Pentagon Source: Osama Bin Laden Alive And Being Kept At Guantanamo Bay

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I wouldn't mind seeing Sarah Palin in Playboy. Hmm maybe I am crazy [laugh]
FYI people get very touchy when you challenge the official government/main stream media narrative. Even here.

Ain't that the truth. The minute somebody questions an official/msm story, the rolleyes emoticons and the words "tinfoil" become part and parcel of the average reply.

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In all seriousness, why not? When my only source of information on a topic is government, and when only a few in the government know the truth, why should I believe what they say? I could laugh and say stories like Bin Laden being alive are tinfoil-level crazy. But what's my evidence for that? I know our government will lie. But I also know crazy people and conspiracy theorists will make stuff up.

Here is the real question: How firm is your belief? Would you bet a meaningful sum (say one-year's salary) on one side or the other (in this case Bin Laden alive or dead)? I wouldn't take either side, honestly.

One of the best bits of advice I ever heard was from a comedian. He said, "Never trust anything the government says".
I'm more concerned with the article that says Fakebook will be $10 month in 2013.
The real story:
He's dead. But not because some heroic raid took place, with Seals rushing in to get him. Just because we knew he was on dialysis post 9/11, and you can't effectively hide out for too long in various countries in the middle east, and expect to get decent healthcare.
This story is obviously BS. Everybody knows that a secret team if navy seals flew into his secret compound, across the street from a military training camp, in a super silent helicopter, which was blown up. They then raided his compound, where they were forced to shoot him because he resisted, using one of his wives as a human shield. His body was then whisked away to a nearby aircraft carrier, where he was respectfully laid to rest via burial at sea. This was because navy seals are kind and compassionate, and certainly wouldn't want to anger any Muslims. There are no pictures, and no body, because that would be disrespectful of a man who murdered more than 3,000 civilian men, women and children at the World Trade Center, which unfortunately collapsed straight to the ground (all 3 buildings), because some really hot jet fuel melted the entire structures. Of course, Bin Laden's compound was immediately bulldozed because it was a "bad reminder of evil". Also, some of the same seals that killed him were killed in a helicopter crash a week later. So, stop spreading lies. Mmmkaayyy?

So you're saying I shouldn't watch Zero Dark Thirty? I'm just trying to clarify. <insert troll post here>
Word is he's advising obama on disarming Americans and litmus testing Generals who might balk at killing their neighbors. Works for me.

-tapatalk and Devin McCourty blow chunks-
since his capture on May 1, 2012 when numerous Navy Seals from Seal Team Six stormed Bin Laden’s heavily fortified compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Not that I have any problem believing that we were all lied to by the government, but I have a hard time believing this article is right when they don't even get the date of the raid right. Honest error? Probably, but they lose a lot of credibility with that mistake.
THIS JUST IN: Osama Bin Laden spotted driving cab in NYC...

Eh, wouldn't surprised me. Some friends and I were discussing this very thing when the story of his death broke.

Then again, I'm waiting for the real story of Area 51 to come out as well.......
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