Police Chief supports having hunters notify town before shooting


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Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
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I changed the title from what the article said because it was misleading.

By Chris Camire, [email protected]
Updated: 04/29/2010 06:35:59 AM EDT

BILLERICA -- Hunters may soon be forced to notify the Police Department before pursuing their hobby in town if a warrant article proposing the change is approved at Town Meeting next week.

The proposal, which is being touted by Police Chief Dan Rosa, is designed to give notice to residents who live near areas where hunting takes place when hunters are going to be on the premises.

Full Article here.

Seriously why do sheep get to dictate what everybody else does because they piss themselves when men act like men.
Dunno if that's really efficient. Around here, hunters notify people by having the season start. Seems to work OK, and it's very efficient.
I suppose if you told them you would be in the woods hunting every single day the season is open it would cover this stupid proposal.
I changed the title from what the article said because it was misleading.

Full Article here.

Seriously why do sheep get to dictate what everybody else does because they piss themselves when men act like men.

First, I'm not certain that the town has that authority to make that requirement, but if they do, I would recommend that every hunter call the PD every morning of any available hunting season and inform them, "I may be hunting in town today." Dispatch will be so flooded with calls they'll push for the town to cancel it.
First, I'm not certain that the town has that authority to make that requirement, but if they do, I would recommend that every hunter call the PD every morning of any available hunting season and inform them, "I may be hunting in town today." Dispatch will be so flooded with calls they'll push for the town to cancel it.

We are talking about a lot of fudds here. They are too lazy and ignorant to be proactive in protecting their freedoms.
Yesterday, a friend posted on facebook that she saw "a man in full camo walking out of the woods... near school". The distance to school was not defined, but she was very upset about a "lunatic hiding in the woods". I replied that Turkey HUNTING season opened on Monday, and she should avoid dressing her children like turkeys and there will be no problem. The other ten replies to her status were uniformly along the lines of "Call the Police".

To be clear, I strongly disagree with the proposed requirement of hunters to notify the PD, but this effort is probably a reaction to a spike in panicked "There is a guy in the woods/getting in/out of a truck with a gun" phone calls that 911 gets every hunting season. Like the fire department asking for notification if you are going to burn brush.

If you want me to make a phone call every time I go hunting, fine, but there better effing be somebody on the other end when I call at 5am.
Yesterday, a friend posted on facebook that she saw "a man in full camo walking out of the woods... near school". The distance to school was not defined, but she was very upset about a "lunatic hiding in the woods". I replied that Turkey HUNTING season opened on Monday, and she should avoid dressing her children like turkeys and there will be no problem. The other ten replies to her status were uniformly along the lines of "Call the Police".

To be clear, I strongly disagree with the proposed requirement of hunters to notify the PD, but this effort is probably a reaction to a spike in panicked "There is a guy in the woods/getting in/out of a truck with a gun" phone calls that 911 gets every hunting season. Like the fire department asking for notification if you are going to burn brush.

If you want me to make a phone call every time I go hunting, fine, but there better effing be somebody on the other end when I call at 5am.


It grosses to see two guys kissing, should I call the police and have all gay men inform us before they make out in public?

Where do you draw the f-ing line, when do you tell adults GET THE F OVER IT!
fish will become a protected class by the democrats because the very act of catching them violates their 8th amendment rights.

You joke..but wasnt oBamas friend ..I think Rahm Emaneuls brother( spelling im sure is wrong) that wants animals to be able to sue humans..thats a tru story.
Could a valid argument be made that this is no more than hunter harassment?

If someone didn't notify, what are the proposed penalties?
First, I'm not certain that the town has that authority to make that requirement, but if they do, I would recommend that every hunter call the PD every morning of any available hunting season and inform them, "I may be hunting in town today." Dispatch will be so flooded with calls they'll push for the town to cancel it.
I've suggested to multiple people I know who've ended up screwed over insurance being cancelled or driver's license suspended w/o notice that they should call the auto insurance company to verify your insurance coverage and the RMV to verify that your license hasn't been suspended. Know how many have agreed that that's a good idea?

If I lived in town or knew of a public place to hunt there, I'd do it.

A hunter, in camflage is stealthily going thru the woods, in search of his prey.

He stops, listens and thinks he hears a turkey off to his left.

He proceeds cautiously in the direction of the sound and sees a large Tom standing still, pecking at something on the ground.

