Pentagon Source: Osama Bin Laden Alive And Being Kept At Guantanamo Bay

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Aug 21, 2012
Dover-Foxcroft Maine
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Anyone know if this is true?

Pentagon Source: Osama Bin Laden Alive And Being Kept At Guantanamo Bay - In Other NewzIn Other Newz

WASHINGTON, D.C.- In what is sure to be the biggest scandal to rock the nation’s capital in its long and often scandal-filled history, has learned through a source in the Pentagon that the world’s most feared terrorist Osama Bin Laden is alive and being kept at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under a false name.

According to the source, who spoke with under the guarantee of anonymity due to the obvious sensitive nature of the matter, Bin Laden has been housed in solitary confinement since his capture on May 1, 2012 when numerous Navy Seals from Seal Team Six stormed Bin Laden’s heavily fortified compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

“The world thinks Osama Bin Laden is dead but that’s just not true,” said the source. “I have documentation to prove that he’s being kept at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba under a fake name. The American people have a right to know they’re being lied to. This is the biggest cover-up in our history.”
Please......not this crap again.

Go wrap yourself in some burrito foil and hide underground.

Its on the internet it must be true!
He will be transported to New York for trial, where the charges will be dismissed on the ground that he wasn't provided with a certified interpreter at the time of his "arrest." He will then hire the Kliers and purchase a $10 million apartment in SoHo, which will be featured on "Selling New York."
As far as I am concerned...if the source has the docs...and the American people MUST know...just release the docs otherwise they are full of crap.

What a load.
In all seriousness, why not? When my only source of information on a topic is government, and when only a few in the government know the truth, why should I believe what they say? I could laugh and say stories like Bin Laden being alive are tinfoil-level crazy. But what's my evidence for that? I know our government will lie. But I also know crazy people and conspiracy theorists will make stuff up.

Here is the real question: How firm is your belief? Would you bet a meaningful sum (say one-year's salary) on one side or the other (in this case Bin Laden alive or dead)? I wouldn't take either side, honestly.
I wouldn't be surprised.

I can't imagine all the other 'top secret' info that we don't know about. Out of sight out of mind.
I always figured the scandal was actually that he had been dead for years at the time of his alleged death.
This story is obviously BS. Everybody knows that a secret team if navy seals flew into his secret compound, across the street from a military training camp, in a super silent helicopter, which was blown up. They then raided his compound, where they were forced to shoot him because he resisted, using one of his wives as a human shield. His body was then whisked away to a nearby aircraft carrier, where he was respectfully laid to rest via burial at sea. This was because navy seals are kind and compassionate, and certainly wouldn't want to anger any Muslims. There are no pictures, and no body, because that would be disrespectful of a man who murdered more than 3,000 civilian men, women and children at the World Trade Center, which unfortunately collapsed straight to the ground (all 3 buildings), because some really hot jet fuel melted the entire structures. Of course, Bin Laden's compound was immediately bulldozed because it was a "bad reminder of evil". Also, some of the same seals that killed him were killed in a helicopter crash a week later. So, stop spreading lies. Mmmkaayyy?
Um... Read "about us" section on their website. They admit they are making stuff up, like the Look at the other stories they are writing, such as; Sarah Palin signed a deal with playboy, or the NRA wants kids to carry guns in the classroom
If he were still alive, would our government be honest about it , or would it be a matter of "national security"?

If the official story is true? Why would they not at least release a picture? The nation deserves to see his stinking corpse after 9/11. I don't believe a gods damned thing they say anymore.
I wouldn't be surprised if they grabbed him alive though I'll believe that they capped him... I would place a million bucks on him not being kept at a place has high profile as Gitmo. The article is probably trash.

No kidding. This story is as ridiculous as suggesting that a Saudi billionaire on dialysis commanded 18 other Saudis from a cave in Afghanistan to blow up 3 buildings with 2 airplanes. And then didn't take credit for it until years later in a grainy video, despite all the high gear he must have to pull off such a feat. Because that's how terrorism works. The government and main stream media told me so. The real evidence is classified, because it's too complicated to understand anyway.
I don't put anything past our government. A lot of this shit just doesn't add up. Not being a conspiracy theorist but I just have to question alot of this info being fed to us. If I didn't I would become part of the sheep herd. Never trust the government !
Um... Read "about us" section on their website. They admit they are making stuff up, like the Look at the other stories they are writing, such as; Sarah Palin signed a deal with playboy, or the NRA wants kids to carry guns in the classroom
Was just going to post this.

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