Police Opinion on New Gun Laws

I spoke with an officer today who was clearly not on board with coming legislation. He also referred me to a range and said I could use his name, great guy. Definitely on our side.
If the police union in this state would come out for 2A rights, and stand up to the Linksys and their proposed legislation, it would do nothing but good for the legally-licensed gunowners of the Commonwealth.

This would help the cause. Especially if the police union protested at the Statehouse. I wonder if the media would cover it?
Thanks for the support.
I truly believe that there is enough collective sanity left in the Massachusetts House and Senate that they will not pass any of this ridiculousness as long as we voice our opinions as voters, taxpayers and law abiding citizens.

I believe New Yorkers thought the same thing prior to having the rep that said he would never vote on such a law turn against them.
438: Thank you for speaking out.
Hopefully more of you LEOs will do the same.
Your opinions carry far more weight with the pols than us crazy gun owners.
Unfortunately I think MA legislators are more than capable of passing this, making every voice that much more critical, yours even more so.
Much appreciated.
438 you definitely have guys on the other end of the state. Last night I was at a meeting with a friend of mine who's a patrolman/swat officer and he can't believe what they are proposing. We also got to talking duty and swat vests as his feeling is everyone should own one at this point with the way things are going. Then another friend who's on the same force posted this on fb with the message make note the police can't always be there. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/83028786/

Both guys say it's a general feeling throughout the dept. They are a green city btw
I believe New Yorkers thought the same thing prior to having the rep that said he would never vote on such a law turn against them.

I watched the whole NY assembly vote. One rep wouldn't have made a difference. Our side got steam rolled and many of the people on the other side were complete and utter morons. There were a few who spoke against the bill and they did very well.
My goal is to get as many police officers as I can to call their elected officials and voice their disdain for these proposed regulations
I actually would love to be at the State House tomorrow, however I will be working. I hope to attend another one of the public events in the near future. One thing I find so striking is that a licensed gun owner is a person who has been throughly backgrounded, investigated, interviewed and deemed by the state to NOT be a criminal, yet some people are fearful of them. In my experience, whenever I encounter an LTC or FID holder I know that they are a person who wants to comply with the law, and has endured an extensive process to do so. Sounds like a good person to me. Certainly not someone the police need to be overly concerned with.
My goal is to get as many police officers as I can to call their elected officials and voice their disdain for these proposed regulations

Thankyou and good luck,
I hope you can also get some of the people who are on the fence about guns to take another educated look at what the government is trying to pass and understand it better, any positive info from you hits harder then anything we could tell them.

Be safe
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I actually would love to be at the State House tomorrow, however I will be working. I hope to attend another one of the public events in the near future. One thing I find so striking is that a licensed gun owner is a person who has been throughly backgrounded, investigated, interviewed and deemed by the state to NOT be a criminal, yet some people are fearful of them. In my experience, whenever I encounter an LTC or FID holder I know that they are a person who wants to comply with the law, and has endured an extensive process to do so. Sounds like a good person to me. Certainly not someone the police need to be overly concerned with.

Awesome to hear your words. Thank you, sincerely.
Hello all, this is my first post on the forum, although I have been reading it for the past several years. With the recent events happening I felt compelled to give an opinion. I am a career police officer in a mid sized community in the greater Boston area, and have been so for 26 years. I belive my experience gives me some insight into crime and criminal behavior. I am also a gun owner, avid target shooter, trap shooter, and hunter (bow and gun). I lawfully own several of the guns the Commonwealth has deemed "evil".
In recent days I have had numerous conversations with literally dozens of fellow police officers from all over the state, and we all agree on one thing: None of the proposed legislation recently filed will have any effect on crime or criminals. It will only punish and hinder lawful gun owners. Anyone who believes otherwise is detached from reality. I would like to convey to the others on this forum that most police officers are not in favor of burdensome regulations that serve no purpose other than to criminalize otherwise lawful citizens. Really, most street officers and line supervisors get it: the lawful gun owner is not the enemy. I am not concerned that someone who goes through the Commonwealth's licensing process is going to use their gun to commit a crime. It just doesnt happen that way. People who commit crimes with guns do not worry about licenses, magazine capacity, pre ban, post ban whatever. They don't care. That's why they are criminals. We realize that the lawful gun owner is our friend, family member, neighbor etc. They are members of the community we serve, and they should not be demonized for excercising a Constitutional right.
I would echo what others have posted and urge you to call your elected officials and voice your opinion on these recent legistlative proposals which will be disasterous to all lawful gun owners. This is my personal opinion only. Thank you.

