Police Chief supports having hunters notify town before shooting

First, I'm not certain that the town has that authority to make that requirement, but if they do, I would recommend that every hunter call the PD every morning of any available hunting season and inform them, "I may be hunting in town today." Dispatch will be so flooded with calls they'll push for the town to cancel it.
Yup. It wouldn't take much organization to get the Chief to cry uncle before noon on opening day.
I hope all these idiots with their lunatic town bylaws in Carlisle, Boxford, and Billerica ane wherever else enjoy their
uncontrolled herds of lyme infested deer,destroyed vegetation, car collisions and goose poop infected water. That's where they are headed.
They will never put 2+2 together. http://eradicatelymedisease.org/ "Why oh why is is so bad here...!?"[banghead]
okay I got it

Group pheasant hunt.

I am surprised there is any place in Billerica to hunt, but I think calling the PD and saying there are 150 guys all in matching orange tee shirts with the 'NES' decal on them hunting pheasant at <location> might be fun. Heck we might get our pictures in the paper.

Let me see if I've got this right...

You need "permission" from the state to own a firearm (FID/LTC).
And you need further "permission" from the state to hunt (hunting license).
And you need even further "permission" from the land owner to hunt on his/her land.
And now they want you to get "permission" from the COP in order to engage in an activity that is already deemed permissible?

...I would recommend that every hunter call the PD every morning of any available hunting season and inform them, "I may be hunting in town today." Dispatch will be so flooded with calls they'll push for the town to cancel it.

+1 This is what needs to happen.
"Police Chief supports having hunters notify town before shooting."

Gee, thats surprising! I'm sure his ego appreciates it too.[wink]
If say 500 people a day were to head off to the woods, 6 days a week begining with the pheasant season, and make a call saying I am hunting and may make a shot...it would take maybe a few days before someone would figure out the dispatchers are spending too much time taking these calls tying up valuable resources and possibly delaying a response to a real emergency. It'll end up in the failed dumb idea column in some hunting magazine.

NES group hunt?
Actually, I'm happy about this. Now I get an excuse to bang on a liberals door every day at 5 a.m. and make them piss themselves when they see an armed man in camo.
If say 500 people a day were to head off to the woods, 6 days a week begining with the pheasant season, and make a call saying I am hunting and may make a shot...it would take maybe a few days before someone would figure out the dispatchers are spending too much time taking these calls tying up valuable resources and possibly delaying a response to a real emergency. It'll end up in the failed dumb idea column in some hunting magazine.

NES group hunt?

Good idea, it should be done!

They'll probably just put the "special number" on an answering machine....."Please leave your name and place of shooting after the beep." Then you just speak slow with lots of audible background noise.....you know, "MONKEY WRENCH" the whole ridiculous process![wink]
I am just f'n disgusted with this whole state. The moonbats, bleeding heart liberals and all of us dumbasses for electing them in every f@cking election. So who is to blame really. Lets just keep letting it all happen around us because I LOVE the stupidity that just propagates in our municipalities.
"Local PD, this is Hunter whiskey hotel 1 3 0, I have eyes on target, request permission to engage."
"Local PD, this is Hunter whiskey hotel 1 3 0, I have eyes on target, request permission to engage."
"Local PD, this is Hunter whiskey hotel 1 3 0, I have eyes on target, request permission to engage."
You joke..but wasnt oBamas friend ..I think Rahm Emaneuls brother( spelling im sure is wrong) that wants animals to be able to sue humans..thats a tru story.

Cass Sunstein. Rohm's brother Ezekiel is a doctor who's in on the health care bill. Cass Sunstein is IMO one of the most dangerous men in the administration. Yeah rights for fish give me a break.
Notify before hunting? I'll call bright and early around 3:30. Better yet...I'll pull in the driveway and lay on the horn to announce it's time to go hunting. I'm with Derek on this one..bulls##t. If I look around at all these rules and proposals it seems like the minority is running the majority and we take it in the a#@ every time. I hope Billerica residents can get this ironed out in hunter's best interest.
I'd love to know exactly what evidence exists that made such a proposal necessary. Lets face it, you don't restrict the rights of a citizen without a good need and the solution should have specifically targeted resolutions to deal with the issues that have been observed.


Otherwise, such a proposal would be a clear discrimination against a class of people.

And I hardly think "Startling the Sheep" is a valid reason.

The BS about kids is just that. How about teaching your kids to respect other people's property? Bus stops? GET REAL. Not only is there already laws regarding shooting near roads, but anyone in a place that is surrounded by settlements is going to be making sure the shot is safe.

This was my first thought....parents not parenting. I grew up on the south shore in the 70's. The men in the family hunted all the time. Hunting season came and low and behold, us kids were told to STAY OUT of the woods!!! I know...what a radical concept, why parent your kids when you can just call the police[banghead]
I'm reminded of a Bug Bunny cartoon where the game warden wandered through while Bugs was minding his own business, posting that rabbit hunting season was starting today. Suddenly the air was filled with flying bullets, Bugs dived down his hole and slammed the door shut. I think he later changed all the signs to "duck season".

More seriously - I'm not a hunter but I had the impression that a hunter might start in one place and wind up miles away before he's done. Kind of difficult to put signs around 10 square miles... Even if hunting is done on a small property, wouldn't banging around nailing up signs scare away the critters you're trying to catch?

I say do an air drop of leaflets saying hunting will be done in this area. Drop millions of pages of these notices and surely the 50' rule will be met. Then let the town figure out how to remove the signs they wanted so badly.
Doesn't Genzyme have a huge facility in New Mexico? lol

I'm in bioinformatics. And I don't work for Genzyme -- they're a Windoze shop [puke]. While some biotech/pharma will have plants wherever, their bioinformatics group is located with their scientists at their R&D facility. The top locations for biotech research are Boston, San Francisco, and San Diego, with Boston probably being the pre-eminent location. So in my field, I'm not going to find a job at some manufacturing plant in Timbuktu.
I'm in bioinformatics. And I don't work for Genzyme -- they're a Windoze shop [puke]. While some biotech/pharma will have plants wherever, their bioinformatics group is located with their scientists at their R&D facility. The top locations for biotech research are Boston, San Francisco, and San Diego, with Boston probably being the pre-eminent location. So in my field, I'm not going to find a job at some manufacturing plant in Timbuktu.

Chit, I'm sorry to hear that.
Aren't there laws against hunter harassment, even in MA?

If that doesn't help, make a motion to have the chief notify all residents every time the police want to shoot their guns also. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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