Open-carry litter pickup spreads to KY, thanks to Ron Paul

doing this in MA might lead to people losing their rights to carry firearms:(

I wonder what would happen if you really got like 200 people out there open carrying... Would they really charge everyone or try to?
I wonder what would happen if you really got like 200 people out there open carrying... Would they really charge everyone or try to?

If there was adequate prior publicity of the event and its aims, I doubt that there's be much grounds for a police response. Would be interesting to see ...
Creating a public disturbance, or something like that. Just enough for them to get everyone's name and make them 'unsuitable'.
What would they charge for? (Since there is no specific clause denying the ability to open carry)

As I understand, "brandishing a weapon" is the favorite. Complete BS of course, but none the less... and really they don't have to charge you, just get your name and call your COP to suggest you are not worthy, er I mean, "suitable".
and ramrod legislation banning open carry. once they get that, you can kiss CCW goodbye forever. this Ridley Report style agitating bugs the living crap out of me. does more harm than good, IMO.
Ridley aside, I have to disagree - we have a culture of gun fear to combat in this nation before we are going to get things moving in the right direction...

People have been conditioned with an irrational fear that can only be countered by positive exposure. Sadly, it's just like kids - you have to remove the mystique...

MA is a problem though, as I have mentioned, this issue of "suitability" effectively eliminates LTC holders from peaceful demonstration as a function or fear of reprisal (which is precisely how you know that they are violating our rights).

Not sure how to get around this other than good old fashioned "martyrdom"... [sad2]

Short of that I think we do need to start a social movement of "community readiness". Extend the Appleseed concept to non-firearms readiness with arms as "just another aspect"...

Actually get people re-acquainted with the idea of volunteer civilian militias that aren't doomsday cults, but rather just community "plan B". Groups that spend their weekends preparing for natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and generally "doing good" otherwise...

Having lived in "free states" prior to MA and then being otherwise distracted by life, I had no idea how bad it was here until I finally got around to dealing with it... Those who have lived here seem numb to just how bad it is[thinking] There so happy when their LTC ALP shows up in 5 weeks instead of 5 months that they don't even realize the presumption of guilt at work that made them wait more than 48 hours....
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it has to be done one on one, and via intelligent legal presentation.

Cake, eggs, broken they must be[wink]

It would be nice if you could do such "one on one" presentations and even better if it would work, but unfortunately, history and reality say otherwise...

When arguing against dogma - facts, law, physics are irrelevant. To move the public perception against dogma requires "trusted leaders" making "the leap"...

You could spend the rest of your days presenting the best legal argument to every man woman and child, but you will never be as effective as a celebrity with charisma and a sound track showing calculated images in sequence to convince the audience of their case no matter what it might be...

I'd like to say our (the human species') vaunted intellect was not so easily swayed, but just look at Rome, the Witch Trials, the Inquisition, Nazi Germany, Turkey, the Soviet union, the French Revolution, Cambodia, North Korea, China, etc...
and ramrod legislation banning open carry. once they get that, you can kiss CCW goodbye forever. this Ridley Report style agitating bugs the living crap out of me. does more harm than good, IMO.

I see where you're coming from but ... How much time have you spent at the legislature? Do you understand the political climate in that building? The long term mood in Concord? It's very pro gun, even with the dems at their peak last year the grabbers couldn't get 12 votes out of 400 for a ban on us common folk bringing guns into the legislature itself.

I don't think there is as much "gun danger" from the state govt as you seem to fear, though your view is pretty common.

A right not exercised is eventually lost. Oh also the media coverage has been uniformly positive thus far, public reaction we were able to measure thus far was 2-to1 favorable on

Yes some things can be bad PR but I don't see evidence that OC litter PU is one of them.
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I wonder what would happen if you really got like 200 people out there open carrying... Would they really charge everyone or try to?

No - But the paranoid gun owner inside me says that there'd be 200 certified letters in the mail the same day to their respective CLEOs.
First of all, all police I have asked said there is nothing wrong with carrying openly, as long as they aren't doing anything wrong. I've actually seen someone carrying openly in a coffee shop where police frequent with no problems (Boylston/Worcester line).

...Actually get people re-acquainted with the idea of volunteer civilian militias that aren't doomsday cults, but rather just community "plan B". Groups that spend their weekends preparing for natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and generally "doing good" otherwise....

check out:
  1. Citizens Police Academy (see post 5 and on)
  2. States Chafing at U.S. Focus on Terrorism
  3. 2 Other SHTF Questions... for those of us "In Country"...
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