Pardons for J6ers

Biden pardoned the police officer who shot the unarmed protester at the event.

I wonder if the pardonees will get get a certificate suitable for framing. Even Hamas is doing this when they release hostages.
He was pardoned because he testified before the J6 Committee

Anyone who was on the Committee, was a committee staffer, or was a Capitol Police officer or D.C. Police Officer who testified before the committee was pardoned.

The officer was never charged in the shooting, and that is a discussion for another thread
Normally Presidential pardons can't cover "state" charges.

The quirk is that DC is not a State, and all charges are considered Federal.

That is why the diddler Peter Yarrow from Peter Paul and Mary got a Pardon from Carter.

If he was charged in Virginia or Maryland and convicted, it would have been a state charge, but he was charged, tried and convicted in DC so all grants of clemency or pardon come from the President

The EO Trump signed stated IMMEDIATE release upon receipt of the order from the Justice Department

Everyone knew this was coming, if the Prisons were not prepared then they are stupid AF
Better still, their staffs aren’t included. Start barbecuing them and watch a wholesale abandonment from people in their offices. Bomb the democrat bench into rubble and then make the rubble bounce.
Per Biden's pardon of the J6 committee, the staff of the committee are included in the pardon. The pardon languages includes:
Every person who went to DC that day to be heard and to protest the FRAUDULENT election is an American hero. Pardons are mandatory for them in my opinion. I am certain that the founders of our country would be very proud of them. WWTFD? (What would the founders do?) Some of the most prominent founders felt that the citizens have an obligation to do what the J6 people did. FYI, the founders may have been armed if they thought it necessary. The action of perpetrating a stolen election goes to the very core of what this country does NOT stand for and should never tolerate. If your vote is stolen then what is your recourse? President Trump has done the right thing. Of course some of these people statistically will get picked up for something in the future which makes Trump's action all the more gutsy since the commie media will go ape if that happens.
The only thing I feel for the J6ers is jealousy that I wasn't there with them.
I, too, felt I should have been there. Hell, we ALL should have been there. It would have saved the USA 4 years of leftist Hell if it had succeeded in stopping the stolen election.

Unfortunately for us, Nancy Pelosi had a counter-plan to turn the whole thing into a wild spectacle to be used for the Dim's own evil purposes.
He was pardoned because he testified before the J6 Committee

Anyone who was on the Committee, was a committee staffer, or was a Capitol Police officer or D.C. Police Officer who testified before the committee was pardoned.

The officer was never charged in the shooting, and that is a discussion for another thread

I can imagine the amusement of the judges in Nuremberg after WWII if some of the defendants tried to show their permission slip (pardon) from Hitler.
I can imagine the amusement of the judges in Nuremberg after WWII if some of the defendants tried to show their permission slip (pardon) from Hitler.

Just to add. What the Dems did to this country over the past 4 to 6 years, in my opinion, does rise to the level of war crimes / treason.

They made this country a laughingstock. The world: "Look at those Americans, so righteous but they're sending their political opposition to the gulag just like the Russkies."

The people that envisioned and implemented the lawfare against Trump and the "J6" SHOULD be on trial for treason. Not for false prosecution but trying to pervert our entire system of justice into a political weapon. That way leads to the downfall of America, which I personally believe either happened or we're in the thick of it.

(Happy @DJBrad? [rofl])
I'd also like to see a red state find some state charges and do like NY or Georgia did to Trump
As much as I want revenge for all the BS 'lawfare', adult me wants that crap killed forever with massive punishment for the next time it is committed. All involved deserve quick and harsh punishment- enough to make a crystal clear example.
As much as I want revenge for all the BS 'lawfare', adult me wants that crap killed forever with massive punishment for the next time it is committed. All involved deserve quick and harsh punishment- enough to make a crystal clear example.

Pour encourager les autres.

one persons opinion:

"Former Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd was one of the 1,000+ witnesses the J6 Committee interviewed. The Committee has not released the full list of witnesses, but I have confirmed he sat for the committee so he is covered by Biden's Warrant issued today. That being said, after reviewing the Warrant it is VERY narrowly written only providing a pardon to Byrd for:"FOR ANY OFFENSES against the United States which they may have committed or taken part in arising from or in any manner related to the activities or subject matter of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol." "
As much as I want revenge for all the BS 'lawfare', adult me wants that crap killed forever with massive punishment for the next time it is committed. All involved deserve quick and harsh punishment- enough to make a crystal clear example.

The best way to kill a practice is to take it too far. Maybe Trump should take it too far?

If you take the high road, the left will just pass you taking the low road.
I hadn't heard before today that the little skid mark actually wore a wire to entrap his father.
Nothing Karma could dish out to that little piece of crap will be enough.
Hopefully he dies of AIDS in some dirty alley.

More in this thread where his arrest and being shot is being discussed.

Florida Man Freed By Trump Jan. 6 Pardons Gets Arrested ONE DAY LATER for Gun Charges​

An interesting comparison:

”President Biden’s and President Trump’s pardons have generated a lot of controversy. But there are considerable differences between the two sets of pardons, with a two-tiered system of justice unfairly biased against Jan. 6 defendants.

News coverage on ABC, CBS, and NBC spent 46 minutes and 32 seconds covering Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons but only three minutes and 32 seconds on Biden pardoning his family.

Overall, Biden has pardoned and commuted sentences for a record 4,245 criminals, including 37 murderers on death row. Some of these individuals are mass murderers, child rapists, and torturers who then murdered their victims, and many have never expressed remorse…

While approximately 140 officers were assaulted in the Jan. 6 riot (it isn’t clear how many were injured), the June 2020 Lafayette Square riot and attack on the White House, by contrast, injured at least 150 law enforcement officers. Despite constant claims to the contrary in the Jan. 6 riot, no officers were killed in either riot. But while the J6 defendants spent significant time in prison, none of the Lafayette Square rioters were prosecuted, let alone sentenced...

Biden’s pardons of family members were preemptive and covered crimes dating back more than a decade. The Jan. 6 rioters have met a very different fate, having already faced years of punishment.”

ABC, CBS, and NBC spent 46 minutes and 32 seconds covering Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons but only three minutes
if trump would be smarter he would find ways to bankrupt those owners of abc, cbs and nbc, for all the great things they have accomplished. it is a literal war with them preaching to shoot him dead, so, all gloves must be off at this point.
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