Outdoor sportsman Hanson, MA

No longer open. The roof caved in from the snow load and Bruce decided he was all done. Soon to be a cabinet shop showroom.

Do you know if he is selling off any of the inventory? He has some airguns I was hoping he still had come spring time...
No idea. I only know that because I have a work shop in the building. Not a friend of his or anything like that.

Sent directly from my thoughts using tinfoil antennas and a stainless mixing bowl helmet.
Bought a bow from him a few years back when I was first getting serious about archery and hunting. I tried to like the place to support a local small business but could never really get myself to. He always seemed kind of arrogant and after he had the money for the bow he was onto other things instead of helping me fine tune the bow. Had me shoot 3 arrows and basically said take it home and adjust the sights in your backyard after I just dropped $850 in his shop. I still went back from time to time for arrows etc as I said to support a local shop but it was only a once or twice a year thing. Last time I was there he had a bunch of black powder stuff but it was grossly overpriced.
Bought a bow from him a few years back when I was first getting serious about archery and hunting. I tried to like the place to support a local small business but could never really get myself to. He always seemed kind of arrogant and after he had the money for the bow he was onto other things instead of helping me fine tune the bow. Had me shoot 3 arrows and basically said take it home and adjust the sights in your backyard after I just dropped $850 in his shop. I still went back from time to time for arrows etc as I said to support a local shop but it was only a once or twice a year thing. Last time I was there he had a bunch of black powder stuff but it was grossly overpriced.

I didn't "know" him but Bruce was always open did a ok job having inventory for a small shop
I not sure how much tuning is involved in a bow..... owell few other places around.
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