Pistol caliber carbines.


NES Member
Mar 22, 2009
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Disclaimer. I had surgery today. I'm loopy as all hell. Blame typos and miscommunication on that.

I'd love to pick up a 9mm carbine for plinking and as a go-to rifle for the girl. She rarely ever comes shooting, but when she does the ar15 is a little much for her (rolls eyes)

I'm suprised at how little selection I have. I'd imagine more of a demand for this type of firearm. The hi-point is out of the question, the kel tecs dont really don't for me, and to me the beretta is an overpriced piece of plastic. Of course, building an AR in 9mm is kinda counter productive.

Anything else out there?.

Any mp5 knockoffs?


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Why is the 9mm AR counterproductive?

Also, throw a good comp on the AR and I bet she'll cozy right up to the 5.56. With the Rainier XTC comp it basically makes it feel like a .22
Curious about opinions regarding Hi-point and AR also. I have a HP and a KT Sub2K, but am planning a 9mm ar after my AK build and a new AR for 3gun.

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I think you pretty much just ruled out most of the affordable pistol caliber carbines. If you want an MP5 clone you're talking big money. If I were you I'd take another look at the ugly High Points and Keltecs.
There is always the marlin camp 9, or a lever action .357. ........ and so you know, the cx4 is an awesome shooter!

Forgot the camp 45....

I want to get a ar style .45.
There a few lowers for grease gun mags.
One for glock mags.
Just right carbine looks like. Ar but it's not. Can get it with glock or 1911 mags.

There's a quick take down one I forget the name . 9 45 and 40. And you can get the parts to convert it . Glock mags .
I think you pretty much just ruled out most of the affordable pistol caliber carbines. If you want an MP5 clone you're talking big money. If I were you I'd take another look at the ugly High Points and Keltecs.


ETA: Oh, and what Ben said... (im not very original today)
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iver johnson m1 carbine w/paratrooper folding or black tactical sliding stock. hits harder than a 357, very little recoil. the bottom build started will be a 11.75 barreled SBR with sliding stock. this with a full length barrel would make a nice 300 yard carbine that could do cqb nicely too. DSC07258.JPG
iver johnson m1 carbine w/paratrooper folding or black tactical sliding stock. hits harder than a 357, very little recoil. the bottom build started will be a 11.75 barreled SBR with sliding stock. this with a full length barrel would make a nice 300 yard carbine that could do cqb nicely too. View attachment 91269

ive seen some complete guns in the 600 range.
I love the m1 carbine. I don't think there is anything better is a pistol caliber carbine. As pointed out, it's more powerful than
typical .357 magnum.

That said, I'd say the Beretta CX4 would be nice as well, and costs about the same. I don't own one, but I will someday I believe.

I recently bought a Hi Point .45 carbine from a member here, and I like it fine. It's crude in some ways, not what I'd give to someone who is unfamiliar with firearms. But I absolutely love it.
I enjoy the High Point and haven't had any issues in 2 years. About 1000 rds. The Ruger PC9 (Police Carbine) and Marlin Camp 9 were what I was originally looking at before I grabbed the cheap, ugly HP. B&K has some right now in stock

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This is a great list. Nice.

To the OP. Some thoughts on your assumptions then some thoughts on guns.

I've got several pre-ban ARs and can run any flash hider I want, but prefer to use brakes. With a brake it is inconceivable that a .223 AR has too much recoil. In fact, it recoils less than a 9mm AR with a plain barrel.

What it has is noise and concussion. I resolved that with my wife by making her a set of custom earplugs with a Radans kit ($20) and then covering them up with a set of inexpensive amplified Peltor muffs. Doubling up really knocks down the noise.

Re the High Point. I get your point. (no pun intended) but it really is one of the best working 9mm carbines out there. And the customer service is FANTASTIC. I have a friend who owns a range in Guilford, CT. Chris' Indoor Gun Range. He has 2 Hi-Points that he rents out. After several years and many many thousands of rounds of ammo through them they were starting to get a little cranky. So he sent them back to HiPoint for an estimate of the cost to replace all the worn parts.

He was getting a little annoyed because after a couple of weeks he had not heard back from them. Then a couple of days later the guns arrived. Completely rebuilt with new springs, extractor, sear, and a whole bunch of other small internal parts replaced. No charge. Wow. Now if it wasn't so freaking UGLY.

