Remember who signed off on this……Pretending that EFA10s matter at all in the face of whatever the new thing is going to be is funny. That database has so many lies and trash in it based on lack of knowledge or misappropriation of its "purpose" that I think legally its contents matter very little WRT "what thing X actually was on Y date". There are thousands of things in there that aren't guns under current law and because the definitions shift on 10/23 it creates confusion. You could easily correct an error on a submission but it's not worth the effort. For the pant shitters club I would be more concerned about whatever the new system is when it exists assuming a court doesn't outlaw it before the drop dead date. (This is for another thread).
Im going to stop here because I don't think this thread should be used to discuss long term hypotheticals- i am going to do some cleaning later when i am at a real computer.
As a smoke test though we should stick with "what's real life on the ground now and likely on 10/23" etc. Court cases etc belong in other threads. I may create an additional thread in GD outside of the existing trash one for this purpose.