Pistol caliber carbines.

how do you like that gun? i saw it and immediatly had a giggity over it because it's weird. i like to get weird so i figure this might be an alternative to a .357 lever gun which is also on "the list".

One guy I know had his threaded and runs a 9mm suppressor on it - very quiet with slow, heavy .38s. He loves it. Extra giggity.
Actually a 9mm AR is blowback operated, and has a bit more if a felt recoil than a direct impingement 5.56 rifle of the same weight

Not with the suppressor..

That makes no sense. A suppressor will reduce the recoil on each one. In fact, a .223 produces a LOT more gas than a 9mm. A suppressor will reduce the recoil of a .223 even more than it will a 9mm.
That makes no sense. A suppressor will reduce the recoil on each one. In fact, a .223 produces a LOT more gas than a 9mm. A suppressor will reduce the recoil of a .223 even more than it will a 9mm.

Hes just bragging about his free state two stamp toy
The Beretta may be a piece of plastic, and for a while there it was over priced, but going back down in price. However, the ergonomics are really, really comfortable, it's accurate, reliable, low recoil, easy to shoot, high cap mags are readily available, and new shooters tend to love shooting it.

I've found that the best protocol for buying a gun for the girl to shoot, is to buy a gun that SHE would like to shoot, not one that you want. Would you rather her shoot a Beretta carbine, or fuss every time you try to get her to shoot an AR or UZI? I'm just sayin...
The Beretta may be a piece of plastic, and for a while there it was over priced, but going back down in price. However, the ergonomics are really, really comfortable, it's accurate, reliable, low recoil, easy to shoot, high cap mags are readily available, and new shooters tend to love shooting it.

I've found that the best protocol for buying a gun for the girl to shoot, is to buy a gun that SHE would like to shoot, not one that you want. Would you rather her shoot a Beretta carbine, or fuss every time you try to get her to shoot an AR or UZI? I'm just sayin...

I put my M&P 15/22 in my wifes hands and for the next 30 minutes all I did was load mags. A good time was had by all.
Why is the 9mm AR counterproductive?

A sentimental favorite with the
NES 2012 YHM lower.

Enjoyed making it with John at Remsport:
how do you like that gun? i saw it and immediatly had a giggity over it because it's weird. i like to get weird so i figure this might be an alternative to a .357 lever gun which is also on "the list".

I like it a lot. Not really any recoil with either the .38 or .357. I shoot up those orange clay disks until I can't see the pieces any more, all without a scope! I didn't want a lever gun because I've got shoulder issues, and I don't like the big lever movement between each shot.

I see you're in NH. I belong to Country Pond - it you want to try it let me know.
I like it a lot. Not really any recoil with either the .38 or .357. I shoot up those orange clay disks until I can't see the pieces any more, all without a scope! I didn't want a lever gun because I've got shoulder issues, and I don't like the big lever movement between each shot.

I see you're in NH. I belong to Country Pond - it you want to try it let me know.

brutal. where's that?

i've since liquidated my .38/.357 stash along with my wheel guns, but maybe when it's warmer out i'll have a go and try before i buy. i'm a member of monadnock up here.
never liquidate unless you truly do not enjoy shooting a gun, or you have other financial responsibilities.

I've realized that i'm better off keeping all my "useless but nice" guns. But that's just me.
never liquidate unless you truly do not enjoy shooting a gun, or you have other financial responsibilities.

I've realized that i'm better off keeping all my "useless but nice" guns. But that's just me.

i've sold a few cool toys, but times were a lot tougher then than they are now. i got by and it was all thanks to guns.

guns, i love you.
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