I used to own a Keltec Sub2000. At the time I owned a MP5 SBR and the Sub2000. Amazingly I found that in our little local monthly pistol cal carbine matches at Chris' range that I shot better with the Sub2K than with the MP5. The front sight on the KelTec was canted and it annoyed me, so I sent it back in to be fixed. Prior to sending it in I spoke to a guy in service and told him that I used it to compete agains more expensive guns and asked if they could bring the trigger down in weight. He said their minimum spec was 3 lbs and that he would have them do what they could.

I got the gun back, no charge for the trigger work, and the trigger was great. I used it until after Sandy Hook the prices went full retard. I sold it for $950 on GB, having paid 250 for it several years earllier. Thats enough to buy me everything I need to make a 9mm AR out of one of my pre-ban lowers.

Of course, I still haven't built the AR and I've sold the MP5. So I'm carbineless. That hasn't been an issue because I don't have the opportunity to shoot at Chris' anymore and I've found .22 LR ARs to be loads of fun.

JP Rifles has jsut come out with a 9mm carbine and also sells the uppers. Its the cats a55, but you pay. Thats always the case with JP Rifles.

A couple of other thoughts. The Ruger 9mm carbine runs great. Chris also rents them and he has no trouble with them. One nice thing about the Ruger is it does take pre-ban mags.

I"ve shot a Just Right and it is just right. Its probably the nicest shooting 9mm carbine out there short of a full custom 9mm AR. (And much less ammo, magazine and general setup sensitive) I think its a nice balance between the ugly and functional HiPoint and a 9mm AR.
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I recently bought a Ruger 77/357. I'm very happy with it. I've shot both .357 and .38's, very accurate without a scope. The only drawback is the mag holds too few rounds. Maybe someone will make an aftermarket.

This is a bolt action gun.

(I'm a woman)
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The CX4 is well worth it, can be found at the right shops for not-insane amounts, and you can have the trigger group + hammer upgraded by Sierra Pappa to make it pure awesome.

No one's mentioned it here yet, but Taurus came out with their CT9. My impressions: Heavier than it should be. Clunky. Uses only Taurus mags (not compatible with even their 92 mags).

Honestly, if this is primarily a home defense gun, then maybe you should get the Hi-Point. They may be ugly, they may not be the most accurate at 100Y, they may have proprietary mags, but it seems everyone who owns one says they just run and run with no hiccups. Reliability for short dollars.
Disclaimer. I had surgery today. I'm loopy as all hell. Blame typos and miscommunication on that.

I'd love to pick up a 9mm carbine for plinking and as a go-to rifle for the girl. She rarely ever comes shooting, but when she does the ar15 is a little much for her (rolls eyes)

I'm suprised at how little selection I have. I'd imagine more of a demand for this type of firearm. The hi-point is out of the question, the kel tecs dont really don't for me, and to me the beretta is an overpriced piece of plastic. Of course, building an AR in 9mm is kinda counter productive.

Anything else out there?.

Any mp5 knockoffs?


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Actually, I have a CX-4 in 9mm. It's got more recoil than my Sig M-400 5.56 AR so it might not be the best solution going to a 9mm carbine. Cheaper to shoot yes, more comfortable, not so much.
She rarely ever comes shooting, but when she does the ar15 is a little much for her (rolls eyes) ... Of course, building an AR in 9mm is kinda counter productive.

a 9mm AR won't have the (already small) kick of a 5.56 AR....
you won't have to deal with plastic, plenty of accessories/parts and familiarity with the controls/sights if she ever had to use a "real" AR
I have the Thureon Defense in .45 which is built on an AR type platform. I also have a Saginaw M1 carbine. My wife and niece love the both of them. I would love to get my hands on an 9mm AR though.
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Actually, I have a CX-4 in 9mm. It's got more recoil than my Sig M-400 5.56 AR so it might not be the best solution going to a 9mm carbine. Cheaper to shoot yes, more comfortable, not so much.
Try a DeSantis butt stock duel magazine carrier. It will dampen the felt recoil and end cheek slap as well as give you a place to put 2 magazines.
I recently bought a Ruger 77/357. I'm very happy with it. I've shot both .357 and .38's, very accurate without a scope. The only drawback is the mag holds too few rounds. Maybe someone will make an aftermarket.

This is a bolt action gun.

(I'm a woman)

how do you like that gun? i saw it and immediatly had a giggity over it because it's weird. i like to get weird so i figure this might be an alternative to a .357 lever gun which is also on "the list".
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