Prep of The Day Thread

i spent an hour this morning watching jim bakker, the televangelist. remember him? tammy faye...heritage usa...back in the day? well now, he's hawking, along with new wife, prepper supplies to keep you away from the coronavirus infected who roam the planet, and soon coming to a neighborhood near you. he's got 60 meal buckets that feature "chicken-like" soups and stews, thick irish oatmeal. how thick you ask? i guess you can add a half gallon of water to a serving size and eat it for days. bakkers wife said "yummy, we eat from the bucket several times a week!" yes, she actually said that. they sell a generator with solar option, a series of solar panels embedded onto a folding card table you can deploy in seconds to catch the rays. and lastly, he still sells that silver solution nose spray that made the news last week. the cdc, fda and ftc told him to stop claiming it kills the virus along with among other things, common flu and colds, achs and pain when used topically, dandruff when you spray it on your head and as a virus shield if you keep the spray bottle handy and spritz your surroundings. disclaimer: bakker doesn't say it kills the virus any more, but says it does "something."

ok, best yet, if i buy my prepper supplies from bakkers ministry, god will look down favorably at me and possibly keep me and the family safe, and send me the optional hand crank, a $125 option, for the generator. they didn't say if the crank was shipped from heaven or earth.

We want a full report when you get the shipment...
Received two cases of Wolf 223, 1 Gold, 1 Polyperformance 55gr.

I was joking with the FEDEX driver as I was holding a rag over my face saying "stop right there....corona virus".....we both laughed and he said he's delivered about 35 cases of bleach to individual homes on his route in just the past week along with lots of other cleaning supplies. He said people are getting panicky.
Had to make a run to town this morning to pick up a couple of prescriptions for my wife. I decided to stop in the local Kroger's and get a couple of things while I was in town. Hit a sale on beef chuck roasts......$34.00 marked roasts for for $13.43, a $23.00 roast for $10.34 and a couple of others. Picked up four and vacuum packed 3 of them and into the freezer, the other will be cut up for beef barley soup tomorrow.

As I was walking through the store I noticed a large empty space in one guessed it......the toilet paper spot....not a single roll in the store of any type or brand and only about six rolls of paper towels.

I was talking to the cashier while checking out and she said people were checking out with two and three carts full of TP.
She was laughing, saying one lady said she was going to put them on ebay and quadruple her money:rolleyes::rolleyes:[rolleyes][rolleyes].....we both chuckled.
Had to make a run to town this morning to pick up a couple of prescriptions for my wife. I decided to stop in the local Kroger's and get a couple of things while I was in town. Hit a sale on beef chuck roasts......$34.00 marked roasts for for $13.43, a $23.00 roast for $10.34 and a couple of others. Picked up four and vacuum packed 3 of them and into the freezer, the other will be cut up for beef barley soup tomorrow.

As I was walking through the store I noticed a large empty space in one guessed it......the toilet paper spot....not a single roll in the store of any type or brand and only about six rolls of paper towels.

I was talking to the cashier while checking out and she said people were checking out with two and three carts full of TP.
She was laughing, saying one lady said she was going to put them on ebay and quadruple her money:rolleyes::rolleyes:[rolleyes][rolleyes].....we both chuckled.

You made me look for fun...

I have an old well in my back yard. What would be a good way to purify this water in a real SHTF scenario? Can I just run it thru a britta or zero water? Boil it first? From what I understand our ground water isn't contaminated.

I have an old well in my back yard. What would be a good way to purify this water in a real SHTF scenario? Can I just run it thru a britta or zero water? Boil it first? From what I understand our ground water isn't contaminated.


No you cannot just run it through a britta or zero water......that would be very foolhardy.

What you understand and what IS might be two completely different things. You don't know whats in it.

Get the well tested and get an analysis first before you even think about using it for drinking/cooking purposes.

Do it now, so if you do need to use it you know what you have.
On this weekend's list is taking the hose and cleaning a section of gutter away from trees plus getting a new, clean trash barrel that I'll wash and putting it away clean. Storing water in a barrel doesn't seem safe, so my plan is to set it out after enough rain to rinse the roof and gutters, then transfer from the barrel to clean jugs.
I've got streams within a mile or 2, but if it's so bad people are getting thirsty I wouldn't make that trip without my 2 sons as armed guards.
Stores were absolutely crazy this morning. Thankfully I only needed some fresh greens, fruits and extra steaks.... TP/paper goods aisle was wiped out. No Ramen noodles [laugh2], canned meats looking slim. Lots of blanks and gaps.. Also the Meds aisle was a hit or miss. If you haven't finished your preps you are getting close to being too late if they pull some kind of Baker inspired self quarantine for a week or two.
Can't watch the news as it is all doom and gloom from the Mass Media.
One table spoon powder to one tablespoon water. I plan on using these as ingredients where an egg is needed.

This is good stuff. I am taking on chickens this year, so I am trying to figure out how to maximize my surplus of eggs. How do you dehydrate them?
Stores were absolutely crazy this morning. Thankfully I only needed some fresh greens, fruits and extra steaks.... TP/paper goods aisle was wiped out. No Ramen noodles [laugh2], canned meats looking slim. Lots of blanks and gaps.. Also the Meds aisle was a hit or miss. If you haven't finished your preps you are getting close to being too late if they pull some kind of Baker inspired self quarantine for a week or two.
Can't watch the news as it is all doom and gloom from the Mass Media.
We did chickens for a couple of years and really enjoyed the fresh eggs. We let ours run around the yard during the day (hopefully to eat ticks) and locked them up at night. My wife really bonded with them and was pretty upset when a fox got a couple. She gave the rest to a friend with a large barn and lots of chickens. Her friend said our chickens were the dumbest chickens she had ever seen. It took them a week to figure out how to get out of her barn. She said it was the breed, not known for their intelligence.

We are looking to get some chicks soon. If anyone has a recommendation for a breed I'd appreciate it.
This thing is going to last months. Containment is going to fail to a large degree. except for those following extreme protocols. You should have already have thought forward and planned for what to do when your household becomes infected. I have little doubt mine will.

Its been known well for weeks that pneumonia is a likely outcome for severe cases. Its been known that there is going to be a shortage of antibiotics and critical meds being held hostage by China. You should have already planned for that. It has been forecasted that hospitals and ICU capacity will be overrun, leaving many unable to get things like oxygen therapy. So why are you still so focused on food? That should have been taken care of long ago.

You need to be thinking through all of the worst case scenarios, add your assessment of reality, and how fast things can advance (hint: we are entering exponential growth phase), and try to stay ahead of the masses. Worst Cases: One week and most businesses will have cut way back and you need to work from home if possible. Two weeks and the supply chain is wiped out, cases have skyrocketed and most non-essential businesses could be closed. Layoffs accelerate and no income for hourly workers. Three weeks and nobody is going anywhere without being fully suited up, and medical facilities will be overwhelmed. Market is at 50% of its highs. Bank holiday anyone? Brown outs? How well have you planned?
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