One Tax Stamp: 2 SBR uppers


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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If I get a Tax Stamp for a SBR, can I go out and buy another SBR upper with the idea of putting on the lower that has the first SBR upper?

I think that I should be able to get a different upper for the Tax Stamped lower since the lower is the part that registered.
long answer: the ATF politely requests notification of caliber or length changes but you are not bound by law to report either of them.
I have 3 short uppers, various lengths. What I am careful about is not having an extra "rifle" lower sitting around without a matching "rifle" upper.

ATF is most interested in SBR length changes when you can no longer go back to an SBR configuration, no need to contact them for a temporary swap. And Prince Law suggests that there is no issue with going shorter than the original registered length, not everybody agrees.
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