Police dress as firefighters to arrest NH man

The story would have been completely different if the residents paniced and someone got trampled or died of a heartattack during this.

Agreed! This is the part that is the most disturbing and the one people seem to be overlooking.

I am more concerned with the pulling of the fire alarm than the dressing up as a fireman. Although I am not a fan of that as well.
Nonsense. The attention span of the average person is measured in minutes. This will be forgotten in less than a week flat except for those who wish to continue to ride the dead horse. The average tweeker doesn't even know this ruse took place. For people in general to become "suspicious" of firemen and EMTs aas cops in disguise, events like this would have to be run by the MSM every day for a month before it registers.

You give the vidiots way too much credit.

Just because someone has an addiction doesn't make them stupid.Many I've come across have infact, been very savvy. You dont make it long on the street being stupid.
People seem to think they're a "special" breed when in actuality they're just another slice of the population. They're made up of all walks of life. They do infact communicate and network just like everyone else does.
I'm not basing my posts on what I've heard and read. I'm basing them on personal experience. These kinds of activities will have an effect on the perception of the Fire/Ems personell.
the only reason i still have my job is thru my very strong PFFM and IAFF local thank you very much.... without it my town would have a call fire dept and the police would still be running the ambulance, er, i mean hearse service..

And if the felons would follow the rules then there would be no need for the police to dress as firefighters now would there? Seriously, less whining please. Unions are only good for bitching about this n that anyways, I say get rid of em, let the police and fire survive without them. Millions of hard working Americans don't labor under the "protection" of unions, why should the police and fire be any different?

By the way, that's not meant to be an insult to the PD or the FD.
Jose, I'm fully aware of this because I own a sailboat and have sailed all of my life. That's why me and all my bluewater friends hide our good stuff. It's a game we play with the orange-nose boats. But just so you know, I've never been boarded while underway and would rather have those squids and crazy young men out there in all kinds of weather than not.

wait we can't have guns on boats even if we have class a's?? i must go search on this..
wait we can't have guns on boats even if we have class a's?? i must go search on this..

Dagnutz: It's hard enough to get water authorities to agree on what the offshore limit is,(3,12,200 miles) let alone what state's shoreline you are off of and whose license is valid or not. It has always been my experience that once you are truly offshore, you are on your own as far as firearms are concerned. I've sailed off of many different countries and the best advise I can give anyone is to hide your guns real good when approaching a landfall. This country or any other one. You can sight this or that law to the Coast Guard officer and make all the stink you want, correct or not, but you don't want to be bothered with all that crap once you are underway because when it comes down to a contest, the officer will win every time and you'll end up losing time, money and patience. Better to smile and let them have their way, while your little friends sit hidden in a safe spot. On big boats there is always a good hidy-hole or three.
hahah. no.. on the water though alot.. i guess this means i need a new plan for dealing with dogfish this fishing season...
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