World's number one golfer arrested

From a guy who watched it happen:


Basically he drove around a cop, missing the instructions of where to drive. Cop went on a power trip and thought he was an action hero, so he jumped on the car.

Scheffler is probably the most straight-edge guy on tour. Always talking about God, how golf is just a game and what's important is how you live your life, etc...

He's the most unlikely/hilarious guy to have something like this happen to.

… have you seen the number of times police blow things out of proportion and escalate situations before fabricating charges?

We have no idea what actually happened on scene. Maybe he did assault an officer while trying to force his way through the scene of the shuttle bus accident. Or… maybe he innocently tried to find another route and a cop took his driving as an assault with a deadly weapon because the officer was vaguely in the direction of travel. I’ve seen crazier claims by police before.

We may not know right at this moment. But you can bet at least half a dozen people got it on camera. It'll come out sooner or later. Probably sooner. You just don't have s*** happen like this in public anymore without it being recorded by a half a dozen people now. Not to mention the police have their own body cameras that I'm sure also recorded the exchange.
My guess on what happened.

Traffic was a complete cluster because of the pedestrian / shuttle bus incident.
But for anyone who has been to a major golf tournament, traffic is always a complete cluster.
So the golfer probably thought it was the normal chaos and tried to get through it because he's a player and they usually allow them to get through even when access/roads are closed to other people.
Cop got pissed because he thought some rando was trying to get passed
Cop then got pissed because his authority was being challanged.
This. Apparently, the players are told to put on their flashers and slowly pull around traffic at tournaments (as the traffic is usually fans trying to get in). The cop waved him off, then did the "hang on the side of the car" routine. When the player stopped at the entrance, the cop dragged him out and handcuffed him for "assaulting a police officer".

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My guess on what happened.

Traffic was a complete cluster because of the pedestrian / shuttle bus incident.
But for anyone who has been to a major golf tournament, traffic is always a complete cluster.
So the golfer probably thought it was the normal chaos and tried to get through it because he's a player and they usually allow them to get through even when access/roads are closed to other people.
Cop got pissed because he thought some rando was trying to get passed
Cop then got pissed because his authority was being challanged.
Not to mention the one's who are supposed to directing traffic diddling around on their cell phone or playing pocket pool.
I had that happen one time at a road construction site.
Young guy playing on his cell phone . I sat there for a few minutes not sure if i was supposed to stop or go and when I started to edge forward the guy freaked the f*ck out , swearing and everything.
What he didn't know was on my way to his lieutenant's house.
We had a chat when I got there.
This sounds like "contempt of cop". Perhaps the subject was not sufficiently subservient. I notice he is already sucking up to the system talking about how nice the cop who arrested him and the intake officers were.
My guess on what happened.

Traffic was a complete cluster because of the pedestrian / shuttle bus incident.
But for anyone who has been to a major golf tournament, traffic is always a complete cluster.
So the golfer probably thought it was the normal chaos and tried to get through it because he's a player and they usually allow them to get through even when access/roads are closed to other people.
Cop got pissed because he thought some rando was trying to get passed
Cop then got pissed because his authority was being challanged.
Almost had it..5am though so light traffic not tourney related. But pretty close prediction

Listening to that eye witness report I'm going to say that Scheffler is damn lucky he didn't get shot by that moron cop


That would've been wild. I'm not pulling for him to get shot. I like scottie
But the narrative in the country would've been wild if he got shot at
We may not know right at this moment. But you can bet at least half a dozen people got it on camera. It'll come out sooner or later. Probably sooner. You just don't have s*** happen like this in public anymore without it being recorded by a half a dozen people now. Not to mention the police have their own body cameras that I'm sure also recorded the exchange.

Sounds like I nailed it.

From a guy who watched it happen:


Basically he drove around a cop, missing the instructions of where to drive. Cop went on a power trip and thought he was an action hero, so he jumped on the car.

Yea I think that cop has some explaining to do for sure. Sad thing is, were that you or I we would still be in the clink...
Nope, we would have made bail quickly and heard those three magic words that are music to an attorney's ears "My retainer is....."
That would've been wild. I'm not pulling for him to get shot. I like scottie
But the narrative in the country would've been wild if he got shot at
I don't follow golf, I'm sure the cop.overreacted and when I read that the cop grabbed on the car as it was moving I could totally see shots being fired.

Glad the kid is ok
Imagine what the media would be saying if Scheffler was black and the cop was white? They would be marching in the streets for weeks led by Al Sharpton.

Well, fortunately for him he has tons of money and influence.
Scottie Sheffler was arrested by Louisville police while apparently going around a police roadblock on his way to Valhalla CC for the second round of the PGA Tournament (a major). He was charged with second degree assault on an officer, failing to heed an officer's directions, and a few more things. A person had just been killed after being hit by a shuttle bus and there were cops everywhere. The PGA delayed start times to avoid a total shitshow (not to mention the millions of dollars bet on the tourney) and apparently Sheffler was released (and probably given a police escort) and has made it to the course in time for his tee time. (Not being on the tee at the prescribed time results in a DQ). I can't imagine what strings were pulled and frantic phone calls made to get him out of jail and to the course. It would have been a huge black eye for the PGA, Louisville, and the cops if he were DQed.

Do you know who I am?
Why didn’t he just ask the cop ‘do you know who I am?!??’
First of all, this would have been one of the very few times that would have been appropriate, as he was in a marked competitor's vehicle and was following the same route he had taken for several days. Second, on the ESPN video, the reporter was telling the cops who he was. The response was, "He's going to jail now and there is not a thing that can be done about that."
interesting, i did not realize they pinned on him an assault in second degree.
proves once again that police can do anything it wants. schmuck got good chances to become a felon.
Not likley, but by putting a felony on the table is decreases the chance he will dare to challenge the system by demanding a trial rather than copping a plea that will preserve the ADA's win record and establish that the cop acted properly.
Not likley, but by putting a felony on the table is decreases the chance he will dare to challenge the system by demanding a trial rather than copping a plea that will preserve the ADA's win record and establish that the cop acted properly.

Although he is in a position where he has the money to fight it and his life won’t change much with a felony conviction. The only risk is if jail time is legitimately on the table. I doubt he’d risk that due to the new kid and his career.
Although he is in a position where he has the money to fight it and his life won’t change much with a felony conviction. The only risk is if jail time is legitimately on the table. I doubt he’d risk that due to the new kid and his career.
As a golfer for the PGA there are many countries where he won't be allowed with a felony.
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