He raises his shot gun with the cell phone fastened strategically to the stock, and presses speed dial.

Keeping the Turkey in his sights, he says, " Chief, My name is D. Pilgrim, my hunting license number is A1234567, LTC number is B7654321 and I've got a turkey in my sight. Can I shoot it now please? Yes!"


"Chief, I missed. I'll call you back when I see another."
Dudes, READ the Warrant Item. It isn't JUST notification. You will also have to completely ring the PROPERTY you are hunting on with an 8.5x11 sign every FIFTY FEET. Think about this. You spend how many hours posting your signs and some liberal butthead tears a few down and calls the cops. Prove you had them.

50ft is about the length of 2 pickup trucks, 16 paces, or roughly the length of the average bedroom. Now imagine the average property that people hunt on. Not the AREA you are hunting, but the entire property. A single square acre would require 17 signs.

The entire article is full of fail.
They also want wildlife removal agents (PAC agents) to call the cheif of police, show insureance which lists the town as well. So when I get a call from a resident of Billerica stating that they have a bat or racoon in there living room and want me to respond it it, I'll let them know that it will be about a week before I can finish the process, and respond to remove the racoon.
The proposal, which is being touted by Police Chief Dan Rosa, is designed to give notice to residents who live near areas where hunting takes place when hunters are going to be on the premises.

Its not there land..so why would I give a crap what the neighbors think? I don't call my neighbor before I BBQ outside or wash my car...If this passes..Let the whole country know over the internet..I am sure we could get thousands of people from Alaska to Florida To Maine to call them everyday during every hunting season...
This is what political correctness has done to this country. Is a hunting license not enough notification? Doesn't that imply that they could very well be out hunting any day that season?
Wow, unbelievable... I grew up in North Billerica. My friends and I would regularly walk down the street to the woods with BB Guns, .22's, and bows to go target shooting and never had a neighbor even look twice. What the heck has my home town come to?
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I'd love to know exactly what evidence exists that made such a proposal necessary. Lets face it, you don't restrict the rights of a citizen without a good need and the solution should have specifically targeted resolutions to deal with the issues that have been observed.


Otherwise, such a proposal would be a clear discrimination against a class of people.

And I hardly think "Startling the Sheep" is a valid reason.

The BS about kids is just that. How about teaching your kids to respect other people's property? Bus stops? GET REAL. Not only is there already laws regarding shooting near roads, but anyone in a place that is surrounded by settlements is going to be making sure the shot is safe.
Yesterday, a friend posted on facebook that she saw "a man in full camo walking out of the woods... near school". The distance to school was not defined, but she was very upset about a "lunatic hiding in the woods". I replied that Turkey HUNTING season opened on Monday, and she should avoid dressing her children like turkeys and there will be no problem. The other ten replies to her status were uniformly along the lines of "Call the Police".

I heard there's a new law banning camo. They are only goint to allowing Pink camo!! [smile][rolleyes]
It's punishment of hunters due to the ignorance of a few, plain and simple.

Just as "sorry officer I didn't know there was a speed limit" isn't a valid excuse, so should "sorry it's hunting season" be a reason for police not to accept complaints from people startled by gunfire coming from a field during hunting season.

Our lawmakers are once again trying to enable the lazy and ignorant.
It's punishment of hunters due to the ignorance of a few, plain and simple.

Just as "sorry officer I didn't know there was a speed limit" isn't a valid excuse, so should "sorry it's hunting season" be a reason for police not to accept complaints from people startled by gunfire coming from a field during hunting season.

Our lawmakers are once again trying to enable the lazy and ignorant.

It's a flagrant anti hunting bylaw....rediculous. Posting signs...are you kidding me? I bow hunt in CT on 2 acre lots
and all that's required is written permission from the landowner, it's no one else's business. WTF

I hope all these idiots with their lunatic town bylaws in Carlisle, Boxford, and Billerica ane wherever else enjoy their
uncontrolled herds of lyme infested deer,destroyed vegetation, car collisions and goose poop infected water. That's where they are headed.

Any towns that restrict hunting, the state should not be allowed to give out problem animal control permits to...it's that simple...let them suffer with the problem they've created for themselves by not allowing law abiding, license paying hunters to manage the wildlife for free. It would make the bastards
think twice about the ramifications of enacting such bylaws.
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