Over / Under for Juneteenth Shootings??? One dead and two injured in shooting during CA. Juneteenth concert -JOOMTEEMF MURDER BANANA PEEL MEGATHREAD

It's NPR so of course:

Researchers disagree over the cause. Theories include the possibility that violence is driven by the prevalence of guns in America, or by less aggressive police tactics or a decline in prosecutions for misdemeanor weapon offenses, Nagin said.

Fatherlessness is a key factor - young males raised in a single-parent household. Half of homicide victims are young men/adolescents and 2/3rd of those are Black. We let 10s of thousands of state/federal prisoners out during COVID but they didn’t go home to the wife and kids.

An unattributed story on NPR from Associated Press with a Hairstylist surveying a wrecked apartment? I’m betting AI journalism with the editor giving any gun story a pass.

A Juneteenth celebration in Southern California came to an abrupt end Saturday evening, after one person was killed in a shooting, which left at least one other victim wounded.

It ain't even Juneteenth and these boobs are already at it!

I'm wagering 100 dead Maroons.
I'll beg you to not disparage "boobs" in that manner sir.
Fatherlessness is a key factor - young males raised in a single-parent household. Half of homicide victims are young men/adolescents and 2/3rd of those are Black. We let 10s of thousands of state/federal prisoners out during COVID but they didn’t go home to the wife and kids.

An unattributed story on NPR from Associated Press with a Hairstylist surveying a wrecked apartment? I’m betting AI journalism with the editor giving any gun story a pass.

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That, coupled with the left keeping certain parts of the population in eternal poverty sucking on the .gov teet under the guise of "helping" and keeping guns out of the poor population so they can't defend themselves in these areas...it's all such a mess
That, coupled with the left keeping certain parts of the population in eternal poverty sucking on the .gov teet under the guise of "helping" and keeping guns out of the poor population so they can't defend themselves in these areas...it's all such a mess

Good point. When work requirements are instituted for welfare, about 1/3 say they’ll find their own job and skip welfare, 1/3 need help finding a job, and 1/3 have issues like dependents at home, physical challenges, pregnancy, etc. Probably only 1/3 of that latter third really can’t work. But Democrats are willing to give it away to anyone and everyone to avoid making exceptions for the 10-15% off welfare applicants. One proposal is to couple work requirements to unemployment - when more jobs are plentiful, put more people to work.

But the Left wouldn’t be the Left if they supported workfare, traditional 2-parent male/female households, etc. Somehow, doing what has always shattered societies is their goal. Socialism/Communism work just fine if they’re done right, they say. Hasn’t mankind proven it can’t be “done right”?
I forget where it was but businesses were having juneteenth issues. Massive shoplifting, fights, vandalism, etc. (this was before it became a holiday, so likely one of the states where it was an actual thing at the time) Bad enough that businesses remained closed for the "holiday". Of course people cried racism and of course the local government caved and threatened the businesses so prior to the holiday, they pulled building permits and were closed for "renovations" during the holiday weekend.

Im curious to see what the damage is this weekend or if it will be reported.
Shhh. It’s racist to mention it. Notice how that huge, Juneteenth shooting was barely mentioned in the press.
Good point. When work requirements are instituted for welfare, about 1/3 say they’ll find their own job and skip welfare, 1/3 need help finding a job, and 1/3 have issues like dependents at home, physical challenges, pregnancy, etc. Probably only 1/3 of that latter third really can’t work. But Democrats are willing to give it away to anyone and everyone to avoid making exceptions for the 10-15% off welfare applicants. One proposal is to couple work requirements to unemployment - when more jobs are plentiful, put more people to work.

But the Left wouldn’t be the Left if they supported workfare, traditional 2-parent male/female households, etc. Somehow, doing what has always shattered societies is their goal. Socialism/Communism work just fine if they’re done right, they say. Hasn’t mankind proven it can’t be “done right”?
Cloward and Piven. Read up. You’ll understand.
And I have it off no doubt due to my white privilege.
I shall celebrate it with some fried chicken and watermelon.

No chitlins and black-eyed peas ???

8 shot in Methuen last night at a sideshow, 17yo murdered at Market Basket in Lynn.

Did he try cutting the line for the $6.99 lobsters ???
8 shot in Methuen last night at a sideshow, 17yo murdered at Market Basket in Lynn.
Just read an article about that. This state's politicians and police are insane.

They called a group of a couple hundred people meeting in a random parking lot at 2 am a "impromptu car club meet" and it is "gun violence" that is to blame.

How about blaming the trash people?
“Peaceful Juneteenth gathering”

I’d say that’s inaccurate.

Take a cue from CNN and call it…

“MOSTLY peaceful Juneteenth gathering”
Come on. You all know the perps are NRA member, Trump Republicans. Yeah. And they’re church going folks too.
…..Gang shitbag hood rats keep killing each other

the left - “why do all these evil guns keep doing this to these poor people?”
I'm thrilled when scumbags kill each other. I'd like to see a lot more of it. Sadly, these retards suck at aiming, and pretty much everything else in life for that matter, and innocent people get shot.

Never forget that people on the left are the true racists.
A 22-year-old woman was wounded three times in the chest and transported to Insight Hospital, where she was later died. Authorities have not released her identity.
A 20-year-old woman was wounded in the thigh and transported to the University of Chicago Medical Center in good condition.
Ever wonder why they celebrate June 19???? I mean, wouldn't a more meaningful day be hte Emancipation Proclamation? How about the passage of the 13th Amendment???

June 19

January 1.

January 31. (or Dec 6)

Which one do you want off????

Honestly, I think it's great that we celebrate a great change in our country. And the history of June 19 is very rich. . . . for Southern blacks, mostly Texas blacks. But make no mistake. The date was popularized b/c it's a nice time of year for people. Period.

There is good info a Wiki. It's technically a modern holiday. While rooted in tradition in Galvaston, it died out TWICE in the intervening 100 years. It didn't gain any sort of traction until 1974. Although that's older than a lot of you here. LOL

All that said - a holiday marking the official end of slavery now is a day off for people. Meh. Anyone polishing their cannon on July 4? How many attend Memorial Day or Veterans Day parades????? Hell, how many go to church on Christmas and forego the opening of presents until later in the day? (We did that when I was little. 9am Mass, THEN home to open presents. My parents were sadists. LOL)

Get over it. I enjoyed the day off. Next year, it could lead to a 4day weekend for me. :)
Meanwhile, June teeth celebrated

@Reptile that’s so inappropriate. It’s warm out. It’s just the summer of love mostly peaceful unless you want a small business or a franchise in any major city.
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