There's a few things to unpack here but I'll try to keep it simple. Also, because I don't know what I'm talking about in a black letter of the law sense, so take that for what it's worth. I'm significantly less knowledgeable on the topic vs someone like
@CrackPot, so id defer to their posts if i were you for a more reliable interpretation.
The distinction between piston vs. impingement does nothing with regard to 8/1, all things being equal.
Short stroke piston rifles, such as the spear, were flying off the shelf pre 8/1 because they were widely considered to not be "copy or duplicates" w/r/t the AWB. An ak-47 uses a piston and is explicitly called out in the AWB, so having a piston doesn't automatically qualify or disqualify anything.
The general consensus in NES seems to be if it exists pre 8/1, the AWB feature tests as well all know them are moot (collapsing stock, bayonet lug, etc). If it wasn't in the state 8/1, then the new goofy feature tests apply (such as barrel shrouds LOL) banning all semiautomatic rifes as we all know them to exist, i.e. without a fin grip, having a barrel shroud, etc.
Hope this helps and that you're either able to find the answer peeling through thread's on the topic, or someone more informed responds. But the ultimate conclusion is that piston vs impingement doesn't directly ffect anything related to 8/1 on its own.