs lots of lubrication

Colt All American 2000 - worst gun ever made by a major US manufacturer.

S&W - 3rd Gen Semi-Autos - very underrated, durable, relatively ergonomic and generally reliable, frequently a great bargain on the used market

Browning BDM - An outstanding design, but a poorly made 9mm semi-automatic, most disappointing gun I ever owned.

Colt Double Eagle .45 ACP - the most underrated gun in the whole Colt semi-auto line, also probably the ugliest.

S&W MP Series of semi-automatic pistols - S&W has come up with a real winner.

Colt .380 Govt Model - Bring this back along with the Mustang, a very nifty pistol.

Colt Pocket Nine - Perhaps the best small 9mm ever made and designed, came too late in Colt's 20th Century History to be successful.

Ruger P89 - Rugged, ugly, built like a tank, but it could take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.

Sig Sauer Double Action Semi-Autos - Until recently the preeminent top shelf semi-autos, world class if you will, now quality control appears to be an issue.

Winchester Model '94 lever action rifle - a true American Classic

Mossberg Model 500 series of shotguns - truly amazing pump guns, good value and good shooters.

Remington 870 Shotgun - The quintessential American pump shotgun, a truly great piece of ordnance.

AR15/M16 - Living proof that if you spend enough time and R&D, you can finally make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (almost [thinking]), a highly overrated piece of ordnance that for some mysterious reason has caught the fancy of a generation of civilian shooters.

S&W N Frame Revolvers - Like the girl with the curl in her forhead: "When they are good, they are very, very good and when they are bad they are horrid."

S&W K Frame Revolvers - Ditto the N frame comment.

S&W L .357 Frame - S&W's best compromise between durability and size with regard to caliber, see other remarks about S&W revolvers in general.

Ruger Single Action Revolvers (center and rim fire) - Best factory production single action revolvers made in America.

Colt Single Action Army Revolver - A true American Classic, and a delight to own and shoot, but more fragile than a Ruger.

S&W J Frame Revolvers - the classic and best small frame revolvers made, bar none, but like all S&Ws of the last 4-5 decades quality control can be an issue, see remarks referencing other S&W revolvers.

Colt Detective Special (with ejector rod shroud) - IMO the best looking snub nosed revolver ever made, and a great CCW piece.

Colt Python .357 Revolver - A truly magnificent example of American gun making at a regular production facility, but also fragile and prone to getting out of time, a thoroughbred and not a draft horse, this Colt is arguably the best looking American DA Revolver.

S&W M39 9mm Semi-Auto - For reasons I cannot totally explain objectively, probably my most favorite handgun of them all because of looks, feel and something intrinsic that I cannot define, shoot one and you might fall in love with it, despite the bad DA trigger, and mediocre SA trigger.

Ruger 10/22 Semi-Automatic Rifle - Arguably the best .22 rifle made in modern times (a tip of the hat to Marlin, though).

P08 Parabellum (Luger) - the one gun I never owned, but wished I had esp the artillery model, these are beautiful although somewhat temperamental guns.
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Remington 870 Wingmaster -

This gun makes a big boom, and is good for most any, if not all, uses one could have for a gun.
Glock 36 - The capacity is on the low side, but it's worth it to me for to get all the Glocky goodness in a single-stack profile that actually fits my hand.

Ruger Mark series - Runs like a clock and shots better than I can with the bonus that being able to actually pull it apart and reassemble it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
Ruger SR1911: SW1911 but half the price
Luger P08: Complex German engineering beauty that everyone should shoot at least once in their life.
GP100: track driver for those who cannot afford a 686
M&P: Better than a Glock if you have an Apex Sear
AR - I should have bought an AK
AK - I should have bought an AR
1911 - I should have bought a Glock
Glock - I should have bought a 1911
Para - Why the f*** did I buy a Para?
More importantly, Ruger has done an about face from some of the policies that were firmly in place when the old man ran the show.

Ruger now sells some of their rifles with > 10 round magazines - they were LEO in the old days.

Ruger targets the EBR market, not just the "gentlemen's sporting rifle" market

Ruger now makes compact handguns targets at concealed carry use.

ruger even makes 25 round mags for 10/22's now, definitely done a 180
Taurus PT945 - Don't listen to the haters, I trust my life to you.

Sig P226 - never needs a cleaning, reliable reliable reliable

11/87 - die birdies die!

Marlin 60 - 17 years and you still shoot like new; we'll always be together
Ruger Mark series - Runs like a clock and shots better than I can with the bonus that being able to actually pull it apart and reassemble it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
If you can pull it apart and reassemble without uttering profanity, then you have accomplished something much bigger than something!
M&P:In massachusetts Better than a cripple mag equipped Glock if you have an Apex Sear

Colt 70 Series Gold Cup Match - proof God exists
And he has a sense of humor [smile]

AR - I should have bought an AK
AK - I should have bought an AR
1911 - I should have bought a Glock
Glock - I should have bought a 1911
Para - Why the f*** did I buy a Para?

Garand, Arguably the most recognizable 'ping' in the gun world.

Nagant Revolver Popeyes IDPA gun.

Mosin Nagant Who knew this thing had a safety?

Model 29. Ask myself do I feel lucky, Well do ya punk?
AK, has to work in the mud because that's what my house is made of.

SKS, I wish I could afford an AK, but I'm a poor communist living in a snow bank

AR, it mostly plastic just like a nice set of boobies

Glock, will I still be able to play video games after I lose a finger?

Revolvers, I'm old and slow just like my gun.

Beretta, 4 out of 5 dentist recommend it

Sig, double action Kimbers
Ruger 10/22: You were my first gun and truly was the best tool to teach me all of my basic shooting fundamentals

Ruger SR9: My first handgun, never a single hiccup with hundreds of rounds but kinda over all the external safety features

AR15 carbine: Some of the most fun Ive had with action shooting

Mossberg 500: The perfect beginners shotgun
Winchester Model 12 12ga: Kicks like a mule without a single failure for 70 years.
Winchester Model 12 16ga: Little brother to the 12ga suffers from frequent stovepipes... on a shotgun... wtf?!
Lefever Long Range Field and Trap single-barrel 16ga: I want to love you, but you're too damned small.
C96 "Broomhandle" Mauser: Deadly accurate nearly a century after manufacture and 66 years on a shelf. :-)
Beretta 682 Gold 12ga over/under: True mastery of anything is rumored to take 10,000 hours, but with you, let's call it a week.
Beretta 391 Urika 12ga: Not quite as good, but I won't cry when I scratch the hell out of you chasing those !@^#%$ pheasants through the thorns.
Thompson/Center Contender: The erector set of firearms.
AK - put a smoke detector on the handguard.

Hi point - Why?

Mosin M44 - because I need to burn some brush at the range while I'm shooting.

AR- Gay but you gotta own at least one.

Model 70 Super Grade - wtf did I buy this for because it's too heavy long and nice to hunt with.

Marlin XL7 - At least I hunt with it, and it's cheap and accurate for shxt money.

Rock Island Compact - Hell it works for half the price.

Glock - cheap plastic that works.
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