Please Please PLEASE go public with this! Your opinion DOES matter, and carries more weight than ours alone. Your voice is equivalent to ten thousand of us "regular folk." I hope this gets posted on mainstream news outlets everywhere! Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.
My goal is to get as many police officers as I can to call their elected officials and voice their disdain for these proposed regulations

is there any chance that some of you could show up when these bills are being discussed in committees? I'm not sure if that would ruffle some feathers or not with your union, but you're still a citizen and a voter. you could offer some insight that many of us don't have... officially anyways ;)
I actually would love to be at the State House tomorrow, however I will be working. I hope to attend another one of the public events in the near future. One thing I find so striking is that a licensed gun owner is a person who has been throughly backgrounded, investigated, interviewed and deemed by the state to NOT be a criminal, yet some people are fearful of them. In my experience, whenever I encounter an LTC or FID holder I know that they are a person who wants to comply with the law, and has endured an extensive process to do so. Sounds like a good person to me. Certainly not someone the police need to be overly concerned with.

First, welcome

Second, there is no real fear of the Massachusetts-screened lawful gun owner, by most of the elected officials. They know 1) that they're law-abiding,and 2) that they're nervous about suitability, which is why I coined the term "Massprudence".

The Antis just don't like guns.

Since they see no "need" and since in their minds the mere presence of firearms is a potential danger, they need to be removed at all costs.

Most people in Mass do not have a dog in this fight; there is NO impact upon a Non from any of the current, or proposed legislation.

We, as gun owners, are a minority, and minority voting blocs get little respect. Until a month ago, there was no political benefit from being Anti (unless you're Bloomerg, or Menino). Now, due to the pent-up frustration of the Antis getting release, it' go-time for them.

Best case - shit for us
Worst case - not much happens (though every little win is still a win) and they can cry that the Gun Lobby thwarted the will of the people. And they wait.

I hope that I don't come across as "calling you out" but you ID yourself as an LEO.....when you DO attend a rally, meeting, or whatever, be in uniform. Cops are afforded a special degree of trust in our society....when an Anti CoP says, "Ban big clips, and killy guns, he's in a blue suit. When the Middlesex Sheriff moderated a Gun Violence panel, he had a mini-badge on his lapel. When you (this goes to all LEOs, and other "first responders" here) speak out, you need to do the same.
First, welcome

Second, there is no real fear of the Massachusetts-screened lawful gun owner, by most of the elected officials. They know 1) that they're law-abiding,and 2) that they're nervous about suitability, which is why I coined the term "Massprudence".

The Antis just don't like guns.

Since they see no "need" and since in their minds the mere presence of firearms is a potential danger, they need to be removed at all costs.

Most people in Mass do not have a dog in this fight; there is NO impact upon a Non from any of the current, or proposed legislation.

We, as gun owners, are a minority, and minority voting blocs get little respect. Until a month ago, there was no political benefit from being Anti (unless you're Bloomerg, or Menino). Now, due to the pent-up frustration of the Antis getting release, it' go-time for them.

Best case - shit for us
Worst case - not much happens (though every little win is still a win) and they can cry that the Gun Lobby thwarted the will of the people. And they wait.

I hope that I don't come across as "calling you out" but you ID yourself as an LEO.....when you DO attend a rally, meeting, or whatever, be in uniform. Cops are afforded a special degree of trust in our society....when an Anti CoP says, "Ban big clips, and killy guns, he's in a blue suit. When the Middlesex Sheriff moderated a Gun Violence panel, he had a mini-badge on his lapel. When you (this goes to all LEOs, and other "first responders" here) speak out, you need to do the same.
I'd love to do that, but I'd very likely be fired the very next morning.
438, Superbly stated! Making a statement like that to the media for the general public to hear, even if your identity is protected, would be more powerful and heard more clearly than 10,000 similar letters from the rest of us. The overwhelming majority of lawful gun owners are right there on the side of LE. By nature we care about what is right and protecting the innocent, as we know you do every day. Many of us are civic leaders, volunteers, first responders, educators... Reading what you wrote is an incredibly uplifting message of hope to every one here. Thank you for your courage!
I'd love to do that, but I'd very likely be fired the very next morning.

For those of us that do not know protocol, what could you do to ID yourself as a LEO but without being in full uniform? I don't mean to us, we take you at your word. I mean people from the outside looking in.
I'd love to do that, but I'd very likely be fired the very next morning.

Regretfully probably true. Or at the least denied Details or given the crap shifts, depending upon your COP's feelings. But it could make for a very interesting lawsuit considering you're not breaking any laws. Just supporting the Constitution.

NOT calling you out personally!!!! Don't know what I would do in your personal situation. But hopefully a groundswell is happening where you could actually exercise your 1st Ammendment before they take away our 2nd Ammendment.
I am not overly concerned what my union thinks. We have an agreement: I pay them dues every month and they represent my fellow officers and I when we collectively bargin with the town at contract time. They also provide legal representation if i need it, which I never have. My only concern is what I am allowed to do as far as my employer is concerned. I need to be mindful that I am representing a personal opinion, although it is based on my career experience, and not that of my agency or town. That being said I will explore exactly what I can and cannot do as far as lending my opinion in a more public arena. I know for a fact that I am not allowed to wear my uniform or shield in any capacity other than an official duty one. That being said, my bosses are very fair people so I will certainly see what my work/personal opinion parameters are. I would like to get a personal meeting between a group of police officers and our elected representatives to discuss the matter. I do not see this as being an issue at all.
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