Prep of The Day Thread

dang it! I forgot to buy pork rinds. We don't eat them often but they are one of the few mass produced things we eat. And it seems to be a big thing down here. hopefully I will find a few bags next week. the only problem with them is that usually if we get a bag, we eat them. It should be interesting to see if we can actually keep 3 bags in the house for more than a week. (we might eat 3 bags in 6 months normally)
Gatorade and popsicles, for if you get a fever.

Seeds for the garden. Fresh veggies are 2 months away.

Peanuts. They'll "stick with you" for a while if nothing else. Keep one in the car for while on the road.

Dried apricots are pretty good.

Oh, and ziploc bags for leftovers or single servings (I will use for father in law).
dang it! I forgot to buy pork rinds. We don't eat them often but they are one of the few mass produced things we eat. And it seems to be a big thing down here. hopefully I will find a few bags next week. the only problem with them is that usually if we get a bag, we eat them. It should be interesting to see if we can actually keep 3 bags in the house for more than a week. (we might eat 3 bags in 6 months normally)

Have you tried microwavable pork rinds? They have a good shelf life and are nice and fresh when you cook them. The spicy ones are pretty spicy. For those on a keto diet they make a nice breading for chicken if you crush them.

Pork rinds
Tell her to try a second store... or a third or a fourth.

I did, basically told her tough sh*t. She won't starve to death, the world isn't ending, the roads aren't closed. I reminded her all week, she yessed me to death. Figured this would be a good lesson.
She called her mother five minutes later. Everyone knows the outcome of that call. We don't even charge for bags either.
Not sure if it has been previously mentioned in this thread. I am too lazy to scroll back up. An inexpensive sinus wash system like a Neti pot helps a lot. I use it every day when I get home from work. I mix pickling salt and baking soda as a homemade solution. (don't use iodized salt).

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I've had a cold and headache for week now. On Mucinex DM. Ibuprofen, tons of fluid. Going to try one of these today.
I've had a cold and headache for week now. On Mucinex DM. Ibuprofen, tons of fluid. Going to try one of these today.

As Choctaw said get a Neti pot. These are the greatest things ever invented. I get sinus infections and this thing is a life saver. Takes a little practice but soon it becomes second nature.

You don’t need anything fancy. In fact a light weight plastic one is easier to maneuver in my opinion.

I also recommend getting the Neti salt to start. It’s cheap enough, finely ground and dissolves quickly. You only use a small amount. Don’t use iodized salt and don’t use it without salt.
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pretty sure it means she is coming to dad's "pantry" to stock up for herself.

Yes understood...but that type of dependent, victim mentallity just doesn't compute in my world.......especially with adults unless they are of severely diminished brain function and cannot help themselves or figure their way out of a pair of pants.

I have little patience for adult, functioning people who refuse to even try to help themselves and so selfishly think nothing of becoming someone elses burden. I especially don't tolerate that from family.......they know better.
Yes understood...but that type of dependent, victim mentallity just doesn't compute in my world.......especially with adults unless they are of severely diminished brain function and cannot help themselves or figure their way out of a pair of pants.

I have little patience for adult, functioning people who refuse to even try to help themselves and so selfishly think nothing of becoming someone elses burden. I especially don't tolerate that from family.......they know better.
I "hear" you but my son will always be my son. We are at a point of our lives where he is about to launch (for the 2nd time) and we have tried to teach him to be prepared for things unexpected. At the same time we have the ability to be prepared enough that if he fails to prepare, we have it covered. I think any parent that has the ability to help their "children" regardless of age likely have that in the back of their minds. We do want them to NOT use the "safety net" we provide.
I've had a cold and headache for week now. On Mucinex DM. Ibuprofen, tons of fluid. Going to try one of these today.

You sure we're not going to catch the virus with you posting here????? [laugh2]

Not laughing at you, laughing with you. It's been a very long time since I've had a lingering years but I still remember how much they suck. Hope you get well soon.
Antone see how its PC now to call what we have been doing, talking about and practicing the new term is Hoarding. Not prepping but you are a Hoarder.

Ebola woke me up and made me see how simple supply lines could get effected, like we are seeing. So every day Items could dry up and have.
We where laughed and scoffed at, and this is not some rant like I am a know it all or I am superior to others, no it just the hour has come to put the rubber where it meets the road and we can look back and say yep saw this coming.
Antone see how its PC now to call what we have been doing, talking about and practicing the new term is Hoarding. Not prepping but you are a Hoarder.

Ebola woke me up and made me see how simple supply lines could get effected, like we are seeing. So every day Items could dry up and have.
We where laughed and scoffed at, and this is not some rant like I am a know it all or I am superior to others, no it just the hour has come to put the rubber where it meets the road and we can look back and say yep saw this coming.

Ya, people will call you (us) hoarders ....right up to the time when they need something that you put away in good times.
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6 more bags of food for chickens and finished rotating fuel stores, including 6 new diesel, because the cans were on sale for 14.99, so I bought ALL they had.

Also bought vegetable seeds and fertilzier. Hope it's to grow for fun, and not for real
Serious question. If pic related is in a basement or an attached garage, how do you manage to sleep at night? Ive been wanting to store a couple cans under the back steps but I cant get myself to do it. Cant really give you any realistic scenarios as to how they could ignite, but just feel real uncomfortable having more than a gallon or tow stored at the house. Am I crazy?
Serious question. If pic related is in a basement or an attached garage, how do you manage to sleep at night? Ive been wanting to store a couple cans under the back steps but I cant get myself to do it. Cant really give you any realistic scenarios as to how they could ignite, but just feel real uncomfortable having more than a gallon or tow stored at the house. Am I crazy?

Store gasoline away from the house. Under steps or porch or in attached garage or basement is not the place.
Serious question. If pic related is in a basement or an attached garage, how do you manage to sleep at night? Ive been wanting to store a couple cans under the back steps but I cant get myself to do it. Cant really give you any realistic scenarios as to how they could ignite, but just feel real uncomfortable having more than a gallon or tow stored at the house. Am I crazy?

It's not in either a basement or attached garage. The attached garage has a Yukon (31 gallon tank) a Tahoe (30 gallon diesel tank) a quad, (5 gallon) and a pressure washer, chain saws, etc in it. It's also got cameras and extinguishers, as well as smoke and heat detectors in's a matter of perspective.
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Made another batch of kimchi this afternoon, three half gallon canning jars.

Not much else going on.....mild temps but raining hard. Pulled out another Dakota Alert motion sensor and programmed it and will go out and place it tomorrow on my morning walk with the dogs. image.jpeg
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