Pin number - remembering help

Tommy Gun

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I finally have my new License with a pin number. I put the number in my cell phone so I would not forget but my cell phone died. I used the link below to see if I could find another way to remember it without writing it on a small piece of paper for my wallet.
My number came out to something that I should not forget.

There are plenty of sites that do the same thing.

Hope this helps someone out.

I finally have my new License with a pin number. I put the number in my cell phone so I would not forget but my cell phone died. I used the link below to see if I could find another way to remember it without writing it on a small piece of paper for my wallet.
My number came out to something that I should not forget.

There are plenty of sites that do the same thing.

Hope this helps someone out.

Mine has been in my phone for months. Now if I can just find my phone..jk
I wrote mine on the back of my LTC, right under my signature. What's gonna happen? The thing has my photo on it, my address, my signature, my fingerprint, and a description of my height, weight, hair and eye color. Seems highly unlikely, that in the event the automated fingerprint thing fails (which has never happened to me), someone's gonna successfully do something nefarious just because they know my code. And I'd have to lose the license first anyway.

(Now, I suppose, the Scriv will stop by and explain to me why that's a dumb thing to do.)
Try to write pins in your wallet using a math formula that only you know like this. If for instance my bank pin is 3457. I take my girlfriend's birthday 1279 and add a number to each number so the 3 becomes a 4 the 4 a 7 the 5 a 13 and the 7 a 16. Leaving me with 471316. That is the number you write down. You can do this any which way you want. Just so the formula is easy to remember but nobody else will remember. You can substitute letters for numbers etc. Basically you can write pins in plain view but nobody can decode them but you.

Good Luck
Try to write pins in your wallet using a math formula that only you know like this. If for instance my bank pin is 3457. I take my girlfriend's birthday 1279 and add a number to each number so the 3 becomes a 4 the 4 a 7 the 5 a 13 and the 7 a 16. Leaving me with 471316. That is the number you write down. You can do this any which way you want. Just so the formula is easy to remember but nobody else will remember. You can substitute letters for numbers etc. Basically you can write pins in plain view but nobody can decode them but you.

Good Luck

Doesn't 4+2=6, and 5+7=12? [wink]

Really though, that's a good idea. I do something similar myself.
Your right it does. My fuzzy math. I didn't want to use my real numbers for obvious reasons. But the point is clear.
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